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x acts iör the Fcople -OF- WASI1TENAW ADJOTMNG COUNTÍES ! And their numertm queatiosi nweri. Wfaj b Everybody (rading at th "BANNER STOKET '-Btcauf A. P. MILLS, the Proprictor of 1 1 .1 1 Establishment has just raturned from th Easleru Citiai wilb til Largest, Uandsomtst,, and Most AUractivs stock of STAFLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! T.r brought to thii part of tl 8Ut. fflj t Ertrybody pleauit toitk hië Steekt Bcu6 hls trie ar mor beautirnl, qulity twtter.tjid price lower than t anj other store in th oouatj. Why hat he alteays Simrtkinj Keu and Ckeap f ükawt Because h hala friend connectel wlth on of tb Ij gedt liryuooiU tl'iu.s in Ne York, who ia continuaUi " BOBIWiQ IIOUD' lor chtap brgainaanl lh kt 1 eiyiei, ba mey aiítiar irum i.nje lo lime, ni in thia way keppa nm auppi.oJ with yle.i, an-1 conjaijumU custumers caiialwajs nuil aaujetliiugi'rill, NEW CHEAr andDESIRABLE Whf dot hê teil to much Cieoper tktn tht rtêtf BMue h has a buyer in thf city all th tim to takf advantas[e of the continual chang of thf m.irlnt, and n that wav buys hia guuila much chepr thaa otbrl eau, and thei hetnarks thm down to th IjO-utbst :pigures, Why doei he st'l Ladits' and Childr'nt' Shoet M much thtufrr ihan vaat teer hrurd oj by thi oldett SKotmakcfêt 3ecauae he buya nis stock ín th land of ahoamaJcrt of the manufacturera, fully -.6 per cent cheaper than th New Yurk Jobberd sellthftra, and much betlr work than they generall y kwp. 'Ihia cgurae enabl kim to iU a MOK Gaiter for35 Cent9. than othtraaall at SO cents, and a bttr FUXEO OAITEP at 6U een ta, thau uthtra uli t 76 Mata. Has tu any tlatt mnd Captf Ves, I aoald tbrak he ha stacks of them, enough to aupply the stare, at prioe lowsr tkaa was arer heardol round these parta. W 'y it hit Tea to much b'tler fwr the price yott piy than iou get 'il otter plicet? ecause he take-troat care in seLec-inj it, ui gireahie cualomsia t ie bezeilt of a ral ji 5 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It is a way he has got. Whcrt tkould you qn to get your CLOTHS na have tht.m Cut or Marie? l'o the BANNER jTuRh, where the Feopl' Bannar il unfmleifor the í'eople a good. Suuth bide of Public Square, a fw doors WMt of Cook'f Hot.l A. P. MILLS. Ppt. 1, 18fi. - 'r 8,776,994,65ü VOLUiNTELRS WANTED! TO ASSIST I!ï THK LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Wliite folks, or of whatever color, oaste ot na'ivity, whothfr rcarrieil. singl' or of doubt lul connt-xiou, wil! be enlisted in !he nolile cauae of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITV -FROM THE-1 THRALD01ÏÏ OF HIGH FRICES ! and will receive their outfit t thê Sxteasive Fur nishlng EstabiisUment -OF THEO ü ITERMAN J HEAD QÜARTERS! having been established f'or the LAST TEN Y E ARS, our known rule of warfare is an Uudi sguised Dcslruclion OF HIGH P RICES ! i