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Frightful Accident--one Hundred And Fifty Lives Lost

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Yeferday a mott friglitful accident occurred in tbe dry doek at San Lorenzo, idvülving the entire loss of tb Peruvian frigate Callan (Aupurimac), and almost the eiitirc destruction of tlie dock, and a ffcarfiil loss of life. Tlie particulars of tliin lamentable :i ff i r nro, is far as I eau gather, as follovrc It haring beun deemed advisable to doek tbc ship, n order to examino lier copper md other trifting things, tbe cngif.oer of the doek was nsked if sho eould bo taken on with lier battery, provisión?, and crew on board.- 11 is opinión was tliat the diek eould not raise her wilh tliat weight; consecjuontly, her guns were landed, yards sent down, and topgttllaut maats ptruck, retainingher provisión?, niagazines, and crew on board, and in tbin state tiiey entered the doek, at past ten A. M. Tbcre was a very Urge conconrso of persons went over to witness the oporation. Tlie goveriuiient steamor UcHyali conveyed tbc President. Minister of War, and a large nuiuber of invited guestg. Upon the arrival of the Prosidcnt, the verniel began to enter the doek, and was soon placed in lier proper potitiooj the pumps were set to work; everything up to the present moment went well. Tlie keel of the frigate (ook the chocks of the platform and she began to ascend out ol the water. After some time, the engineer noticed that tho after settions of the doek werft risintr DittOh quioker than tlio forward ones, the extra weight of lier anehors and chairn; being the cause of this As soon as the 8cctioii8 were again icvcl, all tho pumps wors aga'm stnrted, and presentir four of the upright staiifliions of the doek broko; tliis was, liowever deeincd of no impcrtauee, is cYerything else was going on well, and the fngate coming out f the titer; she was imw out about six feflt above lier bearingojier keel in tlie ehocks (tlie Callao has a rieop keel and a ver, flat fluor), but, owing to lier ereat depth of keel, the ehucks did uot net as anjr support wht. ver on her bilge; theruforo, the ship was simply bular eed upon her I ec! and so long as i'he. could be kept steadj in tliftt po&ition she was sitfe; but her erw was on board, cns'antly moving from one sido to the nther; the hip boing alreadj topheavv, this caused her to give oub or twu sliglit rlls nnd then slie pitched over on lier stnrboard beoiui; at the second surge the hreo ïuasts snappcd sboat halt' way up from the deck; her star board ports bt'ing open sim rapidly filled v.ith water, ard here bfgan a scène of horror impouible to describe. - Tie water was filled with men and wo men, wnundtd, dying all screami: g for help; boats were promptly sent to their assiptance, or the loss of life wuuld bav been still more fearful. Of tho number that were bêlow at the timo very few escaped and their cries for help were terrible; but that whieh was mos; heartrending was tlie yiOCit ?ick in the hospital, who, helplesawith disease, could donaught but soream for that help that none could reuder them. Up to the present time of writiue it is not kuown how uiany have been logt, but it cannot fallj short of one hundred and fifty. Tho wounded that could be removed who did not require amputation were brought over to Callao, the rest remaining on the is'.and. The numt'.er of broken heads, and legs is great. Capt. Kerr, of the Engliuh ship Golconda, lowerod liis boats and did good service in sa ving sonie thirty or forty lives l'ho Callao was ; fine forty-four mi frigate, and was built in Blackwall b}r Messrs. Green & Williain, and she was a Riilendid sni cimen of naval archi facture. Sin; is about six yoars oíd - The resse] is a total loes, being entirely under water; the dock may alsu be considered as done tor, t liuriug failtsd as a commeroial speoulation, and the présent disaster inay be considerad as the last of the Cnllao dry doek.


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