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:N_I -7FXLl.Aa:.. II Grenville&Fuller, HATÜíG ASSOCIATED thraiMl fr ths parpowol I il-'aling in the vanoofl nrticlea in tlie Urug tnuU ' ,1 ntfrjr foriuea lull assortiment -f Puro and Genuine Medicines, ! I Wineí, Note mvl tutter Paper, . Liquorit, kc, l'ancv Artillen, , IVrfumPry, Flavo riti;; Kxtriicts, ■ Comba, Faber'n Pencüx, c lírushes, AruoWs Inks. Uuii Djfus, (i R Popular Patent Medicines, c Jiiynes', Adams' Llver Balaaxn ! Ajew, HoBtetter'fi iïit.t.Ts, Holló way, Iíooíííutí's Germán Bitters ,, Brown's Troches, Townseodft :mfl Bryant'a Palmonarv Ralsuin, Guysotf ursajji-illfi. i PA1NTS, OILS, GLASS, &c, eco. 7.ÍHC, Vnrnish-1, Patent Dryer, Hibernla Green, nurniii Vluid, Camphtne, Tildenft Klutd KxtrnciM,Suj;ar Coated Pilis , fin-1 Granulef!. X. IÏ. l'rescript'ona comnnumled with tiettnt'ss mv H dutpatcfa bv expont-aced persons. O. GRKXVII.TJ;, JOHN ï FULLEE ' 742. t I l . i I 1 n_aP__aSTi i -rtSSS1 RESPEOTFULLY OFFER T H E I R iÖiJïnrn. ' ESSENCES OFLIQUORS in tKeir ncKnowledgEd purvty to the ( treuïe, Aídrtca . ... CA.KL EKLER KM(B, , ie=)V, CHICAGO ILL. 4 i (j'rav.linj Agenta Wante d7) Jtir WLXES & KNIGHT AHK NOTT -A. SPLENDID STOCK -OFDRYCOODS PunJiased fr tht EAELY F ALL TEA DE September 3, 1880. ALL CS-O ODSf AT OJELMillen &Co5s. I D. L WOOD & C0-, r í i ■ Havo Hco5ÍT-otl -A. L-AHO-E STOCK OF f Seasonable Goodsí JBOI" til 3 ' FLL Ar WINTER TRAD E, Of ïaeoc WHICH THET WILL SLLL ! p CHEAP F O R C A S TI, OR RL'ADY PAY ! í Ca axíí jeE Be f ore Parchas ing E'sci wtere. I D. L. WOOD. VT. G. TOSTER. 7 Genera) Land Agencyr PERSONA wuntin íarin, or resiiiencefiti oronit s' AnnArbor,ca bycallinfonnip select froma list 1 over IOO Farms For Sale! Oí vario llaea trom 3, te X3QU crefoach (aomHi goodanPyinthisConnty.) Morrtljau 5O DweliUK Housns nthisCi: yrom two hundicd to íourthousanddo Qiiuftch ; and over 2OO KÜILDIÍÍG LOTSJ Amongtiio ffirin are thií Bihopi inrin, W0m-, ,ƒ iin; Potter farin. In Green Oak; lie Placefarm , a j 4o ) aerte, thsHl&udoii muí íenfci l.timg, i a Web ter, tho Stubb, ölichmel Clancy, Newton Beegitn, and Pallahot FartBi, iu Ann Arbi.r; .I.Kii'.-bl.-y'-i Inrin in Pittsfleid the Hntch un 1 iíick Larmí it Lodi the ÏI'Ktiit'k í liyu lann i ti Kruedom; V. t!. ÍDarUon, II. (í. Bakers nd Bnek'a farnrt ÍnSyivpn. Moitn theso and many utbürs can to dlTÍOcd tu ui puro h men , K W MO.ÍGAV. An roj, J íd. Ui 1S56 06 Herrick's Sugar Coated Pill i r CHILUREN CRY FOB TttVJfi "„q, -sPf Thia romarkubl 7 irrS&Si V AincricBiirfiiwiiy sor' f "'"'"■ - rying the tcrn-id bv K sl'irm. Over fivo rnil lions ..I l„,xi..' e „,,(' ■'ft anii'iiill y. 1. ompnflM 1 ■■ , , BiBRdPK STB li liumiiTt syi tiu i„ .' : iHiiafaoli.rr KDr nrt mtwful. Artr ' i ■■■■;,. - '■ - - .