oh oijOTnisra Fot all ges! Sex and öonditionsl In eonsequenee of the very flittering enoouragenient wliich we hiiv io-ived ino our locatioü in tlii oiiy, we have iiicreue , our Stock of FALL AND WINTER C LOTH I NC! To meet the demiiruU of oiir customers, and iiuving becorae more fully oonvinoed than ever. t hut our mode of deal ing, na nel v". at Uit lowest poBsible rutes for HBADV-PAT, istheonly trne plan; we will oontinna t: serve the public as heretofort durng the coming fall and winter. Our took consists in Overy vnriety ot HBADT MADE CLOTHING! PI in unfl Fnncy OI.OTHS ÜASSIMKRS. SILK AND ILK VBLVET5! A lurge lot of GENTLEMEN'SFÜRNISHIKG GOODS, which are all warrnnted DON 'T FAIt TO o.áLXXj.a re cst-. jar. , For past tavor6 we are gratefnl to all, The Eame for large ones in proportion, Arid those w o see nt to cali Bhiill receivo our best smiles and devotion. lil. Guiterman Sc Co. N H. Student.s and all others who want to see SONDHEIM' nw 'mode of cutting wiü do well to culi and lea ve their measara For a Nice Fitting Suit ! Ca-UITBRTVr TT eis Oo Ad Artor, ft. M, ISso. rrtf ISEW AJSD CIIEAP S CiOODS. I have reoeired my FALL STOCK, and oflbr for sal at LO"W PEIOES. 500 Pieces American and English Prints. 100 Pieoes Lancaster and otber Oinghams. 200 Pieces Pelaines, Plain and Plaid Merinoes;& other Drees Goods. 50 Pieces Black and Colored Silks. 500 Broche, Bay Stat and other Shawls. 400 Dozen Glovs and Hosiery. 80 Balea Light and Heayy SheetDgi. 50 Bales Stn'pe Phirtings. Tickings, Denima, Cotton Varn and Wadding. 8000 Lb. Batting and Carpet warp. 00 Lb. Woolen Yarn, and Knitting Cotton. 500 Stark Mills and othar Bagf. 5U0 Pieceê Bleached Cotton and other White Qood. 100 Pieces "Red and White, all "W ooi and Cotton Flannels. 500 Enubroiclered Collars, and Linn H'dk'ft. $00 Hoop Skirta. 200 Piece New Style Dre Trimmingg. 500 Piecet Vlrt and othr Ribboa. 800 donk öords snd Tastel. 500 Doen Coats fc Olark's White and Colored Thiead. 500 Soft TTats, 50 per cent, lesa than Jlutter's prieel. 2000 Pairi Ladies, and Chiïdren's ShoeB and Rubbers. 100 Piecei Broad Oloths, Cassimere8, Satinets, aud Kentucky Jeans, And all small ware to make up a FULi XOC3K O3S" DRY O-OOJ3S, -and choicO- FAMILY GROCERIES ! These GOODS ARE ENTIRELY NEW ! and hare been pnrcbawd of first tum Boston and Xew York Houses at prices naruod only to Largo Dealers, and will be sold FOR CASH, OR PRODUCfi at it cosa valuéJOHN W. M4YNARD. Ann Arbor, Sapt. 17, Ï8W, Y? STRONG'S, STRONG'S, STRONG'S. Cheap Cash Store, Cheap Cash Store, f Cheap Cash Store. New Goods, New Goods, New Goods, I JU3T BECEIVED, JUST REOEIVED, JUSTEECEIVED. CaU see them, Cali and seo „hem, CaU and eee them, EXCHANGE BLOCK, EXCIIAKGE BLOCK, EXCHAiGE BLOGK, Dress Goods of all descriptione, Domestic Goods very low, YANKEE NOTIONS & HOSIERY, Ladies and Children's Shoes, CROCKERY ë GROCERTES. HATS Sc CAPS. HOOP SKIETS, HOOP SKIRTS, Onlj 4 cent a Hoop. LADIES' CORSETS, LA DIES' CORSETtí, All sixes- Latest styles. Wooien and Worsted Shawls, WOOLEN HOODS, CLOAKS, fc REMEMBER THE PLACE, REMEMBERT.1E PLACE. EXCIIANGE BLOCK, EXCHANGE BLOCK Ana Arbnr, Oct. 1860. 