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ierrick's Eugar Coatc-a XÏI ET CHILDRE ORT FÖR TÏIFlf ! JT, S fei' . Amiiianrwnl.v !■-' M i MTr itnfTTT T lioü' ' ' 1U1M r "I4 auraatl y. Cmfaú Pr3(pffiS?S'i'J, Koot, 1'Otnl and pi BWmTMlffffefffff trida, thair rHt r. BKt'ifra lil(3 huaiau yttun la - té-Vita' liicl'iftU.ívilctiip ", Ém.í2k diuctly on lU W HBLJ&l.í' gianda, Bohdí ind Culi, '■"- ■:.' tí''' of Ihe IxkJjt, tfcalr a- attiTderí wlth tlie happlest effect. In oíd tajtl,j asea of .fiicUntñ, small doses - repeated fr"qucjilly- ay Mieos the fivRtpm, iliat gool boaüh la Uw reault. Ko iipge in onjpl'jymput or diet is neceswir) . They nTtr ius moi.tlig, srolkd joints, aching ijobp, eto., & many otlHr kinds. Ti":y tire warraüítcl to gSi, tiafactlon, orthe price rtfur.dtid. They ara coc íeajer, sp.fer, prí-ttíer, and in all respect K-jp?íícr to ly purgativa plll In the tW. JtT!" ditoTry e{ híítíl;? a piil wiih tvgar cmanated with lr. BrtrM: 11 nt'terR ire en!ntoríeit%ind if urH, wil' (So Aons.fvul urpot&tthatwk. Herrick's t,fll are alrn"ly pn'. ?). ) ín a box,A a 'anje shset oí dirvcLuni, ftiidfcji H icttal per box; C boxoa for ti. Iekrtok's KrD Strengthenikk Plas.?y.ns. Ttegmt Strenqlher and Pavi D'ttroyrr, Tlie Bat and cArapcsf Housch:ld Rcrnedy in (he wnr'i!, These renowned Plarten cure puin. wml.neaaaiwt í'?. re in the back. aldra and briast, in lire bercrj. Inac: , icertuin are t hoy to do tliia, that the pioprlrtr.r arrr( i lem. "fr' :n retins, balsnlns lid pa, m oaatifiil kid loailior, ron-ler tlic-ci ppcullaily ad? pt4 ! ï lic wants .f Femahi ::i' olhers. Tl.?ira].ictvn i ntvenal - equally to th" ntroocmis,ihdeUeata weioê nd the feeblit Ir.lan, To ca anrt II tbiywillproM a!mii'! ii !;?-. 'nr. TIip'" 1 a?:CMb!e"i,d irithMt naoyanco nr truubl. !c-,h Plmitsr wiil wcar fiiniii, o ioiir montbFi. and in rhoumatic complftiiite, npraim nd n!ni, ffeqnentljr ef. et curtí whenallothcr ; j k'3 fail . Full d'r"ctirns ritl be founri un tholí'i, k ■-' ach. Public ipeahrm, ToeaHüta, niuittenof thrvonirl nd others, wíll tnntthn thcir lnnfiandloiiTt '.:■' r nico by wcaring thaia on thoir brtatt. Vries líí ent. ' ,93 Tlio aboT9 artletet re loMbral! tto dwilon ia Inri Arbor hnA by Drugglst thron-batth Uuilul Etstw , Tana das and xjuMi Amrrica,at ïiiioltal bjalilftiA Irngjtistsin principal ellin. BERK1CK BP.OTHER, 'i'ö''. L. M1LLB&S HAIK INVIGOKATOH. kM EFFECTIVE, SAFE AKD ECOJ"01UCUL CCitPOCKü "OR RESTORINU GRaY HAIB to U original olor with. out dyemg, ani prerents the Huir from ornlag .y, -URrttf.Vi.NüXíi BALDNESSBdoulattt.wbtlM la the least partióla of or r4utiUT