- ' (rlaii'K -ol-il and fluid "- ----;- c.r tbe liody, tholr o i pi lest elti'ct. hl uld alaniiice ic, i-att l Irequentlv dei -. the B.v item, Ilial -m il fa lth the re nlt. .■ , weiwi n V I joint-t, nclunp Itinli . .;,-',' Rn rtd many rrlher khuls. T.iey tire v.:.1 rLiiaeü -,, "■'i n, orthe priee refunded. Tl.ey af tr)iailretl 'Pi IU r, licl !!l '■'' :-;"l-,i:. .'in any purgntlre pul ín thf iwriii j T ,-.f i il! rith st'fi'i?; , ■ iiA" ' ■ I if uxed, wil dotarn mud '1 .:. point the y'i. Kcrr:ck'sf.llli :,■,.,. ' , , 30 n .i bux.vüh ■ . -(j (tU fJf per Iju.; 5 i.„ji.-s for $1. [ÍERKICic'S KlD STREXOTOENiNfl PtAíTEB8. Thêgrnt Strrnqther and Pi.tH Dtitlroycr. The Bit and cMrapttt Houiehold Remr.dy ,'n tfie u-orhl. ■ no ned Plaatcni ■„,-. putos, wentneuand il;tresi in thobiiek,ldendbrent, In live houra. Indetri soecrUtoaretjipytodotliiB.thatthepropri.-ti.rwerrawn them Spread rirnm i-.-i,,,, bliir, :ol ,,:, beantH i tid leat] ■-:..,,,■ ■ ..,,,,.,,, pecullarly itoptedto tbe vraata ui Fmalm ana nthers. tbtirm.ktlo in i universal- equi in.thc (Idiote wonwa. nd ini recW Fntant To cath and all ihey wHlproM a n" ■ ■■■ Thelr uw t arcra We nd without annoyancs nr truuble. Ench ]'!: . . , , to loar mnnths, a„.t in rl inisintsi, nratrM elTwl curé lien all ot lief remafail. I-uil dirwtlon -11 i,e roun ■ .!.of c.ich. Public pewkers, n i amJother, u-ill sfrenitlion thdr lungüand in, ir vc.ices by vvearinr; theui ou Ihclr Lut-cft. Prlee lff cents. ' ' j: ;- Tii. ;.i.,v. articlei mt itMh} 11 tlie dcaleii ia AnnArbora i ithi irlim'utlie lriuted State, Cnna daa and Soutb Amxriea, at who)esal byaUlotg d the ,,':. ■ ;,: uitii HP3U:irK BROTHER, 1.VÍ37 rn.ifTlf.ul li-.Vii.T.-, ,;i..aio', N.Y. M R S . W I N SL 0 W ," An experienced Xurfleand KemalfThyidcian, pM.ölo Uit atti'iiti'ii oí' Ktütberi, iiri SootliiDg Syrup, For Cblldren Téethlnf. iiioh greatly Facilítales the proei - I' teethlnc, h tofteoing tlio gunu, reducing all nftunmuition- wUlaBaf a 1 pain an.l apuniodic action, and is ft) REGÚLATE THE BOWEIA Depend opon it. moiliers it wlllgire rcatto joarwfo( AX!i RQJEF AND IIK.M.TH T') YOUH INKAXTS. W liavo put up an'l s-jM tlii artlcle t'or uii t. a feara, and nu uty,tn rnnfiiirmr nncl Imi!i if :;,1 ' SOOTHING SYKUP, "f ic'ae-NVEU HAS IT FA1LKÜ, F BiN ! GliK IPÍSTAWCE, TOEFFFít'a CIHK, when tiniL-ly usen. N'mer did we knu ■ uu mtnuc of dlflsatisfHclion by any nne niii qwkI II On ihc co&trar al! are delightetl rith lta operstionn, una speak in tcnr-I of bi-licst commendation if itn marica 1 pffects tid medica] vtrtnes. We spcak in tbi mat t ei -m Hn m do lcno"v,' aitt-L teu ; para' extifricoce, ni.fl pJeflice onr reputatlon for ilic fuilïllim-itt of hnt i Ucic ílwlare. In alrotwt every instance whr tlio In! ■ n ,- fn in an-l exhauation relinf io'uifl in flfleen or tirenty minutes after tb nip i.s admÍDÍ8terod ïhU viUróble preparation fq tho prefierhjttof ont uf thtmortËXPERIEXCED and BKII.FUL NCRSE9 in N. Eugland, tii'i lias been ust-d witli nkkk-kmi;.o ülcxta TüOrS.VXDS OF CASES. It nut oaly reUerea ui:.' child froia pahD,Uut invigorat tlie tstomach aoü bo ■■ ncklity, and girei Viioa RDdeneiyy tothe vhole sj-ntea?. It nilljilaio&i LusUiM Ij relw i e I aiïilXOIn ilijiïOWRLS, and WIXD Collo, ïï;!,:;;:;r;;",ï forThíl]dbeñ: í;1::::1; TEETgING. 