768tf Ho for the Mi mino th C'abinet Ware Hoorns. ] MARTIN i THOMPSON, TT AVE JUar OPKXED IN THEIIt nw and Elegant War e-R ootus EAST SIDEOF MAINSTKEET, .A. xx x. -A. x t ox-, A COJÍ PLETS STOCK OP ROSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJSY and SETS OP PARLOR FURNÍTURE INOLUDINO Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WAL!UT, Plain and Marblo Topped e O [I KI TT H IS 7 A QB D. S Op ROSEWOOD. MAH GANY, n BLACK WALNUT, FANOY und COTTAGE CHAIRS, &o., &o., &c, ócc. El e g a n t MIKRURS, Bureaus, Secretarles, f B e d-R oom Sets, 1NCLÜDING LATEST STYLES, a -ofOF THE BESÏ QÜALITT AND Different Material. In Faot they Havo Everything w-i-T-a w-H-i-o-a i) r.ü-a-.v i-s. ■' PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITT1NG ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO Ionger go to Detroit or eisewhere t To Fiud A LARGE ASSORTMENT Xa- i-8 FUilNlTUEE tMUST BE 80 LD - A N D- And Will be Sold . A- T SVÉRY LOW t'RIOES! tSf Let every man and hio wife or guing tú b wife OOMü AM tíEHL TheyalRo have a HE ARS ti CAURI AG E, And are alw&ya ready to itiad to the burin.1 f tb dead in tho City anJ adjoininü country. Ware-Kuum eat Bid of Lia átrvet, botwoea Watihinjítoa aud Liberty U. Jdu - N. O. B. THOMPSON STKAY. fTlAKEy UP BT the s'ibscribor, nn tbo Dch of AugURt X a Lfciy gldiaj{ Poay upposd be eight vear old, with two whito ïhet. Xlie jvur ij ruosiwl to prov properfcy aad tiikbUu u-"y. J. i WLNES & KNIGHT ' AlUt NOW b cft cle SPLBNDID BTÓÓK , do ani Ai an cot Al! dis _OC- 80 26 H DRYCOODS 40 til th ui m b: Furchased fir (kê tc di ei ai c EARLY FALL TE A,D E D September S, 1880. 1 I i ! ALL i i E3r O ODSy i AT C. H.Millen&Co's. D. L W00D & CO, .A. L-AHO-E STOCK OF Seasonable Goods ! Voy tb FilLL ArD WINTER TRADE, Or X83O8 WHICH THÏT WILL SILL CHEAP FOB CASH, OB BBADY PAT Catl mí itt Befort Purcktutug Wf ' whrt. . i D. L. W00D. W. G. POSTER. NOW IS THE TIME TO COMMENCE FORMING CLUBS FOR TUE ' IW YORK WSEKLY. ( OOMIC PI0T0RUL PHÜNNY PiïELLOWü! Á SPLEHDID PHEUIUM TO EVEKY SUByCRIBERÜ! THE NEW YORK WEFKLT AND PICTOPJAL PIIUNNÏ PiIáLLOW ONE Y KAR F)R TWO DOLLARS!!! OÜR TERM3 TO CLUBS. 1 enjiy on JWI....CS, nd th Pietc-i! rhnnay 1 Phallcv oas ywi. I" - ...., ai PrniuiB. 4" K ....6, " '■ e" .. s, ■ " 8" ...