i-o,jv. retnaiiii'. FORREMOVIK.'; SCUP.F A.VD DAXBEÜIT, taj 5 cu , neoua affVctionfl of the Pcalp. FOÜ MUTimiNC TUEHAIÜ.IiEpartir.gtoitlia -. equalled gloaa und brilüancj, raaking il sfiíl a jlri in it texture iiii'i causing it to cari rcadílr. grat celebrity anti tbs norwfing deröanJ for tl , unequiiüed preparation, convinco the proprliftor thnt - tria-1 ii DBlj uifessarjr lo aatisf'. ■ .;-cirnii'jpubli(.cl i superior quaüik-s oer any othtr pn-paiition t,t ■ In ud. It tleames tho houd nnij eialp UMm dandrufr ,4 'uher ciammiit i'etam. Caupo the Laii to Kr'jw luxnrt&Bfly,aDd giveait a rich, aolt, glosiy and fluibl i pearanciand aisuwhere [ooxnjng üum thiñdIok, It wiB ghre trength uJ rigor to th i ruu'j.a.i restore tho groTth to tliow parta which li._ „j b-iM, eauainx It to 3 -■ Ld v. f'it-h cowing nf'air Ttiere'arc liundn Is of ladies and genUeoMBla .Vt Yoik whs have hal their ha.t rcJtowd br iba a ai thl InWgorator, whon all othor prepuatioaa bad IWIU4. I.. M. has in OM posseu3;oa letteaa tMtlfjtn to the abDve het, from penwnj of the hi-hust rejpi-ot." bthty. It mll e:T-;ituaily preven, the fotrfrm i!ui„t irojiuunlthe latnt pqriod of life; and in oanoi wori the Ualr has cfcangwl Ita color, tne a.m of tho larisarator ■.v:!l ivith"cerla:a!y rutare it o tu origino! ïiiiu '! a drk. glossy appearsnee. As a po.-furau for 'the tJi and Uair h8itoratlvit ii pirteuiarly raeomtnwlad hnviog an ugreeab'.e frBrance; and tho grea' bciUUeo .'t afforii in drosinf ththair. whioii, whon moijt -:th ihn iDTigontor eau ba drwmd in any requiro.1 forra' ao aa toiirw.'rvc.ii, place, wb-thm plafn or In henou the iirit di-mand for t bv tbo Udiei ai h s"íja'á Kvjrt rricie which none ought to be without, at th r,iJci places it within (ib ronch of all, Ijein.' ONLY TWENTY-FIYE CENTS per b itt'.f , to be ha i at all respectnble drUiKüts' oá perfumera. " I illl.LER wou'.'i ca'! tho a'tnntlor. of VennttiA Guardian toiheiise of ni invi&ora-.or, Id on.',,n wheri the clnldrona' Hair inclines to be ireak. Tho u-i of laya the foundation for a ood head of liair.aa il jhovri nny iiupuritiea that raay have become co'nncotfd r,itti tho scalp. theretnoval of which 19 nec'Síñry tr.i;' for ta hoalth o! tlio child and t!io future Hyiarau" tfi; Hrtir. Cactios-.- N"one gemino irithrut tboüc alailio I CCIÜ MII.I.k.i4bonr on ihe ouitr WiRp.r; a!. i", I "ILL 1 ü'l HAIK ISVIGORATOB, N. Y. of ,wb lo thè ghv Wholeaale D. put. i bey St. und sold by all the rrinaplj Herch-inta od En."r.