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?ƒ ew_ -A-dvertisernente LIST Of LETTERS nSICAlNlHQ in the i'uatoulue ai Aua Arbor, Oct. SX -ïst, ibüü. Allen Mx Madiion J D br.An: Uk. Mary McCarty Dtmais üvrrett i'et r ilunruti oeu J Ui pok Miinali linruoic John O liurJ Mvron il fsortxnKevAF Buyn Ciianoitft Omaia lichttel Jusii ii C Oltnirtr Barbar Uute U K J Pen i;utü UUrü In M E PUner jara Catbarlne i rJd i3.oiü PurbOÜurwn Cooker W Beea K m i ui-niitiT Mr KteBbenhM Iï hJ .. tiü jo.m Kojb Frnk L Ftiiloun í.ia sabia üeu W Pnraan p tau n .-kdobñe M Usulev bnooil Sau.tu r-nnua Uou V j &uaijrJ A unuaer il eouuh twlM Haratn ApcU S.u-1 U C Uatuti tt il )iu.tu iydia Uwiaf .'jü ; i'Ji Liulu M.iry E ÜowarJ Jul.n Lut.i-u ü raui Huuu-rMnr Judo 5trour i --i Uulswi Jusepb tn .c.:.n t i jv.n,.,nu V WallaccJ ti Keubbiur Lir-ch Wwwr auwdiU &.Ú c lüirjua Waru kÜ K. ae .ir lo : Weiel ühristían LarwciUM jiin D WaÜÏ IJ Lavrituii n U Wuua tMwud Iaov Ora-iUtW WymanJobn .-laiiD ..üor0o Wr.gutMK Munn liirbiu Wuua Charles Forelgn Don.-v.m BartUolcroew forsoiu culiin lor any ot the abovo Ijetters will please "Í4TerUd7 H. D. BKNKKIT, P. M. GO TO G-UITEEMAN & CO'Ö I7OK GRKhl-Y'.S PAXSNT WXT.-i n.i-v at.d i? just th lh.n. Xhey bv Uw exclusivo jigut Kr tUe Ci;y. Also for the patent Draco .-ruspender. NOTICE. X7 BEREA8 RIT WlFfl CAROLINE has left ray bed ani " bj r l witaoutjuat ouse i r proovoaboo uil per ■ n-nTv li rbi-ï barb r Dgor tr i tag br i-n ray cooiuit,&Al siiaii uay n iei.ti oí íkt contructin after thifl tí ito. JuHN AN UFF Manchester, Öct. 30, 18C0. ÏWw3 NOTICE. Is hereby crivin flat -n Eteotton of Ofüeig of tbe iitTtn:.n F.T:iT ïiifl r noe om] n.' ol Wuh teo&w Coaütjr will bt beï'! n ta$3d &y i D"cra jit nex( at, , o cLocti 1', M. at tlie Heaidtnce of John Ko. h, in 1.-.A:. ui said Cvunfer,. JOHN KOCH tcretary . October 3d 1860. 4w772 1 OST_Onthe23d nit, a spockld Cow. : j yellow and vhita with ehort strnight liorna eigh or nintí ye;irs old. Any one who will r.'turD her to A FELCH.or give information wIkt-. slie may be fuuuJ, Bhall be iui'a ftbly rewhided wl THL OHEAP CORNER. SEEK NO FA E THEE.' New Store, New Firm. AND LOTS OF NEW GOUDS 1 In Mack & Schmid's New Block. 1)URCrïA?ED reccntly un'lcr the raoKt fAvorablO circumX Btanoöij o mucii soth&t wo feol oonfident in bayinS to all our oi'l l-u stomers , urul as innj1 ncw ones as can'i intu our New aud Spacious Store Room Cornor of Maia aud Libaity StreetB. Tht ■ aro now preparoJ to ell you bctur Goels at lowcr irices tum "ur usuul low pricts and are novv in diulj receipt ti nilens vanttied of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GtOOIS. LADIKS' Sc CHILDRENS' SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, GRÜCKERY, LUOKLNÜ ÜLAS8ES, QLASSANÜ SÏONE WARE, GROOERIES, &c. of evei-y vanoty Lots more of the samo good 50 cent Tea, that others sel. at 75 ets. Benr in mind that ut Goods are all fthe best quality. EFOur Staple and Faney Drj Goods purpusa all previoue stocks for beiuty, t vari' ly ut,d cxctllencc. iOur Ladias Dress goods, Shuwls, &c , were never bö'ore balf so attractipe . and cunnot help but ivi smilus ol ap. pruval froiu our fuir frieiids. í@_Our riats and Caps surpass all for stvlt) and cheapness ever nerd ui in Aun Arbor, cali aud ee them. S.Our Ladies' and Childrens'Slioeu oombineefligaöcéabdwfee witb strength and durability. t3p Our Clothw, Cassimerea & Vestins are all of tho best qualiiies and i styíes of ihe Frenen, Eiighsh & Ameroan productiouá whicb o will öoiI at the sanie price that others ask for lop hop stuff. y Our Groceries & Crockery are fre.