ï8, " " i iü ' " .. m, " 18" ...118, ' " I ffend fnr Spwimen Numtr, whloll ( fnraiJi4 rïEüjMdoontaiu fujl rticulnrt of . STBEET & SMITH, íknTó. as befKinaii iftveet. N. T. EYE and Er. H W ER F. A. CADWELL, ' ' OIER TOR OU THE EYE ANT ÍAR. For DeafncH. Bllndneax. ad al I defect of Slght ai'd llent Ing. DR O. PElN'i A REGrLARPhyneiin.wHh TWENTY YEAB-' exoluBÏvi' practice in th tree' ment of da oase of tho KYfc AK1 EAR, wiil b founrt quaüQed to give relief or effect a cure in sny cs within the rwch of human fkill. LLr ivo tiharxê for an susmlií&ilirn err an opinión, 1 orjor urttttectstful scrvicft. Dr. C.'a ïRK.vnsn o.v thb Kvï nd Ea, of 300 pp., containing relerences, Testimoníala, Ifr-cr;ption of lijseaf-es, Carias, aod othrr imp riant matter, illustrated with Put9, to ba had oii, hy souding Ten CfnU to pay . postage. Address Dr. Cauweu,, 83 Kaodolpli Stfeot corner Deborn, Cnicago UI. 3y768 Scio! Scio! Scio. WHEAT WANTED! THE under&igned havlog leaFed the Gardioer Mili fd cio, are prepared tc buy Wheat aud pay tho higheet . market price. 1S.18C0. (76CtO 3. GREIN & BBO MISS JExSNIE E. LINES, '■ rnKACHER Ot' Piano Fortp, Gultr, ind ttingiog, bting ' 1 desicftusot' alaïgiügher clas, w-11 receive pupil at t!i resiilence of Prof. WI.VC'HtLL, wnich being near 6ti Daion Sohool.wül be very cooveuiont for Eucb sobolor altendiug thero wliu nviy wih to mrsu the etudy ol tou-ioia onnection with othar bmnchen. Tutur.8U'. hif to be paM at tiiü miadi aod iba balIstio at iba o!o fof th tsm. ! 2.000 Fine Ovcrccatïï 1 F 9fe Ohenp at GlITERAN & CX-'S Serrick's Sugar Oated Fill ET CHILDREN ORYFOirrjIEJi , _ SjRootai áuams aVdV RE$-9 yW the huicaj;i 7ftm in Wf m.'i succmfuJ. Act rír 9B d.recüjr on the h:t, A ffiSSBLTAv glamï.-;, solida a m! Duid, U attcned with the hnppieat elTi-ct. In' old gtamUr g cftflffiof Bcknes smnll dosel - r".'peattk frvtjuentiv - o cíense the nvstem, Ui at good heult h in the result!" Nu chingp in empl'ympnt or diet i.- r.ecf f lary. TLry cei ef cause Norenioutíift, twel]p1 .joints, ach'n? lima, tci ñi do inanr oiln-r kiufís. T ley nre warranteU t0 gv a;;t!sraeti(in. ortlie price refunded. They are conerd cheaper, aafer, prttier, and in all respect nun rior tj any purgativo pili in the vtM. gjhe discvry of coáíífl a piil with tugar emanatett with Dr. I uiicfc All ntliern nre cnunterfeit1-, anti if used, wilï do rtt,&jui disai pointthe ck. Fforrick's pQli ftrv elt{ntiy pu sp, 80 in a bí)T,A a larjrp slieet of dirtxüona, wid fif JI 1W 26 cents per box; 6 boxen for tl, Herrtok's KrD RTRKNOTnHNrsa PuarxXR8. The grrnt Strrnsttker and Pain Destróyer, The Bnt and cif-apett Hovsehi'hl Remedijin the worfd. Thenr-rcnownerf Planters cure r:n3, weakneaa and cliA. es in the back, bh!?r and, iu (We houre. Inde4, o certain arethpy todo thit, that the proprit-tor warrant a hem. jiread ffmni retios, baliams and guci, on Jeaatiful kíd 1ea'her,ren(lerathem ppculíarly adapte ta ie wants of Femáis aun othert. Tbeir applicitlon U rfrertal - nnatly to the Rtrongman.tlie dvlicate voman, nl ihc feebts Inlast. To facn an. all they will prov mlm Rn'l abtessin?. Thyirusoin s?:?eab!oitnd without annoyance nr tr-niblt. Fach PÏRsfer ifrill -itr from o:. to tour moaths, ind in rhfumatlc oomplalnu. apraioj and bmise, frequently effect cures vhm all utiitr