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The Michigan Argus

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S PUBLISHED ivíky Frimt, in the Third Story of Ui Bliek Block, comer of Main and Hurón fetreets, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, Entrence on Hurón dtreet, oppositc the Franklin. E L I ü TT B , POND KcLitor and 3?u.blisHer. TES.ÏIS, l,5O A ÏEAR IN ADVANCB. ADVERTISING. On square (12 lines or less) one week, M cents; na 24 aents for insertion thereafter, lens thau tnree Dne quar 3 montb ..SS Quarter col. 1 jear L0 One do 6 do ....5 Half oolmn C mo 18 rto lvear 8 Half ] 1 Jar f. Two q'rea 6 mos 8 One do 6 mos 35 Two do l;r 12 " do l f"" 60 liiAi-tUcmmn unaccompanied by writteu ervirJEiSXfSïto " until out "d tharsed accordingly!„., ,dvcrtieroents, firat insertion, 60 cïnts per olio M cents per folio fnr each subsequent insertion. ,., ' , „ostponempnt ia addert to an advertisement the rhol "11 be cbirged the same as lor flrst insertion. job miivTTiasrca-Pamplilets.Hivnd-bills, Circulars, Cards, Rail Tickets, ind tlier rarieties of l'lain and Fancy Job Printing, jxecuted withproniptness, and in the bbst STYIJI. BOOK BÏNLING Connected with the Office ís a Book Binclery in charge f a eonipüteat workman. County Records, Leggers, Tournals, ind all kinds of Blank Buoks made to order, tnd of the best :tock. Pamphlets and Periodiculs bound m a neat and du table marnier, at Detroit prices. Entranr.ato Binder jthroug-h irgus Office.


Old News
Michigan Argus