-ih, new and cheaper thaü ever. t& Our Yankee Notions and srnall Sxings in general aro too aumerous to menUon hore, embracing every thing that a Murchant shoula kuep and a Cusloiner tshould buy. t And non having purchased a much larger and better stock pf goods tlian ever befora; ve confidently rely opon the appreoiation ot th public for a roady Sala of the saine, feelingí confij dent that "e oanqot hlp but suit all in pricea quality and styles. All kinds of Produce táken in Eschung lor goods as usual. 0 MACK, i (T72tf) F. PCHMIP. AINUJHJiK m A A1ÜÍ1VAL AT THEájjhlSoLD AND RELIA BLE IvH CLOTHING EMPOHIUMü UjU-Jfl, KT e PHCBNIX BXjOOJEC, MAIN STREET. hM [ast retarned from the Eaatern Gilíes, with a Urj and desirable stock of FALL AND WINTER E2r OODSÍ which he is ftOW ofTi-ring at unudually Amnnfi hia Assortment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, OASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of all descriptions, CFpecially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR! trfalofa h" is cutting and making to order, ia the I&teit and beat styit'.s, together with a superior assortment of READY MADE CLOTEJNG! ÏIILN'KH CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, with numerou othrr artlcloa usually found ia similar ,:h'.:iÍiÍ.-)iiih-!11s. Art ANEMPOR1UAI OF FASHION, the uhscriber Gattors liimself, tliat hislong experiene and genera, succes, will enable him to give the et satisfacción toall wlio v. .y trust him ín the way ut manufiiüturiiig garments to order. 76iHf WM WAGNER. THE ETüÜlIF U L Yj Au inveaüun Cor láaiwiug . t. ,, er, pat en ted by W. T VOSS. It la one of the valuable in veniions of th- -iay. THE IIYDROPULT wil!, by the power of one man, thmw water at thft ratO of 8 gallons per minute tilty feet high, with great force. lt is the best art iele ever invented for KXTLStiUlSHINü A FIHE. PROTKCTÏXG A R Of' FROM TAKIN'G FIRE, WASHïNij wjni ov, 3FR1N KLING PLANAS, WATKRI.VO GARDKN-i, CLKAN'SING KROM IN'LCTS. si h walks, S [DfKl IN). STREËlS, W SHIN ! CARRlAGES, ' " ANIXG I ÏS1 ■ RNS, KM t VIG WAÏKR FltOM SAIL B0AT3, 8A1LÍ, A KaV BATH, &0. Thi-i articie ahould bo owed by ever y housebdder.- It doe-, awjiv with thenecessity of a hydrant. It isa lïght, pi r able FOR l OMF, alvaja rea y. eaily usJ and will c;me in írqutíot us by eve immer, mrchtint and mechanio iu the cnmmuDtiy. Please cail and ei tmioe the arttole il tibia ifíi e. AMKRIGAN UYD OPÜLT COMPANY. 41 PAKK. iiov, N Y. WAIXACE WELCH, Agtnt for Washtt-naw romty, 771m3 Yl'ILANa'. ilich. ""SheiirsSule. BV VIRTÜE OTAN EïtCÜIION issued out nf and unöer the eeal of the Circuit Court f-r the County oi I lie oi Michigan; bfaring date the -4tb daj of Ju.y lötiü, luri :u dlreoted and deltvered, amaina! gords and chattela, and for want thereui ]iui'l-i ani tenementb ot UuMtavíu T. Mann dcfendan thcM-ein uüiuf-. I díd on the .ttti day Juiy. 1800, levy np. in ;,t,. i -stic all tbe ngiit, tille ai.d interest of thesani tutavus T. mimi In and to the ttiUuwingde.scrtbed land and premiseS] lo-wit : Being B part ofaection number 29, townshïp nu muer 2 bou tb ot ruige uumberfi ?.; cemmencing at the center oí the road leadtng frona knu Arbor to JackxoD, at a pohii tí chaina wïd 75 lioks eaaterly fmia ÏQLerpection offiaidroad and the wesi Une ot said section, tüeoce north paralle] (■ said gection Line o chaina aad 43 links to the ditch for the ert-ek theuce along sald ditch S chai s and -i'i ïiuk t" rSulomon ihmu'. 