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SPECIAL COTICES - HAML NOTE, LAND WABRAST, SPECIE AND KXCHAINGE QTOTATIONS. Cr.fully ReTiMd and Correct.d erfry weok. KATffi füRREXT AT TRfc Bonking House of D. Preston & Co., 12 WooAmtl A79.. Detroit Sept. 24, 1860. BANK NOTES. Petroit City Banks, - - - " P" Canada, (all Solvtnt Hanks) - - - ■ X. Bnrikni an.l NT. York, (Solvent Bnkj) - New Jersey and Delaware, Ohlo, Ki'iitucky and Virginia, - - - Ta , all notes rar at l'ittsburgli or Philadelphu, - 'J Bank of the State of Indiana, ÜN'CURREN'T FUNDS. Illinoia, Wtaconsin, Missouri and lowa ouying 1 DU ii ii ' ■' solling N. Carolina, S. Carolina and Louiaiana, - 2 Indiana Stock Notes, 1 Tennessee, - - - ■ "_--„ Georgia, 2 and 5 ' Bank of England Notes, L, ■■"'. f Bank of Tecumseh. Michigan, - - 8 18 Exchange Bank of I). Ball & Co. . - ' OUR RATES FOK DILLS OF EXCHANGE. Buying. Selling. On New York and Boston, X On Washington, L On BuRiil, Jj On Cleveland, { On Cincinnati, ■ On Chicago, c. dit. for $100 or upwara. GOLD AND SILVEK. Buying. Selling. Am. Gold lotfl of $100 or upwardi, X American Ito-, WaRRANTS. ay It will be ubserveí that we do not quot by the acre, but so many dollars for the Warrant. Buying. Selling. 40 ACRB WARIU.vra 42 2 80 " " 8 !20 . 88 105 180 " 1" l" Revovolutionary Sorip, (per ar.) 6 ets. 90 ets. ."REMIDM COINS. SILVER COINS. GOLD COINS. Span Pillar Dollars, 1 05 Sovereign, 4 4 and 4 87 Mexicau Dollars 1 04 20 Krancs S 83 Kire Kranc l'iecea 87 -6 Francs 4 1)6 Frenen Crowns 1 06 10 Franci 1 90 (ierman " 1 06 S Francs 07 Prus-ian Thalers 69 Ton Tlmler Piecea 7 80 Guil Iers 38 X Thalrr l'ieces 7 85 Engli-h Silver, (shilling Ten i uilder l'ieces 4 00 ■23c, L4 60 Spanish Doubloons 16 00 Old Am. Half Dolls. 1 03 Patriot 16 60 gf Onlotsof $100 orup I California Unid $10s 6d wards, 1 $ic additional $6" and $20i ld. Gold Dust, $10 to $16 50 per oi. 03" Ppanish change $1.15 per oz. or22centsfor quarters, 11 for shülintrs, 5 for aixpences. On Iota of 20 oz, and nriw:H. .1S pw nz. DAVID PRESTON fc CO., Bankers. T WuudWiird Av ., Detroit. Office l)ours,fr'm 8. A. M.. to 6, P. M. $3" How much longer will you purehase n 1 wse tmpure or mftriur ïaleratis? A good, periect'y pjreanl ríiiable Saleratas will cost you no mrre than tbeotber. "lie next ti ne you raay require t1 purJiaae 'aleiMtus, jt a pack.ige of that manufacture by De Liol & Co., and we are cenfident t i'.tyou will bc treat'y pleaaed wi th it . It is for sale by most groe r an I t 're' keeptr, afli the principal grocírs wholesae :t Manufactured anl forsale at wiiolesale by D. B. Te Land 4 Co. , at the Fairpurt Chemical Works, Fairport, Mcnroe Co.,N. Y. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BKYAN'S PÜLMONIC WAFERS Thk Ora;iiil M-"1ic:ae K-ítabüshe'lin 1837, and the firs krtideof thakind ever int rodawl oneer the name o '■ uiM'Mc Wafbr ,■' in tkis or in any other country all other Pulmonic Va"ers ;ire c nmterfeita The jen aine eau known by the name BRYAN' bemgatampe on each WAFEii. PUI.MOSIC WlFEIW Rel.ere Cmgh,Colds, S v T!r iat, Hoarseno. Brtajv'i Prr.a(fvic Wfbrh Keliere Asthma, Bronchitis, DifRcult Breathing. BRTAif'a Pcmonic Wafkba H lieve Pprtingof Bloo 1, Pains in the Chet. Bryan's Pclmovic Wafbrs Relieve Incipient Con.