1$L sn;K;-'í r.i.VIJiY, in nïi or nfs' ENTi.::', and MARKHOSA IX CIlIIJiKEi ivhctlier it Brisen ftom teetling, . In in any i . yt wouIJ say tu ever motlier who has n child suflerinir i'rnniiiny of the foreg'oi complniuts - ko .ot ikt y.t k PRRII iIiKS. :- I THE Hu.: ■ . . r, , l ,..:WP,-n ynurisiiUVriiiu' child andtheni.i that wil) be STRE- yea ;."!',.-' i;.r i l ■ l.V SURE- to fullow t. use of biaáiaiUcine.if timplv oed. Ful] directions forusirwiH bcci n panv each bottje. None cenuine unlasx tha faciuille of CURTÍS & PBIlKINb, New Kirto.otti," siJe -rapper. SoW by Drugíiatí througlifrtit Ilio woild. . PrïiirlpaipXHce. Ko. 13 Sticrt, Jï Piiceciüy 25 Cents per Eottle. Important National Works, rublished bj D. AITI.KTON & rn., 346 AND M8 BROADWiYKEW YOI K The foUowing vorkfl are sent ín Snbseribera in any pnrt of the country, (upon receipt of ratail yrice,J by u.iül or ' n is. prepaid: THE KWAMKRIAlf CYCiOrnsm ■ A Popular Dictionnrjr of General Knoledj;e. Editei' ir Oi. Hipi.ev ajid ÖURiKS i. luw. nided by a nntne aeleet corpa of wrtters in aU braiïchea ui' ticieneen, .-.rt and Literature. Thia wurk U being publtsbed ii i.t 15 largè octave x-olumës.i neh containing Ti'.n two-ooh ui pages. Vota. I., )I., HL, IV. V., VI , Ml., m., ,. are noV réady, each cnn'ainrug nenr l;")( d.nv ' rtj des. An addittonal roltfne will be pulilis) el cinei ia al.euf three i Price, in Clulh. S; Fl eep, Í3.00: l.'air Rassla, ti.'D i-ach. Tbe New American Cyclofasdla Is popular without 1iiiL' Bunerfieml, learneil wjihout beiiu' peli ntic, i-Miipchvnivi bui suJncicntly :-;:iür!. free ii-, mi p, r . n;t; i i u and parij prejuUcet fresli and vi-t accurate. Il H coiBplcte stateruenl of al) Iha) s knonn uj on ituij im portnnt tupie trithin the scojje of human intelligence.- Kvery important article ii, 1 lias been -,i-,-i;ilh u lor Ita pace.-ihy men wlioure authodties upiin the tupio " wli ';- 'l ■ ■ P' i I i hej are lequired to tl n r Oubject up to prexent moment to tate -■■■t h-w it hoip. All the statistie ,,, th Inictt report: the ■ uuts It.p (ace with the latert exploratior; historica! matters laclodi the fnwhest Jnst views; the bmgranhieal ucitices ,ids ak not onlj of Uw dead bot alao of the living, n is a lilicary ir iifir .Y-tlUIHiEitlliVT OF TUK DKHATMS OP" CONGRES8 IVInï a l'uHfkal Hintory of the fnitul States, l'mni the. oraniuttiou of the flrst Kederat (%. gressin I7S9 to 183(1. Ërlitidand oojniilltd l.v 11, n. Tío Hart assTOX.friim Die OIHrial Records of CiingreKf