i-etottdiea fail. Fult directiona will be fbffAd un thíbackuí each. Public sppakers. vocnliats, rainiatersof thpgo'pol andothers, will strenffthen their lungqand ttifir vnicefl by wearing them on tLcir breaat. Pricc lê)J cents. The above articlpB ar toldbyall the dealers In Ann Arborand by Druatsthi-ouffhoatthi' Uuitfid StateJ, Cuna das and South Amrríca,at wholesale byaJlUíf Droggists in the prin-ipp.l cltif n. atJlKICK h BROTHER, 2j737 PXACnCAT.ClT83fIST8t AVVJ, H.% rrwj l. uiLLEirs ÏÏAIR INVIGOKATOR. AN EFFiCTf!, SAFE A.VD EOONOMICAL OOMPODMD FOR RESTOKI j KaY HAIR tu ti ordinal color with. out dyeiaj, an i prevants The Hair frora turninj graf. FOR I RKVLNÏIKG BALLNUt nii curir.g it.wlieo thfr is tb lMst psrtioli uf ur raeup. iitire otrer rem&ibin?. FOR RE.MOVINü SCiT.r AND TAXDP.CTF, tsij U eu.neous atfectinns of the icaip. FOR BEACTIFV1NG THK HAirt, iraprtlrg to it n u. equalld glosa aud brilliancv, makjug it oft Bad ííUít in ite texture nit cauhing il to curl leadily. Th! grv.t colebrity and tne iuccvasini; deoiaud (or tiJi unequallurt prüjiaration, convinco tbe projricljr that "uo trial is unïy uecessary to satify a dicyrnnjg pubüc ol it superior qualities OTr hdv other prepaiatiou et pir-wnt ia une. It clearues tlte head una sca!p irom dandrvjf amd olher cutnntoua üitcete. Cnusew the hair to grnw iuxunaotly.and gives it a rich, ott, glcasy anü texilile p)earnncf ,and alño whei 'bs hair is lí.u.-íiáug and ibin wiilgi-'e trtugth au.i vi.oi to ihe rvoU, a.nd restore the groth to tUone pKrt hich haro liecomu bold, cauMiig it to yifld afruk tortirtg oftatr. T'lereare huadreds of iaites an.i gcutiympu' In y8T Toik wlio bavc had the;r hair retorinl by ihe ne of tliis Inrigur itor, when alt o;her pi'eparatiuns bad faiktl. L. M. has in hie poüaeaion latttai iuuumaiaöle testilVirj to the ubore faol.s, from pertons of the ki((hpst raspecubllity. It will effeclually prevent tb ketrfrom nu-ni'g yroyuntilthe lafat perind (if lif.-; and ,:n cases Iraera the Bair hl changp1 it c.!cr, tL ue of tb. Inviïorator will witli'certainty rutare it to üt origlnnt ht ■ g.viug it d:irk glossy appeuraiice. A a prfi.cie for the toüet aul a Hir Kestwative it ii pirtalariy reoumnl -biIbiI, nering an ngretab'.e frïrance; aml the great iac.Dtic5 it iffrds in drttting thehair. whiah, wasn uh thn Iavigorator caa be ürej'sed in Ruy requirwi forra au m to pri-se:Te i; plaop, whstlier piain or in )ien the reat demaud for it by the la'liii as 3 standard f Het rüoit whiob none ought to b vHhoct, as th irica placea it withiu the rajicb of all, bein ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CEXTS per bottlr,toi h; at all reüpec'.abk irMjsitW an4 periumers. l JiilxtR woull cali th attwitbn f Tirents ana Guardian to the ub of his invii-faittr, ia cksed wheru the childreni' Hair incliBF to bc weak. ïlunfeofit lay the foundation for a good head of hair u it reaiovei any impuritieti that may have beoume oonnctti ith the scalp.theremoval ofniiiehis csoMrary botL lor ib health of the ciiild and th f jtur piaraaoe ai Itl Hair. Cautiox .