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--"--: ■ - - - l ■. "í , "" " . 'f -" '■ ) Vmk :y Á Anti A i-1m i'. ARE XOW OPEX1N0. MUËCT FROM PfRUSHFÜW AND Mnufcturrt, Nw au3 Complet trcfc of L.AW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Bookt, Miaxllananu Bmks, Blar.k Booit. dan ' STATÏON33H.Y! 1"aU aad Viodow I'appv, Drawin and Mathematiek! IntttrtïmPnta . M!c, Juvenilo Libraría, EurelopeJ, Ink n4 Cmíí. gpWff üBfiy 'il'jffHr"'T " K f" ■:a- GOLD And all othfr Jtindi of Pent and PeHoVs Víd1ow Cornicx?, áh4ea anfl Flxture, POCKET CÜTLEHY! A mi éverything perfcaiidiiK lo tba tfld, tnA tofíft tt ■ whEcíitimy would ir. vite thú attnrioa ot Ibó oountrj. Ta conductíng onr !i. .t.oiv wa háll do 11 that twt bo ÍÍodbo that ao roaDabl; man, íi-ouao of hild ?haÚ fiti'1 a.7 fault. Lówest Poísible Figure. Wo prpüKotollfor READT PAT, ota íraall a-lvan. . Wt ospvct a ]roflt oii oor ffaofla, but Casli Sales will Admit of Low FIGÜBES. W hsrp fwfngi thr iwrrlce oí 3.W.TS F. srALDDíG, b'Teforo ATf prepArpd io furaUh Viê'tmg, Wedding and all other Cards wriltvn to order, eith neatnns and dispalch, by mai' or otherteise. The "Eïipire Book Store," ii manl Tjgoofl 'crow nd thy will Ahvtiy he fuiinH ■ui iii "aarfar fackr' roálr inri 111118 ló t(o3 to all ifith plííjux, trho ÍE fitvor tl-.cDi with a o&U. IJemeinher the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Oo. on Artxrr, Mar, Wt. T4# Rifle Factory! A. J. SUTÍÍERLAND HASreraovchliG'in Shop totba Mew Blok n ffoton Btroet, ourh r( ihe Coori Housc.octne aacotid floor, whrre he Í propflred to fumish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flaskt, Poajhes Bags, and Everj otlier article in bis Liue. Ob tbc moet reason&blc termi, and to do all fcladl cí n the íhortPít tliabcsl mann! , A 'tiíI nesort'-ïwint a'wRye pt on hand, or.d maö'e to fti T. Still in the Field! mi i LAEGE STOCK o GOODS la my Una diraet frrii New York, Bosten, and tha Manuiacturers! I i&r Jttft retjeÍTed a lorj aa-1 ffoli ertirteiassftrtoöefït of CLOCKS, WATCHES, T DE3 "W :E3 Xj ï. "ST. SILVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery ! GOLD PENS, And a grent Tnriety of Tanka Ifctioni, V I wouM all partiOuUf attention te tny Ufgé ttoek oi of Gold, til ver, Steel, and J'lated, with PER S COPIO GL A8S A aap1oT irtM, xi a ml rartety a att&n la tin cüanje for c-jvesiac. Ftnoot haring '. ÍcjIi watMiM to fli Uh glaiM8 ecu EEPAIRINa of fcil ilndi of KiiM VVaiilij, ach ai Making & Setting New Jewels, PÍFI0N8, 8TAÏTS and CTI.INDFR9, 1 CLOCKS, AND JE WELKT, Vnftj tnpuSni tal wsrnmta. G. BLISS. A WewÍ_BRIVAL of Boots .saca. Sboes 01 B 6wr1iMoii, mhI wíl] SOld OESAPEB Tfl■ O-V 3B B0VGH1 IX TkJ fV. ko a targr Mntaat ' Fnshlouable Btylo r eob ja EJPEMENCED WOKKMBK, -oicnw.FBENOfl CALF BOOTB p HOT frviiVH) thii ft4 of Ktv Tork OHjr , aoA sw wrratd Dnt to kit. Oar 8TOGASAND KIP 8 rt naad r the btft maVwriala Our tiock of Moroooo Bootees IbrlAdiMli the Üic bastin town, with heel orwithnnt W Mak to Order, &ndnevr misv of IRDM tht flrfttimo to jflv usa cali aml we will ihow you our stok fre of charge. We hare acured the MflrrlOM of two Kx pcricticd Journeyioen, who do ourmeudin in the Heat 4t Aianncr, and on ihortcst notie. Our motto is Quick Sales and Smnll Profits Thaukful fot pait farora we hei bypejing trlct attaottunO our buaineii to mcrit a liberal sliaie of Tour patronage for the !utur. jap iUmcmbor w ar not to b nndwuoU. 