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ill some correspondent kindly info rm Onelsen Demócrata, as to what has become of Judge Grangur ? Mora tliun two months ago ho gave consent for his Oholsea admirera to publidy ohallenge HoflG G. V N. Loturop i'or a discussion of politica! issues beiora the people of ühelsea; but so soon as Mr. Lotiirop pohtuly accepted the challenge, forthwith Gkanuer backed out, and left his Chelnea JRepublican frionds to stand out in the cold. They, however, consoled thcmselves by afterwards pablisbing a modest cali to the Democracy for a ''joint meoting" of Messrs. Lotaroh and G-bakobr and stated that tho friends of both n-ould come out to hcar them. The Douglas Club of Ohelsea, thankful for email iavors, responded immudiatoly witb n reepoctful invitation to the Judgo, to be present at the proposed "joint meoting," and advocate his own ólaitna to office. But when tho day arrived, Gkangbr shovved the " white feather." and again backed out; siucwiwhich time nothinhas been heard of either Ghanoer, chailengas. or joint meetings. Is Mr. Qrahoxr engaged in writing a history of tho rise and fall of KnowNothingism in Manchester, or in writing hia own uatobiograpny or have repeated back outs proved fatal to hiin ? Wo inxiously repaat the question, What hat become of Granger ? 1NQÜIRER. Cholsea, Oct. 20,1860 Old Macxisaw, or the Fortrcss of the Lalce-i aml ïts Surroundinga By W P. Striokland. Piitliuielphia : James Challen & 6ox, 4t'4ppl2 mo. The author lias given ns in a volume thus titled a brief sketch of old Fort M&cfeinaw ite Indian, Frencli, tëritish, and meriean historv. with a more enlarged view of its "summndings." Tne old legendury histoiy is replete with interest, and the phytical de scription of that port ion of our Península, nnd all the "surrounding" eou itry, preseniH in a condensed stnipe inuch valuable informft tion Wo ciui hardly beliuve, however, that the water has found the loea.ion of the grtat interior eom nercial metropolis, and tlitit, 'OKI ilickinaw" will loon uossesa a ponula tion of 100,00?. The texi hears evidenoe of mueh research, and yet of having been prepared with aliaste that has Ui lo inaocuraeies For example, we are told thf waterB of Iske Miohigin are eraptied through the Straks of Mackinaw, and yet Chioago is ppoken of as bing at the foot of t :at L 'ke. There are freq:ont oraissions of words.occasional gmmmiUieal inaccuraeies and in makin quotations there has been great wunt of care in properly muking tlicm. These faults with SDinu ypographioal oni'i. m:ir the b.-a-.:ty of the work ; but with all these it is worthy a general reading by suuh citizena of our Stüta as woulJ beooma aoqauiatad with li-r vast resources sale by J R "Webstku & Oo. TüE BlBLK AND SoClAL KüF Kil Or iho Scrip lurcs as a nieant oí uirinzn.ion i)j iv a I TLEit A. JI l'liil idflphia : Jaks-i Challes fe Sos 306 ppláino Aftur eonsidering the ge.miiieness, authnntieity, an 1 iiupiration of tho Soriptures, the autlior B8Sumetha poiicioa tht thny :ire the gri;at civilizc-r. and tbat vithout reyalation tlu'rcis nohigli stu'e of civilization The ar (yuin-ntíi are drawfl frotii anciotit. uid modern lisiory and the Jews PhoBuician, 'gyp tians, Grecks, Kumitiis, Persians. AaéyrfaiM Scj-lhans, Arabians. Britons Peruviana Hi doos, Further n lian, Cihiesi), Japuncge. Af ricun tribes and üho [(landen of the Sa, ■witli the Indiun rucos of our owu country, ra all brouglil apon the stand. The ttyle of :ha author is elear and concisj, and facts are ctatcd without ornament or ezaggeratiun. It ■wili be read wilh pleasure by all ctiristinn reader into wliosc hamls it may fall, and might be read with profit by thuse who scoff at the doctrines of ohristianty 'and the state ments of revelation. For sale by J R. Webster 4 Co. Histort of Indepexuence Hall ; from the eartiest period lo the preseut Lime Embrncing Biographie ol the tigners of tli Declaration of [ndependanoe, witli Historicnl Sketches of tlie Sucrud Relioi prervd iü that sane uary of American Freedom. By D. W. üelisle Pliiladelpbi: Jamis CÏlALLEN & SON 396ppl2 mO Tho fullncss of the title we have quoteJ leaves us but littlo to soy by way of notioc, except that the author has don his work well. His subjtiet is ono around which the most sacredof memories cluster, sd we may eay in the langunge of the itle patje, 'Patriots ! go - t proud hall repair I Tbefflftcred roliC' wlncli ira treasurad thcra WitJi ni;:eleisrt etoquence hall teil Of those 1" f '" ti:r ci.intry feil," and if yon cnnot do that, buy and read, and let yuur children red the volume u ider notice. It will iwake.i anifw your p.itriotism , nul doftö!) your polilical aniinoaitiea, an.I cali frth hnartfelt prayerj for thu prcserration of the Union. F..r eale by J. R. Webster St Co. In and Arouvd Stamboul. By llrs Edmund Houxby Philadelphia : Jamis Challen fc Sun 500 ppl2ino. We liavehore, ra printed. we presume from an English edition, a volume ol' raov and readable lettera dísoriptive of life in and around Stamboul, or Conítantinople - whioh is raado to indudo a good sliure of Turkey even into the Crimea. For sale b_v J. li. Webster & Co A Man ByJ D Bell Phlldelphi: James Uuallkn ife Son. 4oá ppl2mo. A siír3 of csaiiys upon tan, oonsidered as an individual and as a membor of society. There are fourteen ohaptera o' pap-ra. eaoh havjng seiral tubdivisions or section3. As general divisiont we have, Kopresentati ve Invalida, the S.tnsee, the Student, the Intellecluul aids of Lore tlie Thinker, Conver-atiou, Wit and Laughler, Teara, Aspirutions Genius, th Discoverie, the Inventor, the Writer, and the t,hre Ingpirntions or the Poet, Orator, and Hero The pnptre are all readable and evidenea a knowledgu of human charaeter. For oale by J R Webster 4 Co. How to Eenjot Life . or, Physical and Mental Bygiene. Bv WrLLiAM CoLhelx. M D. Philadclphia : James Challen A i on A connectd nd ralunblu series upon the nece8sity of henlth to th enjoyui.'iit of life, and the me na uf preiervingit. The student and the man of general sedentary busine and habit8 will find in it mueh to interes' and instruet, presentad uot in dull, dry essays, but in a hnmorou, racy. style lts pages shoul.l be studied by all affiieted with many of tb fashionnble illa that flesh il heir to. Ft sale by J. 11 Webster fc Co.


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