- N'one genuine withmt tbeffoefmUe I.Otia MIU.ERbeini on the outr wiapper; also, L. HiLLLl'.'& HAIR INV1ÜORATOR, N. V. blow:: in the glaas. Wholeaie Dfput, 68 Xiey St. and old bjali the prínílpleilercbant1} and Drugifists throughoüt tba worid. L; bei-hl discount to purchaers by the uaniitv. I alHO ücsire to presunt to the Aui'.-ricüu PubLe'i New & Improved Inetantaneous Liquid Hair Bye vhieh after years of itcientific exier:jnein;n2 I har broujht to perlM-.ion. It dyes black or brown instaotlr witbuutinjury to the Hair or Skin warrauUd the bvñt F article of the kind iu existence. PRICB ONLT PIFTT CENTS DEPOT, 56 DE F ST., Jfiw Torv. Important National Weiks, Publiriiaii by D. APrLr.lON CO., 346 AND 34í BR0A.DW4TSEW TOEK Tbe following workj are sent to Subseribers ia any pax of the country, (upon roocipt of raiul i-rice,) Ut ai&ll or eipresfi, prepaid: THE NV. WA SIRRIA CVCmraiDIA: A Popuir I-ictionary of General Knowiefle. I.dltfxl f f Gko. R:pl!t and Cíüklks 1. 1.a.ví, ai.od by a ni.nieruáí select corpa of writtrs n sll brancbeé of tcieace, Art and Literatura. Thia work is being publibed in abt ut 16 large eclavo volumes, each contaï Itotwo-coli Ou a pages. Voto. I., U., IU., IV. V., VI , VII., VII!., k IX. ar now ready, eacü con;atning near aril 0I08. An additionl vol urn wlU b publibbtd otwia abut tbree montba. l"rio,i Qi;tb,t3; Ebeep, M.CO; íllf Ruasiü, ti iü mch. Tbe XfTT American TyclTifa I pof u!ar without o. ln superfleial, learned wiihout beiu4 pedanlic, cempt. f hanaiTi but suflicitntly .etaücd, frerum per, na' i,i(u and parij prejudice, freah and yn acr-jiale. K 1. complete tat iutnt of aii that is known Uj,on iT'.iy iaiportant topic within the icope of human intalligt-uor - Every important article ir it haa bei-n ipiaUy wr tt for its paeshy mon who areautho.ilid tpon ihetoi.l on whiou they pcak. Xbiy are requireil to tb ubject up to the present moment; to state juut hoir i tanls nov. AU the statistical bk rmatit n i frem 1h latm reporta; the geographioal accounts keep race ■! the latest exploratious; matters inclu.'.e tk fresheatjust views; the biographjeal notices is k at only of thedead butalsool the üriag. It is hbr&rr ol ItNlt A -KlDGEJIEiIT OF THE DEDATIIS OV COKGAËSS Boing a lolitical Hiitory of the Unu Eitatea, from the organizaüon of the firt Federal Co gressin 1789 to 1856. Müi-dand compüed by Hon lEO Hart BsMTOS.from ihs Official Records of Congrea. The work ril! be coa;,,;eted in ,6 rcyai octavo rclaaw tof 76Ü pages each, 11 of wliich are noir rndT. Au 4. ditionai volume will be published once in tbrëi'month. Cioth, ÍS; Uw Kheep, Half Mor llafl Calf. 4.6ü ach. - A WAT Of PROCUEING THX CTCXOPDIA OP DEBATTS [ Form a club of four, and remit the price of four bookB, and üve copies will be ent at ths iemitter! exjnfit c.irriage; or for ten nubscribcr, alsvan opíe. iriQ b sent at our expense for carriaga. To Agent. Ka other worli w!l! so liberally reirird tli nt.H!tn of vent(. Ax Aksxt wastbd iv tiu-ï Cocntt I-on I Ltown on applicfltion to the Publishers. Ann Arbor. Nfaroh. 