01 MOORE & LOOMIS. HoTvard Aasoolation, Püiladelphia Btnwltxt luítUutúm êttablishtd by tpêeitt t-ndivmmi for likt rtlUof tlu Slck and D'itrciaeed. affiicted wit FVWitut and Epidemie DisiaMt, and rrprruilti for t Omri of Diêeaiu oflie Smcual Orgfí tuf Diêf,rnpary frm io palien In all paru of tht V nittd Stalt, ' ALL' AULK REPOKÏS on 3lerniaturrho , an.l othr Dl aani of tba 8exual Orgfti.i, and on ttiANÉW RKMEDin mrd aaut to th aflliot! in iooled nnvIip, fr ai charg. l'wo or thr Htmi. for jwïtae be will k ÜrÁ'd!raa Dn. 1, UU.UN HOrOHTOM , Aotin Sw loo Howard AatoelatlOB, No í.aonili Xlntíi SliMt PlíU A Novelty in the Art World ! ] Photography on Porcelain I Saoured b. toten pttn1 in ttioUaïtad tintes, g . ..'. F - ;i . u l B Ij itn ■ TIJK AMERICAN POftCH&JLIS COMPANY No 781 Broadway, New ITork, ia ■ ■■! a" 1 u i n is Inrratton by i: moncftn nud Kuropmi patonts, are fully prf-pnrod to j i MÍ nial ure Likinet's of Ëèrom on China, prfK'ntJtijf sl 11 the attxmotire &nd a-itantajesous feature eforliunrv pliotog jriiiH. f Ík b,-ilhanr. iad :tiih df p tra Ui color drftviu aiy' iiiiherto;(l quali y of iliKutviitT, ;.. . . .-..-i - .-■! uiaiptrl h;e m tb ; Dfttanl proportie '- '-r Ar;rJn apou whloh thej are tr&n ifirred. At, the patntrd proces of ib CorapMiy enablo tb" reprod icti -n f l'uotographi, not onïj onfplftia nirfac s, but upon bu -1 a %t round or lf' r flgre í Untr- portmtta can io reproducid witta [kultleu teoa r -y and lal f ■ ' i '1 '."it.oi, upou Paroobttn wwr " in A'vl liims nsi.Mi ust i u articlo of iï'-t -i' houaob I i uttliiy, suob UYas.V.ues, Break (uk OuptToil -t ArtidevAo - tbeieby aecurinK falïÜfal pbrtraifc and furo thing a uni que and oxquisite BtjU of oriiaineiitaiiyn ot arielo in (Onilic UU. ]ti order to [tarnlh Í"-. -:rtii for the gralification of the E poputar tatte, and lo mí Ii wants of thoite p-itrbiu l ef t!i' I'ine Arto dwirom of haring Poctcalii on T'"ry CfttalDl1h6 Compaoy hatt iiuporUl from Kuropea col Iion of 8npenor porcelain goofli, manufacture to th - own ardar, wblaii thy ll . ooat prloea. í At tba Ainericau CompatiT are own rs of thapfttant rlghk, :! oODi quetttty the nnly poraootAUihorittd u v.'- the preM ibffhave detorinineil, Ín order To ftíTord Propio in ev ry section of tbe. Union so opportuolly io posiis P.-rtrftits on ChitiA, ttt huVp tUé follywinjf proposttioa to Rceiaents in the Country, who are unable to ] visifc poröonlly lio Atelier nnd Gftllericfl in Nof York. pon MndlDfl oftnttff-iph, amhmjpp. OT dflffiierrwp ín Ue oülco of the Comiiinj ia S'ëw Tort , aoecmpoiel b y Five Dollars, tri! repiire Ín retura by ox;re, fr? of nth#r oharg, A lichiy ornnmer.ted Breakfflii Cup and 3 er, wïth theportrait .transftrrftd tf.ereoa. E7 traüsraiitiug a daguerreotj-pt and Ten Pollars, Éby wil! rorivo In like manner, A hftndsomo French Vase or Toilet Afticle, with tb port ral t repro-lcfl by tb paiení procos.. 