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Grapes For Maine

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For twenty yeara past I have been ■teurchiiig tor gooü flavored gripes lliar wüulu b" suru to i'ully ripen ovory ywu' on this lAiüobsuoi R.U'or. Atior priicunug umi plaiituig froiO tiinu to linie! uuur i y tiliy v;inuties, süimü of wlucb I wus assured would np n ia BañgOr behoud u peradvanture, 1 li;vu icea Uwappoiottjd in iitíui'ly al! of Uiein, 1 procurud about h dozun vurietie-í irtJiu VrLnont, growu ueaily o tiiu suma iutHaUa i Baig ir, DuL not "oue oi Ujjdi provud to ue ruhüblü tur our CiliII.UO itití Isabefia does not ripen hero of luiitíi1 than unco ni aev ii eai; iliu C!ulav Lu nevur la -j ainu. I qdwj re aicd my 'tuiíi.if su'icesrt to tho lulu UisiiNguirlJcd A. J Dowiiing, and ne advised me tu iry ttie Clinton, it öany. Acc. 'l'd.ugly I purclmsod a ttcuMu viuus, bui vvnen thuy truited, tho QTaoea i'iuru icuiiv as aoid is me iuicu ol a leaiou. 1 sooa uftwwurds imd ni_y expeattttiona raised by the high fbooibinundatious of the Coiuiuid. My painar and ujysuif puichaeud ui $00 worih, ut tlie t)igh pricea ol two and three dollars per Viue, aouin"Ciing to 6ize. i have lruiied it lor suvoral years, bat it prove Lou late lor M.iiue, ur at luast tbis puft of it; it wiil not ripen all tlie oiusters oa the vine, in löol I attendeü tne ■'Ainurican F.hiiological Society," held early in September tlüil ye;ir m Boston and was oue of the ooiinnitlec (Hl grape-. "We hau .-nt U3, atnoHg iiiik-.v, a günerous quanttty ni a Huw .rape, _origiuatd in ilartíord,. Ut., callud - tiia 'íHartíord Proiifio,'' fully ripe and very Bweet. it vvaöihen said ihey ripened aüniially by tne tirst ot tíepteuilíer Being uiuchpieased vvitti tnis new. grapiy i moved tl.e society adopt it as a trurt tnat ''promiBud wall for nortUero loca liutts," but in this 1 was ovarruJad.-. 1 atill liud uiy opiuion ttiat it uus a „supe wüiuli vvould suit our cliiüatö.jn Maiae. This was also thu :pi:iioii ot ."i. L. (jo idalt), Esu , oí Saco, anü OltltM'B OÍ .ilíUUO. VVO UaVO blllüe ÜuU oo reuson to obauge our .opmioii riius who iheu opposcd t at th .1 i.ieètihg are now u its ööm uiciidauons. It hasjinca üeen Ai y partner and myselí' procurad üOU viuea lor oursolves, and cur friauds here; niost ot these vino have shown frua, and íu no ristaüuè that has come to my kuowledge has it láiled to ripea its fruit perlecily. Wo hav siuoe purcbuóüd a larga supply oí' Ue Daluwai-e and iiebeuca grapa viüea, and this seasDU 1 nave ti'uued both oí' these noted varíenos in open cultura, and very lew í' any grapes grovva m gratenes by urtiüuial üuat equal themin tiiüir supernijü Üuvor. I have sent a smatl order to my friend, Rev. A. D. Merrill, oí Melrose for his August Pioneer lor trial in tuis city. The White tiweet ' Vater bas long been cultivatwd here vvith ucuan. I i.ow íeel sale in recDinm-endiiig for thö clirnaf.ö of Maine and of New Ëngland iour varieties, viz., the Delaware, llebecca, Hartford Proliüo, ,ind White Sweet Waier, all of which, i tuiok, will be sure to ripen in good locatioua. and will be found of fiae tlavor, very sweet; the vinoa show fruit early, and uil very productivo. 'i he Diana is a very tine grape where it will npuii, but it neeüs lurthei trial íu Bniii'. r belor wo can recomaiöiid it as ripeuiHg perlecuy on tras nver. 1 believe it is now generally admittud by the best judgos pf grapes, that the uarlierit goud grupa yet knuwn, is the Hartford Prolitic. Tilia, I Uiinfe, muy safelv be recomiijended for exteutiiva ClilÜVUtiOD. The color f thesa givipes is ss lollows: Dchiwura g öp, rnubogmiy-, white blpóm; Rebwooa, whiie, light liiil of yellow; Hartford Prohtiu, oíaos, tiluo blooflij V hito Bweet Water, whitu.


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