1S53. f'Oam - Bev Ur WiluaT, eat at Eljno k fmXlH Bookore, Ypailanti. ! VIIOHTÜAN SOUTHERN & 1JL NOKTHEüN' INDIANA RAILROAD. 18W. SUMMER ARP.A.VGFJÍENT. TOft. lriilas bow rnn on tils roaO, fnldal nttpM, ■ follows: Leave Toledo or Chicajo at 10 IS A ir, end 10 2i P H " Detroit " " " 7 20 " " 7 40 ' '' Arrivinsr in Cblrogo from Toledo tod Tetroit at SM V. II. and 8.nW A. Jl. Ardve at Detroit from Tolaio, t 7:01! A SI. 6Í8 P M., and 11:00. A. M. Arrive in Detroit from Tiloero at 6.0 P. }f. , tai 1 M ty A. M. r. .irrive In Toledo from Cb.'tam l,rO P. M. anfi4 80 A. U. and 3.40 P. M. Ltave AdriAn for Jaokson ut ' Jooíboo fer Adrián at 5,00 . U., ai 1,CT p. ir, 0ONNECTÍONS. At Tcajtno-With Clovaland 1 Tolsdo Taü Hoi, wfft Wabab Valley Rail Rod. AT Dethoit- With Graud Trunl; naili-air, itïi Crfflt Western Kailway, lso, wiib the sidMilwauiw. Railroad At New i; fits R. R Cmstaya-yfUh Traía for 1 afayeUe, New Albany acd Louisvillft. T at Chigíoo- With Chicago and Sock IsIsb.1, Guien, ', Milwaíké, CbiOBgo. Burlington and Quincr- VorUi Wes Railway- Chioago, Alton and St. Lou:i, lilirkrt Central, and to all r'omts West sn 1 South. m 69' Trin are run by Chicago tinïo( whlcb ia SO ja'nutes -lower thn Detroit tima. ar WoodxurB Patont Sleeplng Caj? sooomtany '-Ï' Nlffbt Train en tbis Route. 5 W No ohange of oar betwaaa rolroit, Adrián aai Cbiuugo. Time ana Taro taa san-.f as li et athn EaÜ Bood Boute y J.VO. I. CAMPPtXL. Gon-sl SupüPtinflfri. s. - - - ■ ■ S fiencral Land Agepcy, f EBOS8 want!rf farm, or re!dricpflr orrr ' AnnArbr, can by callicg onooc tlíct frou. a l;t ui orer ' 1OO Farm? For Kalft ' Ofvarionr 1üps trm , -tc-üW'1 BcTcrer.--'.] ;(ornB f' as good asanyinlhip Conaiy.) Morftliao 1 SO Owclinji lfo!is8 imndred to foarthotif ar (' io . jarseaeh : and ovar , 2 O O tdliiDISr. ÍjOTSÍ Amongtac farme are thp Hisfaoss ttrna, jHïAeyrf. tbe I'otter farm. In GreeriOakj the Plaeefsrnf a .í ( 4. lacre, tbt: Blandón nd Junks farms, in Web'ünr; " ths Stub'n, Michael Clancy, Newton Beefnn, nd Knüahj. lrmi, in Anr Arb(.r:J Kirt'slöj'i ferr,i. In the Uitcb ni Hik l'rna 1. Ladt; th - Patrirk Unyii Tnrm In Frenuoii.; W. f. ÏDlvSoB, B. Í). Haknr and Buck' ferms InUvh'nn. Nott th.p and many otbers con be dividf é to 't .-it 1 parohs.ers " E, HCÍCS-. ir nnArhnj. .Ttb. i.-'. liWti S:i -- - ■- ______________ __■__„___ 'y Rcupooaibl strid IionM js'i' '■ w .a. isr x i, zd rpUKQUCtHOUT the Dn-ted Siaiis, to trra vc 1 1 p:iy a -ii.rtiy of in.m 20 ta ï(I;ï; aiOBli and x, pen.-.o. JÜI6IS NO i.l Xi!Uc. Ta Hui ftaoioiulg ü# . Ot p. v y .:j uron ta


Old News
Michigan Argus