0y scodinga pAirof danerrootypAd ao-i Fifieen Dollara, tkejwill recir in turn A pair of rïch Sfvrea Vasea, witb tbo portrfttta exe:ntei pqual to theminattira p.iltrtmgt ; aun in liïco nnaner, p;.rt:-aits oan b reproduood 'mü ware or Vasos of evtry quality of fiuish, raneíng in price frnm J Trcntj to One Hundred Dollar tbc pair. N. Iï.- Be particular iu writing the addreis, town, Obunty and Píate distmctly. AÜIétton to be :i1dpeMod to tMcnttft?r AtKerican phü'.ogrtrphii Portt'.nin Ca,, J 76Sm3 781 Broadway , Níw y oís. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. 1 v Accumulated Jan, 18C0, $1,767,138,24 ] MORRIS FRANKLIN, Vretident, J. 0. K END ALL, Vine Pretident, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with the Coroptrolier of the State of Xew TovV. D!vit]euds average 40 pr öont. ftannallj. l ASSBTS. Piwh In Bnk, S 81.J5S.49 Infestad in secaritiAK , createxi under the lawiof the sute of New York and of the ü. S. , 268,870,79 ,, RealEstsU and Fixture, Nos. 112 aad 114 Broadirar 132,450 04 Bonds and SlortjageBdrawingT per et. Interest 583,908.39 r N'otes recoived for 40 per cent . of premiums on life policles, hearing Interest, 675,318. 85 Quarterlj and Öemi-annual premiums, due nubiftT quent to Janiiarr 1, 186D 205fl.3S Inírroít accrued up to Jan. 1, 18C0, 35. 4SS.77 Ren1corueiuptrJD, 1, IPSO, 1,705.34 J Premiums on poliete in Hands of Ijnnts, 56,44.10 Í1.T67.13S.24 0 Tri Wku aüd LrviTr, líeiücnl Examlnern. i3tf J. G1LBEKT SMITH, Agent LIFE INSUÜAIS'CÏL The Corneoticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company Accumuhited Capital, - 83,500,000. C WII.LIUSPRE UTE8 for anr amount nnt eiceedlni 61ö,0 10 for the hole terrn of Life or for a tena of r y tars, on the raot favorable ïoimp. N. B The Compauy in purelj Hiutual and the policy c' holders get all the surplus over the. exact cost of h anee It accomodate t lie insnred in the set1lroent of 1' thcir premium ON LIFE PoUCIÏ?, f dwired, by inklug a cote fur one i.ilf the amouut, hearing iutevcit at six per cent, per annum. Dividend are Dcclarcd Annunlly! t and fiince they now aranunt to nrï per cent on the c mium, cfth and nnte, and ure inoreasitig they my he í applied to cancel the notes. fST The ratea of primiumi are au low a anf other re sponnihle ConipHuy and the l.irfre aoeumjlated h-.üi of o Í3,'."0,000 is secufety iuviftted, as ma.y be seen hy c efcoe to tho statement made accordifig to lawt on file u ] tte office of the Coauty Cï Arn Arlmr.-it JAMtS GHOUWIX, Trcst. GtrrR.riT.r.Ssy. rorprtlonirsorplj to JAME C. WATSON, 708yl gat ftt Ano Arhor, Mloh. Conway Kirc fDsiirahre Co.. Of Conway, Mass. Capifiil paid lip, - $150. 000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269.96S 12 Liflbilities. - 16,4-10 03 D. O. Eogers. Ja. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J a.WHTTNEY. L. BODMAN, W. El.T.lOTT, P4 I1OW t.yn D i'. McGILVKM', F. D VOUttAN WA1T BKMENT, JORIAII AI, LI A lïlBÜ'irN W. B. niCKINüON, W T. CLAI'P, D. C. ROOER"'. Ann Albor B fVrenocs: llr, Í WK1.1.S, L. JAMI"' L TOirOF, ENOCH JAMES. OAPT. O. S. OOODRiCil J. W. KNIGIiT. Afrent. Aun Arbor, Michigan. Mo ney Wanted, Who will iTeiiñ M oncy 1 TAM REQÜE6TED IiT ÍEVERAL PERSOIfS to obteln money Í4r them at Ten Per Cent I itere st, (OrMore.) 