rk wilt be comiiieteil in 15 royal octavo v,luiaf of 750 rgeseach, 11 of . . Ú resdy. Ad art. ditiimal völumo will be puhlUhed onee fn tln-i-c monUu Cloth $3; Uw Sheip, Half Mor., 4, Half falf. $4.nü ench. AWAYOKl'ROCrRINOTIIKI.'VCI.Or.KIHA ORDEBATW Form ;i clulj of föur, and relnit t}ie pvit-t' of four bookai, and Dn copies will be sent at tbe remitter's expenaefoc earriage; or for ten rabserfbem, eieren coplea will b. sent at our expense for carriage. To AkciiIi. Xo other work wilt so liberally reward the eer+ln of vgents. A A(;i:vr w .'..VThn in this Coexn Tkiu made known ou appjicatioa t" tlie Tubli-siier1. Ann U.-uxli. 185 '. -:,mt -ï 0 Bev rIO8. Wclüllr, agent at Kiuue s ín, Si Booktoro, Ypailanti. MICH I tí A N S ü I ÏTH E K N & NOETIÏERN 1ND1AXA liAILRÖAI). 1800. m'.mm;:u arraxcempnt. u jv. 1 ruina now run on tlii v,. PutÜflvs escriSI folio vs: ÍLere Toledo poTaUcng at 10 Cl X M .-i-: ÏOCSP r. ' Detroit ■' ■ " 7 0 ■■ ■ 7 4n Armiño [n Chicago fiom Toledo and 1 etroit ai s (H r M n 8.-00 A. tf. Arriveat lïetruit from Toledo, at7;C5A.M fi-flO f. M.,n:vl 11:00, A il Arrivo in Xctroit from Cliica?.TatC.öO V. M.,tndC.C& A. M. Jrrive in Toledo from Clncao i.fQ P. M. n' 4 5' l M. and 8.40 1'. M. Lsave Adrián for Jackiñnát ' Jackuu for Aflrian m iS.OO A M., and 1,SO P. ÏT. f COXNECTfON?. At Toi-kpo- With f'ieve] ■ ; tedo RèU Rond nith WalMish Valiey Rail I At QetBüit- With (ïr%nd Trunti RuUirar, wüh Cirwt Wofltfvn Railwuy, aïso, with Ibt Df Iroit undMTtTv:tul.'e, ïUiln At Ni-:t Aibatv ft ?AtEM R. IÍ ( ii"isi;--V,iih Tra'a for 1 afsyette, New AlbaDj atd LouiBTtB. At Chicago - With Chïtnfro an1 Rock Wan-Í, ■ -. UUwauki e, Qbicago. Burliigt p and -Nurth Wet Rail waj- Chicago, Allon and SI. Louib, HUnui Central, airf to all Pointn Wel and South. Í" Tmtxui ttrerun by Chicagn time, p'hfch i 20 Biinutfs sl-ivt-v tha.n Ivïivit time. fSF Woodxuff'a Patent fcfleeplng Cars accompanr fhs Night ïraina on thi i Raute. if N'o chuugc of cars betweou Detroit, AdrlfcB and Chicago. JfcW Time eind Fi:re the same as by finy otliw lla.l Iloail KunTo. JXO. D. CAMl'POX. Gene-al Sup rinicndnit. NOW IS THE TIME TO COMIÏÏENCE F0RMING CLUBS roit the - NEW YORK WEEKLY. -,1NDCOMIC PICTOKIAL PHUNiNY PIÏELL0WH! i .-1 SPLESpiJ) n;KMU :i TO EVERY SUB-CRtBEHf!! THE NEW YORK WEEKLY - AND PJCTOIilAL riIUN"Y PitlÜLLÖW O.NTE Y KÁ: Fon TWO DOLLARS!!! GUH TERRIS T0 CLÜB3. i. 1 eopj wip vi-.-it i"J, hb' the . r'--t'"-:i Pliugnx I '- tl ;cr rrjlf. I" '" .. . . $3. yi 1 j T'rcroi'iui, 4" '■ ....Srt, - ' f, fl " " ... tV. i 8" " ...Sia. ■' ■' r, U) ' ' i! '-" " ...ÜS, II ii Ptnil f' r ,i Sp. ,Vmcn Xumbfr, vrli,ib ii furnisliM . indoontaitu full]iarUeulai.i ir ! KliMH'MS. ï. STREET & SMITS, ,,,, .. , .... ; .... „-,.,.,-, B orTM KEV ,TOfJ VVI EKI v 2'íl-immni'. Strtf,,


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Michigan Argus