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TflE CAMPÁÚÍN OPEN. Campion's Platform ! CHE ubtcribjr bu just retarned Trom tho rt wiih ala Fall and Winter Gr O O ID L3 Wliuh lio is Determiíied to Sell AT THE Í.OiVEST TRICE FOR CASH! at whicli.Fi!8t. Qaal;ty Gooda c:in henffurdcd in this city My clotlig aru all uf the FINEST QUALÍTY umi ns I manufacture tli m in'o clolliing myelf, I in enabied to WARRANT EVERY G ARMENT I sell io be WELL MA.DK, wl.ich is a strong inducenu'ïit to oustotnefi to patronize mv tor1 in prefiérenos io places wheiv largv qimntitiea cf Inilf mul gnols nro kepi for uit I have ihi'LATEST fa ui xs. oan eive vou i Fine and ice i fitting O rntrnté as can be bougM anywlicre. I nm buitnd to sell CUEAPEii AND BETTFR QÜ.JDS! Ihan any other (imilar estnblUliment in thi city. Yoiir oustom i m si. respectfully inrited. M. CAMPION. Ann Artior. Ndt. 1-60. 773yl SiitTilVs Stila. BY V1RTUE OK AN ESÍCÜIIVS issucd out ifanrt un 'U-r the si-al of tb Circuit Court for the CouiiTr o. W .shtenaw, and tnc nf Miobi:an,bearlngdate tim 'lit H.iy of Ju. y IS'jü, aud to iny direotod and delivervd. :igaint thu goods and ebattela, and ftir w;int tbereul land and teneawnta ui UtutaTun T. Biann liofeudaii' thi'rein named, I did on the :'Jth 4ajr Julj. 18S0, levi ttpon sed nefoeall tbe ri?lit. tille a,.. I mUrn of the said tu-tavns T. Maos "i ind tu tho folluwing decritcd land ;tnd pnmisi's, lo-wif, Being a parlnf wction mimber 29, loirnahip numuor '2 s'iuth ol nmge number6 cas:; coinrai-neing at the center it the road leftdtng imm Ann Arbor to .Kckon, at a ]n;it 'i ciüurjs i"i] 7ó links í'astí'jjy lrum '.hein;er-Lcti'jn uis.ii.i and the west line of ad Hictlon, teuce niirth parallel (o sald sèotton hue 3 clüiin (ad links 10 Ibe ilitch fcr t'ip cit'ck thence eií.t aloog said dttch a Chai and 4iliuks t bul'i.muii HsnQ'a ea t line, ihence South tosüi-i ri;ui, tiquee W6t to the placa of bezinning. Al.-n IjU nnmbcr 11, 13 and 12, and all 01 th:it part ol liitnurabrr li.that Iim Mitb of a line drawn frum nud 4 links soutb of Uu north-east comee df lot numbrr 14. aOvording to a pb. Df part of the oortli cs quarterof aectfbn nuinbörS K townhip number "J suuth of rant;a H Ut, rreordcdin libor 1', pagi7, Alsn lot numbi'rune inri. Maun's ad'ütton. Also tlie fnllowing, being tbe partof the vest half ol the north cast quarter of gectbinuuiiiberdO, townahlp n mber 2south of range nitmbt'r six o;st more particular 'lorriui'd as folttjws to'Vlti Beiiining in the terrttorkvl niad lcadiog from Ann Arbijr t't Jacksou ata ]nt vusra tiie eat and west halfes of said quarter secti')n slrlkcs the center nf sai'l rn.i'l. running ttie.JCes'mlh on the lir.c Iwrtween tho past and west balTet of th north-east quartcr of section Hforesaid Tu rodd and 11 links, UMbceweat U rods and 7 links, thiMice nerth to entre of 8ald road, thence easterljr 11 roda and 8 links to the ilace of