-umptinn, Lung Diseassi. Bryax's PüU(OM20 WáWMU Kelieve Irritation of the Uvuia ind Tonsils. Brvan-'s rriMOMC Wfers Relieve the .sbove Complaints in Ten Minutes. Putmonr Wafers Are a Hesstng to all Classes and Cnnstitutioni. TÏKYAN'S PrtMOMC TaFERS Are adapted to 7ooHatfl :n Public SpeaUera. BRYAN's PCLSCOXIC V ATURA Are in a simple fnrm, nfl ptea?int tothe tnste. RRVAN'?: PtTMOMC WFRRf Not onlf relieve, but effect rapid ani Ustiog Cure. Bryan's PrrHoxie Wafers Are warranttd to give satisfaction to erery ene Nofamily fhouW be without n box of. ii Bryan's PulmonJe Waferw " in the house. No traveifr shouM be without Rupply of " Bryan's Pulmonic W,fer " in hts pocket. No peraon will ever object to give for ' Bryan's Pulmonic Wafeia " 'Twenty-fiveCenta. JOB MOSES, SolcPropritor, Rochester, N.Y. Pold by Gren ville & fuller, and all good druggista in the United States ana Canudas, To Consumptivea. The Advertiser, having been resto ted to health iu a few weéka by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several yeara with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption- is anxious to make known to his fellow-pufferers themeans of cure. To all who desire it, hewill Rond a copy of theprescription used (free of cnarge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a bUKE CURK for CONSUMmOX, ASTHMA, BRoXCHmS, 'C Tic oiilv object of the advertiser in eending ihePrericriptinn isto benefit the afflicted.and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes erery Bufferer wili try his remedy, as it will coat them notb. ing, and may prove a blessin Parties wishing the prescription will pleae addreas Rkv. Eiward A, 768yl Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. The f-reat Bentfartor of hls Rnce -Si The Oreat Healer of Mankind! Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis Th who Ie Wnrld United! Stek PeopLe think! After which act You'dscarcf expect,at tbis late day, With star llng cures a boob to fillj Thi-í m the case, the milli '-n tay, With the cures of Ut-rrick fs Pili Th-y come fnim Kast, and North, and West, And with glad tMings the papers flll, Becaus thfy are th cheapet, nüfest, bent, And ■ 11 eriorto others ík Herrick s Pili From BooW and Plants, and Flowers thej 'r; T ';y always they never kill Tbo usando now in theiT graves weit iaid, Were it not for Herrick's I'üIf. Ecb PlU with augar i cotd o'er- A rare diocovery ol matchless skill, Theirüke ni oever wen bcf ie, Un i! itappearedin Herrieka Pili For years hef3 worksd to heal the cick, With joy elate ni boi-om filis: For tensotthousands nnw rejoice At the mnic Poweisol'Hrnck's Pilln. ;.y HERKICK'SMATCHLESSVEGFTABi.E FAMTLY ha"e inumlated the world with their ppulaiity Uver five million of boxea are used annualy, giving employment to eighty-Üve ma and women to put them up. Their cures are narnbeiel by thousanls - tbeïr prafses do the tongues of all, Citizens of Wnh1en!iw Co-, and e!s(!here, have you evur used themVPut up in Engllflh, ipaaih. lierraan, and French dii-ections. Large family box'á, M cfents! Fiv boxes for $1. Sold everywhere. See advertluMnpni on M pa Important to Feiualee. - l 1. V H E K S R M S ' ril.LS. Peepabkd bv CoHNFLirs L. Cuiíesema:, m. d.( New York Ciiy Thecombinationofingre.lientB in these Pilis are the reault ui' a lougand extt-nsive 1 ractice. Tliey are mild in their operation. and ceriain in correcting all irreularities, Painfui MentiuratiuD", removí ng all obïtruotlons, whether from cold or thervvise. hoaiiiche, pain in the aide, pali-atHtiun of the heart, w'iite, all nervoiiK ajlaotions, hysterie, fatigue, pain in the back ind Hmbs, tc. T diyturbed aleep, wl!icharit;e from interruption of nature. TO MARRIEPJ.ADIB?, Dr. (liftR-ipman'R Pillft are invaluable, as they wil] bringon thfl nafmthly perlod with regularity. Didies who have been 'lisappointed in the use of othea Pflls can place the utmost confrlence in Ür. ClieeBeman'ü Pilla doing all they represent to do. .V O T I C K Thtrt is Mt eenditttm nfihe ftmalf. gystem ín vnhitf rhr PiH f rnnnot be laken without prnduc.ivL a VECVLIAR PESULT. Tkf.O'tJitionreferred to is PREGNANCY- the. rauÜt MÏCATilUAGF "u-h is the irre.aix'ahlr, tendiMnjoftht'nedh.ine t' restore 'ke firzual fun'tinv$ to a nnnnal condtiinn, that ev n the reproductivr power of nnture retiH it, Warranícd purely vegetable, and free from anythïng injurioup, Explicitdiroctionp, whih shoul'l be real,ac company each box. ent by mail 'n enclosmg $1 to Dr Cor!