-' 's thro Jghóut ihn wnrlj Liberalduicount to purchasr by the nuantitv " I Uo üi irp to pNasnl to th Ara-r:o:ia l'ubü'c'nij Now & Improved Instantaneona Liquiri Hair Bye Trhich. after reara of ecientific oxpcrlmoüting I hT brought to parfwtlon. Ii dyea black or brown butandr without injiiry to Hair or s3iin arrauted Uu bit article of the Umi in oxVjtonce. PRICB ONLY FIFTY CBNT8 DEPOT, 56 DE Y ST., Kt Torn, 70} 1 Important National "Wcrks, Publiahfd bjr E. UttEIOS CO., 34C AND 348 BROADWAYKEW TOEK The followjïs works ere aant to 2ul"ariïcx Iïi put jr of the country, (upon rccipt of r!ail prico,} by utüH or expres. prtDaiii: THE Vt-.V AJIKIÏIAN A Popular Lictionary of Cfceml Kcowlcdie. KiteJ ( üeo. Riplsy and C'Uár.iJ3. IXtíiA, aiii'xl by a nuroei aeh-ct corps of writera in all branchau of t-'cieDrs, Ar and Iiteiature. Thia work ia beinf publlsfcrri n alon 16 large cirtaTo volumes, cch contaiiltg SOtwcoKmn piges. Vtu. 1.; n., in., iv. v., vi , vu., vm., %. are dot? reaily, each coo'a.ning iicar 2.6i'0orig:intl Ml clP3. An additional volnao wlü bo pubüal.ed owxïh abo r. tlirce raontbn. Price, in Cluth, J12; Ecetp, Ê.6ü; Half Enasi, UJf each. 'iho New American Cycloriedla Is popular trfiloul !► in superiitial, tearned without belu ped.'n'ic. cr-ciprfaueivi but Buffici miy detailed, ü-9ü irum pitfaoaal plt;w and partj projmUce, f.-cab ond vet occurale. It u complete statiuiout of til that isknoTvu uj on cvyry iportaat toj:ic within the scope of human iL:ei!igei!oo, KTcry important r.rticle in it bas beo.ii spfjcüliy wriUcn for its paL-ejbymon ivlio aro autboiiün upori ihti on whioa tLey ipu,k. 'ihty are requir&ri to bnnj[ tb subject up to the prtstnt inoroent: tostatpjuat bcw ís utands na. All the Btatistical infcrmalion ii froin Uv latett report; the gfographioal accouui keej. pace wllh the latoat eiploraüons; historica: matte include tb freihest just Tiews; the biographical notioes iis k o on'.y of the daad but alsoof tiio Uring. It la a Lbrarr ol .t]f A .IUDGEJIE VT OP THE DEBATE OT lOXGKESS üeinj a PoUtioal oí the Uniwfl States, from tha organization of the nr redora! Caüronain 17S1Í to 1660. Mitedoud cunpiKd br Ilün. Tb 1írt DifTON,from iüa Offloisl Baeorda of Conjrea. l"he work w.ll be oois.;td in 16 rovjl octavo rolcnna of 740 page easb, 11 ol irtiioh ar. now rdr. An - 'litionai volume will be publihrd ct!c in t'irëe moa'tA, Cioth, $S; Law bbeap, UíU lír., ■ Jfa;l Ciiif. H.iü arh. A WAY OF PROCimiN'G TEE CTCLOPJTriA OS tX&ATT Fonn a club of four, incï rrrr! lh?pri( of fo-ir bni 1% and live oopies Til! bï sent at the remittsr' exrn'fr-r oarriage; or for ten bubí.Tilr", arta eoplva M V nt at our axpaa i'or oerrlaje. To Ajtentt. Ko othfr trorfe t'V. üo liberl!y rcvarflfíia wrf?T' of rtentf. A.V AiW-VT WiJfT i; -rna Cocxty Tr.m Wnown on Ann'lOfiti-in t'j tlj Publishftrs. Aim Ar!x?r. Uareh. VU). taal -f Bcv Tü'-. Wwüut, aj3 r.t E!r.3 6 imftSr Ctiokitore, Ypsila-'i. MICHIGAN POUTHEiïN ft VOHTIJEK.V DiCIAKA KAIJ.ROAJ). 