boginning; oontaJning 5 acres of land in the townsbip of Ann Arbvr and in the county of (Taahtenaw ;ind state of Mlohjgftn, all of which premi -rs I sball úpoin tor ali at public auction. as the law difects, at the front 'ionrof the Court House, in tbe Gtj of Ann Arhor, th.'t being tho piace tor holding the Circuit Court for the Countv of Washte na%', on Monday the 2Jd day of O,:tober neit, at eleven o'ciock u the forenoou of s;iid dny. ÏHOS. Y. LEO.VAHD, Sihtriff. Eated. Aug. 29, 1860. The abore cale íh hereby pot■lfnl.Hl uutil Vhur.ïday Nov. ft!i, 18t'0t nt t 'i ;in 1 t'me of day. Tiios. r. LKONASD, sinrilf. Vmt.'. O.t'btr22, 1860. ;7ltl The above ttle ír heicby potp'nfd untl Mondaj. the 19th dsj of K'JïfTnbir,18fO.stti"-amp pliice an'.l tnno of day. 1UJS. F. LtO.VARD, Sheriff. DutsdN'ov. 8, 16C0 773-.! Mrs. WÏNSLOW, Ad oxjx rieo el Xuríc ni Female ïlhTp.;c;iin, prJdOQtit to the a't n i'in of ters,hEr SOOTHTYö SYHÜP, FOR CHIJ.DHEN1 TEKTHING, which grQêtij facíLitíitu t ie preces nf t.oth'n;. by itniten'zu tho Kumi, rducinL ill EnlaftTfoatloa-wiil : flll v AiJrL I'aI n' un 1 sp&su "lic act "n un I is SÜRE to REGULaTE ths BOWELS. ivprol apon 't. ni tíMT, it wfÜglre ra-t t' vojrolvca1 I anl Relief anrJ liealtli to yonr Infknts. vTo have put up anl an?. olil t'iis .r'ic'e fur ovtr fn yi'r?, CAV SAY IV UOMFXUEN'CE AM) TRUTtl of U. w!mt we have r.evcr bn abv t a "f. anr othermMijrn - NtVER lus IT FAII.EIJ IN" A SIMULE loï. N J. fü EFFECT A CURE, irhen tmily used. Ktr'üd we kmw :n in't n:e of d s nat'iitactiiïii by bii nwho uncid t On tho'. allure dehghtsd with ti operti'n , "nt np'ak in tinns of c mmendati' n of t tv.a.c-ií pnVcts and uned cal vlriu's. Wc oak in thia mtt r 'WHAT WB 10 KN'OiV," aftc-r tjn' exp'Tn:e, AND PILtHlL OUH HHL-TATH N ' I OH Tl.!. l'L I 11L1.M! KT OK WHAT WK HH(K Dl 1--1U . In alinrM cviij n t n-e ! wlurc t'e in'"1 nt k;;IT rln ir m pan pxhau ti n. : reliet wili b" tiM.n I n ítíum 'r twny m n t '.fr tb1 Mrjp is artmlBtred Thifl valuah'e urjparition ia thf prnoipt"''n of mi Of tbe m' EXPtklÊN'CED and -bl.-l.rUI. "I'R-t in Ni-w 1 n,'l.n L an 1 has t eu uscd with NVEK KAILJNJ SUCCtüJ ta THOUSAfS'P OF C'ASI-.S. It not otlr r.levui thecb 1 1 't m - n. b .t ioyig r t . the bt 'inacb nn 1 bowefr, e tic-', t. anlgtTM i n1 in 1 emrT w t ie wlju.e it iWI alm h t n ;an;.y relieve GKFPJNG IN THE BOWH, ANO W.N ' COLIC snl ovrïrue convulsión-. wh:cli if n t Fpeedl r m : died, nl in dr:.t.-i We hHv t t ■" '■''' and SÜRIM' HKSIKI Y ,N Jlil XV Iii.ii In II cace "f IY-KNIYRY ml . l.i: ■!! K N'IIL. N. wue:h. r 11 ar.s '.t m ie t ' " r "' r m :;ny othr uiise W TouM aay to ererf lu-t'nr win h a oJiiid "ufUrtu rjnranr ol t:f frej:'n' c mp fl Dt - J ïiOl' UT '■■ V"L'H PRKJÜ ICE-, NO i II!. 'iWI ■! KS OK l.T-II-iv"1. it'iid botwi-en yuu n I yutr su:lra. chile1, ind tbe relief thatwiu I aUKtí- YH. AB CtLutELY - :foil-c.v ti! il: f túí'. if-tin(ly used. r'uli dieet n for u'íiní will acc-JOïi'any eitch bottle. .' gen i i.n'.