ïrliU8 L. CnEEE.MAX, Bos 4,5ül,Post Office, N'ew York City, Sr PoM by one Druggist in every town in the United Statei - R. B. HUTCIÍTVGS, General Agen't for thb Ukttsd ctatfb, Not 14, Broadwayt Vctc Ttark, jLp To vbom all Wholesale orders shouM be addreasSoid la Ann Arbor, bv May.nakd, Stebbins & Wilson, anl i GüJgvaLg, "3Hy1 Chancery Sale. IN rüRST.'N'EOF -l DKCRfiB of tbe r.'pouit Cowt fTtut' ÖBntyof Wurii.t iav in fhiocfr , made d te 2 't dMy of .Ii n.', A. D. 186u, in i crtD cause wl r n Htu ie C VanD n is oomplaiomt rni WI iam M. Brown, W Lliam ..'. Mi; and C"rneliu.-Urmttn ■ ■ ■( D ■ 1 n f nt;, 1 .htl seil t put'lio auct n ftlie high est bi'l'lrr, nt 0 n'olOek :n th foren " n. on the fii'tetnth lay of D-ccmbfr nevt, t their nt éoag f tlie Court Huuse ii, the ■ ty ofr.nn Arb r. Wist.tnAW County. MchigRn, All tl'tcerta.B plece r prcel of land eit "ntiti In th ■ Tuwnbip of Manch st r . County (f W liUn w en 1 -Ule of Mich.gan. koua, boundedan'l de cribed as folio w.-. to wit : Bfiag ti.e Nrth half oí the bouth we t qu;rt,r of Berti n Kleven. 01) Hl Town hip budUt Fir(4) Koutil of Ritnii Numbtr Th re Có) Eut, cnt-.inn; Kighty iicrs of land to ibe sam" more -r leis.or hu much tiereof as thnli be necessiry to satisfy the deerse ia Mid cansp w th latenat anl 00 t. C H. VANCLKVE, Circuit rourt 'ommi -i ner.l' rWi, ht-oiw Co. n-:'iK-i '; ABKI-, t'olioilcrf r Cuuoplaittiint DiU'-d, Jïovemwr lt, 108J IHE PEORÍA MÁRTNE& FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 ons o the HnAVlEÊT, 5AFKST and BEST Iunurance Co's. íc tho U. S. Iníi)rftK .)"j r&abua,ble +tr m, itulal■wy pay Tftice i ao berwr ïiw lasuaatfft 1 h BOOTS, SHOES, WM. S. SAUNDERS, ' HAS RECEIVE1) his Ml toóle of 0 .oda, and ia Belling them at prioe whioli eannot fail t suit every on . Mens Boots from $2 to $5 per pair. aiters. Ladies'Kid Calfand LastingGaiters and Bootees trom 75 ets to $3.50 Doublé and single 6ole8 Boys, Youlhs and Ohildten's of all prices from 15 e's t $2 per pair. jEI. utobers. Men's and Women's Rubber Boots and Skoes ot'all Kinds. TRUNKS. Saratoga, Fi-ench and Doublé Trunks superior article. Cali at WM S SAUNDEK9' 768tf Boot and Shoe S-nre N O T I O E . LLPKB?O1Ï3 todebtftd U. the Estáte of Dr camml Ufnton, 1 ot tlie city of Ann Arbor. doceased, p ijmeut without delay to theundeigned,Hnd iheitby save costs. TRACY W. ROOT, Executor, Ann Arbor, Sept. 24, 18Ö0. 769srt NEW GOODS QHIPPED ovsry week from Boaton and New Tori O for the 3Eoo21O's Storo, in Ann Arbor. A. DeFOREST, Proprietor. J&} CROCKERYj wtfl GLASS WARE 1 China Goods, &o. KïtT at prioes guaranteeing satiiSTjüVEE, PLATiD GOODS! Tea Setts, Cake Baskets, Cvstors, Knives, Forh, Spoons, fo.. quality guarantied at REASONABLE P RICES. FIISTE IVORY, and oommon Table Cutlery, American manufaoturf a superior artiole. KERO-ENE and COAL OIL LAMPfi new improved burner, warranted to bethe best burn er in use, or the money refunded. Also new pat terns fluid lamps, Kerosene Coal Oil and Flüii guarantied to be the best article in the StatO. Our Chinaman still Lives. That unrivalled quality of Teas oan alway be found at the People's store. mr- mm. . mm J i-j: am n m- --i of all kinds. Fruits, extraots, spioas, piokles, oils Perfumes, 4c., received every week at the people' store. Pure Liquora and Winea for medicinal pur poses only. l tí ' ' - '" J J' 'Bt W00DEI WAEE, Stone ware, rope, coTdago, 4o., a full stook. Produce, Cfarden. and Field -'e ds. KTha objaot of this colunia is not to draw business frora ottors oagAgad ia the eatas professWe aak jou to oaU and afler that yon wiU oall without askmg. We aro BoUing a few aud shall coutinuo to bbII u es they oan possioly ta affordad. A.'DsFOllEST Et. 11, 18W: 3 JVrpVt (tt'r. -


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