1 line, theace south tosaH road, thence west to the place of beginning. Abo 1 ts number U, 13 and 1-, aud all oi that part oí lot number 11( fchat kea south ot a line drawn from and 43 Link soutb of tñe nortii-cast cornee of lut number 14, ac.ording to a pía. ot part of ihe north cast quarter of sectlon number 2i, townhij) number '2 south of range 6 etuit, recordeü in libcr V, page '37. Also lot number one in ri. Uann's addition. Also the following, being the westerly partofthe west half of the nortb easi quarter of section uumbor üO( township number 2 , south of range number six east; more pariicularly described as folluvrs to wit: Üegiiming in the territrial road leading from Ann Arbor to Jacksoa ata jioint ivnere the east and west halfes of saiiï quarter section strikes the center f said road, running thence south on the line bet ween the east and west halves of the north-east quarter nf section aforesaid 72 rods and 11 link, thence west 11 rods and 7 link-;, thence north to the centre of said road, thenc casterly 11 rotis anl 8 links to the place of beginning; containing 5 acres of land in the township of Ann Arbor and in the countyof Washfenftw anfl State of Michigan, alt Of which premisos I sliatl exposé for Mile at public auetton, as the law direct, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, that being the p:ace for holding tbe Circuit Court for the Couaty of WasbteDaw, on Monday the 221 day of October next, at eleves o'ciock in the forenoon of said dav. TUOS. F. LEONARD, Sheriff. Patcd, Aug. 29, 1860. The above sale is hcreby pofltocned nntil Th ureda Nov. 8th, 1800, at the samf" lace nn-l time of day. TUOá. F. LtÜNARD, Sheriff. Dn ted, Ootobcr22, 18C0. 7"Itd Ir ving's "W orks - National Edition. ÍXBJB Fine Edition of the Works of Wafbijcgtox Ii (tncluding the Ufe oí Waahingun), wiil Ie pubished for STTBSCRIBERS OTTLY In Montbly Volunií-s Price $1.50 Each, Puya blo on Drlivery. Beautifully Prinied on heavy supriine paper, of the vr: y bet quaHty, and sub.taiitially bouud in heury bevelled boards. (UTEach Volume illustrated with Vignettet on Steel aud Wood j Knickerbocker'B New Vork, Sketch Book, Cloth. Columöus, 3 volrt. Bracebridge Hall, Antoría, TaleHof a Travelor, Crayon Miscelluny, Capt. BoanerUle Oliver Goldsmith, Mahoiuct ii volg. Cï remida Alhambra, W'ullert's Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vola. Salmüífundi. This edition will be sold KcrrsivBLY to Sub.icriberf, aml will be greatly super'or to anyevtr before issued,- A vet y handsooM 8toL tiiee univ.ra:ly popubir worki irthus placed witi.iu the m ans of all P. PÜTNAM, Agt., PubliKher. nfiNaaaau Street, New York. - rVsPÊCTFULLY ' OFTtrHltHÍTr. ESSCNCES OFLIQUORS m tKeir acKnowledqed purUv to the traíe. Aaiircse ifift3181 CHtCACOILL. rílí ltiÉSi (Trovdnj Atfntt VVanteÏT) BLj= TA KE N UP. CA5ÏE ÍDto tbe enolosure of the subneriber ftboat th ist of ti&ptember bist, a FBENCH GRAV PONY. Said pnny s about IQ ycars old, having one ej-o put ou9. Tb'eomwrol snid hora is requested to cali and provt propnrtj pay charges, and takcit w JLTER BirSE. Lfxli, Oot. 12, 18C0. 6w670 TAKEN UP. BROKE info my enclosure aboat the lst of June last a three yenr old RED STEER, witb white hairs mixed, nigh hip all ro1. The onner thinof íb rrquerted toeall, prove prupirty, pa.voharge au.l have him r&torod. TATE ON. Lyndon, Oot., 15, 1860. 6w87O "" H. ï- Passenger train.- now leave the several St&tloDi la thi Ouuot; ,as follow. IjlllKG WEST. Mail Kj. Kalamiizoo Aa. Nlght Ex V'psilanti, 8.00 a. m. ö.JO f. M. 9.10 r. jf Aud Arbor, 8.S5 " " 7.05 " " 8.S0 " Dexter, 066 " " 7,a6 " ' 9.64 CheUoa, 1010"" 7.S5 " " 10.10 X. M GOISG EAST. EveningEx. EslamnzooAe. Mail Ex. ChelsM, 6.15a. . V.30A.M. 4.aor.a. Deitcr, 5.M" " 9.56" " . " Ana Arbor, S.56 " " " " -10 " ' Vpftiliioti, 6.16 " " 10.60 " 6i)0 " OASil ÏÜll POÜLTIÏY. PltOCTOR Se WALKTE aro jyáig the hiihist pri for Turkftys, ChicUen", eto. Cal! bfOLe itling t thnr Mket, North of Coirt Hous. Acn Arbor, Oot. 18. Iffll. Ï7rf


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