=is t o fio-jimüe nf i.L'HU.S .ï FEKilN i,Haff-lfork, ii "ii ti uiul'la nnpp r, -'M lit D.'uggioti mr -?Jt t-ie r.J. Pilnetpni i m.-e. 3 Cdr .irct. S. Y 'HICE N .Y :3 CENtá PBRDUULE Fit silo by rbaou & Co. Jv7.8. LÜNG & H LOOD ïlsTFIBMAEY. Pithcrê Work W onward Ave Dttroit Dr, i. J CARPRJSTKJB $ KAIXAKD. ■■■- - 'j i; - ., . DOCl'OnS gon r.lly ir.'ltnl that CtQiampilcs U inourabto, beoauee tuy caintcurc u tüt-maelvs} i but tuis duesn tm-tku .t irae. Mmiv nieolianiCi wrllw. Td.-i on a job all day ay, ! ter DOttiiax bi-t tfpoilthe mafral thry will tsi ton it rfvir caiitw (ln.' in 1 10 wny ytu i.nt t. U.ii byappïyiM t' R biit-i" werkman- CD who tiï"rnughty uniei't:nl liis lurin?9 - yon will get jour werk accumplUhed n sha pc. Ju ibis respect there is tl.c anie difftr.'inco to be fiun 1 m a!l UndM and profottiona. 'Ihc b.nhrí in nifcljíiiiiMn. n llie íli t-. in law, In ihcolngy, nnd id . pbji ie. will ".v suoh tilines Cttocot bo ritmo. Au 1 fels truc that thej Ci'uUÏ oot bei! nll men wtro liko ' nelvi-P. ït.t f'oitn itcly llirrc is anit'.iT clan of tuin, I au'l M.r.-p. u'r.r-n t :■' nke case In hand, do tho ! job s s jou wkiit it, or rtst po you to hciiïili, acetjr ing j to dfeitre. We have Dly to renu mber tl is act t undcrtttaiid whj one jhysician j-luiuM j,r-uouaco that inci.r.iblc wh.cii itu tlic r cftQ euro. Iu mechiiiiics, we s-iiK t mi-; lirul that by r poKPasifiD ftf fuieri r nnjRiiï, by snaie new iiivpution, of which hö ■ lua tüe solo use, or by tbe urea'tr iugeuity of h ' miivi, onw person will nriVo ■ r do what no í ther cn. Exactly it may be sa in physic. And ibis is tho ! vry rea.-.on why I have (taco graat UflfleHi ovor all üiliers m ihe troatment of Con.sumption. Bv having the Ortginal genlns, by pnsüus-iDg tho LuiiK-Motir, Ml:"chí'iiablí'i m tocit-arlT.-lctírmiiiO the imturo of the j dise;ieean 1 by hav'n sach reuaodies fi r Cousumption nu ' DO (j'.htr J'li.v-ici' n cvor Jjjtd, nmie btjl'l ti ia) that I have, and can c-ffciít n cure of this d]t4u bey on d tho I rcach of any otv nsnn. ïo prove thii to have t-oen i Iba MJtt, 1 mifiht priva you nmbers upon nuobers of oerilflo) %n from m:n and women piven onr to t'o i grave, who taro bccu r80ued nd retoriyl to healfi 1 by tha Mnorerlng ur of my rtmudii for Coneumptin. Kut it :b not n'jo( ■& y fr ir to do o here, for )ho fact of onei&un loincr wbat auoiher cannrt c-nnt. is OTidoat tyaü men of ccramon enae. lf tbe Coasumptivo wishes furlJtr irof (bftn thia, I oan only fy, oi-mo nu,-} fatiïfy ToanMlf by tri l of my aïiU ia e cuve of your CMnptait Dootor Cflrp'ör wil! vislfc Ywil."nti, an'! Ann Arbor, darinx 18CG-Ö1. Ar.n ArbfT, at Oook'i Hotel, Sd asS ithof eaoh monfb; Hw;ias }InuF.e, xpifflsTtti, 5:h and 6th of ecb month. The rönjaindi-r of tbe t mi, h vi.lU fctmd at hts Ir Tnlrna7 fa I-ctc. íyTÍE Attachaicjit