'or anT on willfnjf tolond, I r.nn at onc inTest on ood unencumbered abundant REAL ESTÁTE Recnrity nr nmi of money and see that th title and secnrity rALL tlfiHT. The borrower payior all eipeoje, lDclndin(r reordme. W. MORGAN, Ann Aroor, (iet. 7, 1869. 715tf Tp W.ÏOBGAN, Agent lor ilutual Life Inirorance Company, Ifev York. Accumulated Ansets, .... 6,360,000. he lea'ling Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocber Ijfe Insurance Company, New York, - a first clasa snft Co. - terms reasonable. HuraboWi Kire Insurance Company, Nw Tork. Capital, with a large uurplus, - - $200,000. Peoria Marine "Fin Insuranc C., Ftoria 111. _Ktv % Jio. 1 Fire Insurance Cus. 7O7tf Cspitstl, - ÍS08.000; City Me at Market. np2EUNDERPIQN'KD, AT HLS Market nEar the Tont J Offlci, kifp cönstantly on hand a full ansortment of whirhthfy will tlwavs b found in rMdinesto cut upon BDTT CUSTOUIiRS. No rus will b apured to keep tbeii mrt Clean, and Meats Sweet and patroni m.j rly upon jettinp the bcüt roists bTiAKC, campa, etc. , Uat tas b fomid in th City. CAL, ANDTRT Üö. S. 1-ROCTOR T. JTALKEK. Arm Arbor. Mrt 4( 1SC0. 746mO TO HOUSEKEEPLRS. SOMKTHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S BïftT MXDICAL &ALEKATU8. Iï manufacture from common salt, and if L prepare entirely different from otlicr Salera tus. [ Alltbe deleteriouB matter cxtracteil in sucli :i u f a tuanner as to produce tírea.. and alS L l O Te kloda of Cake, without contuiitiug a partiële oí 31 ; aleratua whtn the lïnad tr L'ke ia bakcd: j thert'by producing wholesorae revults. Evcrv T partiële of SaleratuR in turncd to gas, and pasric. thiQUgh the Brêad and Biwult while baking, y Cífí consequenilv, nothi'ig reniaina butcoroinon Salí S O O Water, and 'lnur. You will reádily perceive, by .. i thetasteof thts Saleratus, that it is eutirel; Ig dilTerent from utherSaleratus. lj Itis packed in one poundpapers, each Q lierbranded, "B.T. llubbi'tfB Best Medicinal LJ !Q daleratus;" aino, picture," t'wisted leaf of bread. V Uö vith a glans of eíTervescing water on the. top.- Q Whenyou purchaae onop;piT you should pr" k. serve the wrapper. and be particular to get the (P npxt exactly hke the fïrst- brand a above. Ü T C '"" 'ürectionsfor makingHrvai. i J eratuB and Sour Milk or CréftiD Tnrlar, wülac company each packagc; alxo, directions for Tf mak rag all kinds of Pastry: also, for makiug í-oda-WatiTflnd Svidlitz Powders. a 7Q SIAKEYOÜROWN SOAP with w n. t. BABiurr'8 puke coxcentratfj r POTASH. M Warranted doublé utrenffth of ordinar} M Potasb: put op in cans- 1 lb, 2 Iba, 3 lbs. I m Ib, and VI lts- with fll dircctioiinfor mak.Dg j AKD Sttrd and Soft Soap. Oonsuniers will flnd thib the chcaptut article in raarket. rl Mauulucturcd and fur sale by M IÍ. T. BABBITT, J 04,66,08, 70, 74 Wanhingtoo st.,"ew Yoik-Q ri A nd No S8 India st, Boston. ? i -i ■,):.,! Hl B , , 1000 Tests, Shirts and Drawers, Tot Bile lip t CriTr.KMAV Oe"


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Michigan Argus