118. SÜJIMKH AAnAKOSMSTT. trSBi Traint mnii!t'.ïi roi "., Patdsji axwcM. frflows: LeaTE Toledo 'or Ch'np' at 10 :ï X M. , nfl lö V T. M. " IWtroit " " " 7 0 " " 1 40 ■' Arriring in CWrngo froa Tc:eio aad Tttreii it SX! r. M. ud SKX) A. M. Arrive at I)ct;-o;t f.-cm T:o, t 7Í5 A. !f., C;C?! C. U.,and11i00, A. Sí. Arriv ia DtUoit f. cm i.'sro at S.Í0 F. H. . ard f W A. M. Arirc ta Tol",o fns Chicwro iD P. ü ent Í5 A. U. andS.MP. M. li ve Adr l&n ior Jjc'.fun at ' Jncktoa Bh AAriaeat K.00A. M., railjUy, ;T. CüN'N'EClfO:1, Ar Touno- With Clevfllscd i I0M0 Hun Ba6. ifS Wabash Valley Rsil Roiy!. AT I.'ïmoir- Wlth Uraiid Tnink Ealiwar, :h Gr Woetfra Kailwaj, a'ijc, wtk tie De'jTit aodJJüvfamVéf. Eallroad At Nnw Ar.!uvr & Fjisi: P.. R. Cupssim- Witi Irt for la'jytt, New AlbiD.vsr.d Lcullriilc. At Cuicaoo - Wuh Chioaio sn1 Hoek Iflifd, C,}'-rr, MiUankee, ChienKO Baningttn and Qu.r.y- Nnrtji Went Riilwsy- Chicago, Altnn frd St. Louit, fllliKn Central, anl tv all Pointe Wart and Hoyüi. tS" Train src nu; by Chicago :, nhlei II J0 c?Buts liwor t!ian Itroit tire? . #!■ WoodrulTs Patent tilMpiag Ccrs aronpajir tS Nigbt Trains on this Rout. ft" No oliAns 01 car bctCín Ivtroit, Adxian rfïifl Chicago. T3r T-rao anfl Fara tho aeme na br ary otti F?ï Rob! Roete. jno. r. orrrnx. Grer--.: rnr'r'ntr. n-nK General Land üsènèjPER'QHS rrant'rj fsrtnf , or reeldrnrpiln orpi Ant' Arbor, nan by calling oc me rlpci fr om a irt .jf üver 1OO Prui Kor .-.)! . Of vurinv.f jfief trom S, te IS" crínmíb .(iproo ut gcod R1111 w intbU Conmy,) ïi)rr!ian intblfCltyronitWr. 'mnd:! to fsvitht-uaan Ja . aratiacb : i-d opt 2 o f, ít 1 r, n j v o j,ots , Air.ouethefirmí trr ti tMiticpiTKrin, ISlDocr-c, . ',n Potr fn, tn GrcerOali; tb Plcrfrm, I )a ■.■■ ' - '. ( nn n } J -ii'rii inri7tg, b Wrtbí' . (h 3nib'u, M'icI-t! Ctaocy, ■'- 1 ieccuti, - r"ll ■ . ■ . ■ llnj'i tiirni, lO tha HKh nn.i TlUlt :-i., ir. I" „;ir t j PatrlrV fiTa farm i;i 'rnMOBi; IV. s. lT)av!M.-n, K. I "1. ünkor ard Btrk's ferras iytii. Mostri ilmc n, rnüny ütliri otih bB Jividc te e-it ' paribfrtirf E. yriny. . n4rkr..i. Jut. Ui, 1S. n HfpoiiKiI! J5i:! IFctust .Agrüísl ■W Ji KT T v r TOrortriOVT the Tb'hí 8W;u - ■-■ n ■■ .". pi;v . . ■ ■ ; ::-l-, mul 1 x. P#im. lilis Is o HUSJPCO. rui. i'r.?'.on-, Rfi Sta ï"'i"i-"i) tr : 1 r.v hi p?OB r Issï '.-." S Cl .■.:", Ba.ctl


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Michigan Argus