NotieO, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Ctrelit Courl fot th# CooqI cl W&,l.tu]iiv. Uopugfl % Conptr. William Li. Tlinmpaon, mui H-nmin NewHrk, vu., üam 'n.ilao, t'liillip Knemcrnud Fhfl lp D Wtrtn. Tak noii thalonthe 18 nl.iy of October. A. J). lftiïo, a writ of Attachment vailésuetl out of the Circuit Court for tb Couniy it Washteuaw, stat of Michigan, in favor of : In ji'i 'i iv.ans'H;ini Tbtobon and Phíllip iviiHtiicj-, two of iho above namcd Deftn Uutt for thesuin of Tbroe Thousand fivo hun-ircii .inri ilxty j tw-do:i:i:K. wijich anidwiit ww recutoabie on the 23J Üctöoor. A, I). 1800, at lOo'elock in the foreaa of m ii'l d;v . By th rotuia endoroêd en iaid Tit it api poiirs tlmt propêrtjr has bo4n attaetittd by irtue thervf aud Uut UmQaU j"- 1 ;n t.'m; Jori.VSON étlIIüUY, Attys. füfl'Uiottir. ratea, Ojtobor #tta 1800. 773w3 T HE HYDROPULT, An IotoqUad Tor tlirowing water hand-pwr, pte tcl hy W. T VOSE. It iu one of tile raluable in ventions i Üm lav2T2CJS HYDROPULT wil]( by tlie power of one man, Ihrow watr at tho rit rtf 8 gallons perminute fifty foet high, with gro&t fcro. It i.-i bf.U ;irt:clecv( r inveilted for EXTINKUISHING i F1KB, PBOTHCTiNO A Ri .Of' 1'ItOM TAKI.N'a FIRB, WA8HINH WINDOWS, 31'BINIÍUNO l'l.AMS, WATER! MG GAROK.Vi, (1,1 WMING TBEEK M'.OM IN'SECTS, VEHIi; si k WALK8. SPRIXEUKU STREEl, WASHINU CARRiAGEB, CI.KANINO ('is'n:r.;;s, EMITV1NG WATRR FltOM SAII. BOATS, WETTLVU SAIU, A SPRAY BATH, A.C. Ttns artiolu Ithould bs ownerl by nrerr hounohoMer.- Ii dcv y witli thy neeeasity of & hydrant. It ia light, ]-. rtftbl] URCK IUM1', ahr&jn rody. ülly ul 6nd will cnn in fr(juetil uní' by every fmmer, mtr rh;tnt Rnd tnechanJo in ilip cummuniry. i'loase cmlt aad pxitniiix ;!c .u-Me:1 Al tl' "fli.o. AMKRIOAN HY1) OPULT COMPANY. 41 PAlih. KOW, N T. WA1 I.aCE WELCE, Agent fcr Whfnw Cm.tity, 771m3 Vi'H,Nll. ich. Iiving's Wurks - National Kditioa 'J'HIS Fine EditioB of the Work of WifnixCTOx Ia I vi.m'U (iiie:uilin)( the ife ol Vahi.igu n) , will b pabiabed lor SUBSCRIBBR3 ONLY ín Montlily Viilumcs Price $1.50 Piijabio oa üilivery. Beautiially Prioied on lieavy ftupfrSne pftpr, of tb vc-y b;1 t qi.iality, and 8ubtant.a]ly bound ín hery bevelled to;r.i. CEacli Volume Huslrated with Vignettet on Sti-el iind Wood XI Kniekerbockec !■■ Vork. bketeh Book, Cloih. Coiumou, ü voK. Brao bridge Hall, Aloria, 'iUk-sof a Tr.ivpler, Crayon Miácellanj( f'lit. Bodiwtí 1 , Üliver (J :d-m.ili, Maiioumi '4 toIh. Ori'tiudH , AlbamlM, Wultert'a Koost, Life of W.isliinton, 5 rols. SalmagutifU. Thls edltion will be sold mei tshtilt to SubKribm, and v.ll be grtraty super ir to any evir oefore issudt A vo;y lian Fíom - -íut of t:ie0 uiiivt-r-aüy popular workfl i tlius i'laoed witbln tlie m nos of all G. i'. PÜÏNAM, Agt., Pubüsber, 116 Nast.u 3troet, New Yort NÖTICft Ib bfr-by c;ivn t'int m Eleotitn of Ofll:os of thi (erm.n F. r Fr n it n v ('oinj. nr of Wíht ni.v Count wil! b.' tie d n t ie 3d 'ay of Decembt-rnext at, l.o'chwkP, M. at tho Reaidiaxj of John Koch, ib l.odi. in saH C'Junty ,. JOHN KOCH .-rotary. Octibtr id 1860. 4w77J NOTICE. vy rtEEEAS K? WIFK CAROUNK han lrt ray bed an4 bi r 1 w.taoutju-t chusp r r r ovcati n all pcraon are forbul harbi rij-r tratn inr n mv arcount.ul shall pny n j doMi of in r ctntrjcrini; afrer tlu'a dte JOHN AN0X1FF. Man;!iCitcr, Oct. 30, 18C0. 772wa - KESPCÖfFULLY O FrÏRTHUHiar)rn+. ESSENCES OFLIQUORS n their acKnowledqed puritnto the ... trui.. Addrci . GAKL ERLER mahaub, ÜÜ CMICAQOILU. MM. TAKEN ÜP. CAME Dto tho enriosure of tho iubscriber about tto lat of Sepïerabtr last, a FlíE.NCH GRAY PONY. Said pony i about 16 ycars oíd, baving one ye put one. Thoonnerof s:iid horse is requested to cali and prort propfriy, pay charges, and takeit anay. Lod.,.!., t8M. 'JETLR fc THE CHEAP CORNER. SEEK NO FARTHER! New Store, New Firm. AND LOÏS OF NEW G00D3 ! Iu Mack & Schmid's New Block. pCRCHA'ED rpcr-nt'y tn ! r tbe ranst favorable circum X. nu', so au t.iat wo fei'l c.;nii.U-nt n sayia u all our o.d cu.-.tjmcri, t.n.1 as laxny noir en uu e.owl .ntJ our " New and ípncious Store Room Comer of Mala aud Hbo.ty Streeta. Thtivenrj mar prefsrod ti itll you betur Gc#lj at low Miow mi trtnuvr ia lu;lj rjotul'tnliea viricteá vi STAPLE AND FANCY LADIEP1 &CHILDRENS SHOES II ATS & (JAPti, UON-NBTS ' RIüBCNS, RÜ8HK8 ' CKOCIvliRY, LuOKING GLASSE3, . Q L A 8S A N D STON li W A R E, GBuOIifilES, &u. oí ovary varitáty Lois iiioru f . liu samu tfoorl 60 cent 'I'uü, that others toi. at 75 cts. Bear in mimi that ur Goods ara all ftlitíb st quafáty. L3P0ur gtiipla and Fancv Dr Goods Mirpí.ss ;.ll (.-ruvioiio stocks fur be uty, van i y ui,d excdlence. ty Lítdidu Dressgoods, Shawls, &c , ueru iiuver bo'oru hulf att,acire mid nunnot belpbut iviii Rutiles óf upproval froni our fair friands. 8. Our H:its ni] Caps surpass all for Btyla nnd cbe.ipness ever ne:ird of n Aun Albor, cill and ee them. Bffi-Our Iridies' and Childrens'Shoes coinbiiiuelijiiincoandease vvith strength and durability. B?" Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestinge are :ill of tha best qualities and styles of tho Fionch, English & Amer. ican productions which r0 w.ll eell at tlie sume price thst üthúra ask for slop shop stuff. Z Our Grnceriea & Crockery ara, new and cheaper than over. Our Yankee Notions and small fisinars in gencrul aro to numerous to inention hore, einbracing every thing that a Merchant nhoiild keep and a Custcmer sbould biiy. t" And now having pure'-ased a much largar and better stock of goodstlian ever before; wo confidently rely npon tho appreciation of the public for n rcady Sale of the samo, feeling oonfi. dent that we cannot holp but suit all in prices quality and styles. A!l kinds of Produce taken ia Ex chango íor goods as usual. 0. MAOK, (772íf) 7 BOnMID r


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