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'm ■ mi-Akl.-'oí '-..-.i Ni;. . 1.1. ■; i:;i!M rrrasiii-ns AXU Hanufacturcrk, Nw aod CompWU ook f LAW & MEDICAL liOUKS, Sefer! Boot, Xfcctüentou Hmk. Blank HooliS dan $3 1? A.T1ONHRY! Wdfud Wliinw Paper, iitïKfe. Javünile I.ifjririei!, Lnríioji, Inks acd OMds. CJOLD .niail othtr Ithxds of Pent and PencÏÏs TTIn.loir CornlM, SUadefl tal Fixtiirt, POCKET CUTLERY! A i' ivèrfhlïig pertainini; to fhfe traüe, and mort1 fo tllbéy wuW ir.vite the itlia:iou Ol the oountrj. hr 4oQ,iit iliat ao rt:onabio infir, isoicaa or tiküü sball Öii' tn$ fAuli. Lowebt Posible Figur. tVV ptTpoiWiocrllfor RKADT PAT,atartall3lTMoeV.V Sk irt . proflt nu por, bet Oasli Sales vriil Achnit of low FIGURES. W bave u;agc(! thf stmee-a oí JASIF.S F. SPALPIV8, brefoie ac pi epareii to t'jrnish Viêiting, Wedding and all othcr Cords (trilin o order, wilh ncatntss and ttispatck, by mai' or othcrwise. To. "Ehpisle Doos Store." U raano1 by a pooi 'et-ow,' B'1 thfly ifill al'.vnvt; be fouR.l on the "mártir dckV r1 and rii!;i]g lo atleud 10 all mth ploaauxé, who wíl ftiror tiiir'ji wilh a cali. Kemeuiber the '-Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEJ53TER & Üo. AlïS, Mjt.ISCT. T48 ltifle Factorj! A..T. SUTIÍERLAND HAS movedhls Gun boptothï 3ft-w Rlorfc n Huton str%rt. 3nth r t tbr ('nu it 11 f uff .oi.t.tC secod fioor, ho prrpnred to ( r:.i.ii Guns, Pistola, Ainmiinition FlaskSj Te. :hes Game Bagst and Ever} othcr artille in Lis Line. (ín th mn tc-rn-n. nnd to Ho nll Vind f n thö ahortef uotice and in thnbe3t raRnnei A il "fisortmf nt twaye Ktpt on hand, ond made to or (). c. Bii is m ■ Stiü in the VI ld ! I LAR' . C lí oV3 : ' ii; mT V.o fiireol 1 1 ar.d Uic J&E anufac tur ers! oí CLÖTKS, W , a de? xtv is: xa 6 --. SïLVER&rLATK!) W.ARE, Mus:cal Tnstrumonts. Tabla a; d Pockst Cutlery ! GOI. I) I'ENS. And jr'nt Tsricty cf Tanke? Notiona ia I tri:! i ll [■rtieular attention to Riy large loek of í E3 353 1" 5. CJ ILi U I . of Gold, ilvrr, Stpei, and l'lated, PFTÍ f C O r I i Oí, A S S A niTÍT irtHf, awü ft rent mrs-íy -.f íirtict'f; (q UnP.ri"ne Imvn ■! ,Tn t núliVi tofin w;dglRWj r-n be ccomm tute i :.s my BtocJk i 1-r e an ' :hbj '■ t, V' s, fttrticutrr .it e ti' n pa' t ■ fclio BEJJAIRIN G. f all tiiuls of Km ftatelie-, mcb i Making & "etting New J wels, FlXlOirS, 8TAÏIS and CYI.INDEKá. ale CLOCKs, AND JEvSELRY, C. BLISS. A New ÏÏEÏVAL Boots on3. Sbocs ff H Mí-''j.ttr.7n, wni wil! ' BOXd OHaA3?ER T.?? CU.V BE BOUGJI? LV Of tl knii mttf ir, ft mwt Fiuh!oiib l Styld ■ in 1XP1RIEXCED WORKMEN, -OTJÏlFBENCfl CALF BOOTS ar ÏWTfrRF-iSüin 'Jiitf s'ilo of Xew Tetk Oftj', ad tv wftrrmït't nol to Kir. Uur PTOGASAND KIPS. rt mt'j the best matei 'alu Our itock of Moooco IS o o t e e s lux Ijidirtt in th tlic Lrat n tnirn, vitb hocls or without W Mak to Orclr, aod nevcr misv ol" í;:tj,í; thp flrt time bo givt ua caii aod wp will gbovi ymi our stock frr of cliare We have .card the BfrvloCa of tif( Kx j,erincd Journpymfn irbo do ourmftnding in the ïïeat ut Manncr, wA on ihortcfft Our BOttO te uick Sai s iuid Smfill Froiits THunkfuI Jor pat CftTOn tto hope bypnying stvict ,itciÜoBto our buiiawato merlt a liberal Rhare oí jout liaxronaj for thp itilurc. Kemembcr ir are not to twnsdmto&i flB&. UtMmE & LOO1MIS Hovraid Association, Pütiladelphia j BsHcvotenf histituticn atübltahed bf tperial nd vmm fnr tk relief af the S'ck and D'strrtftccd, ttffiicted toifh Tfrm.'ii'A end Evideni'c Dfeafir., and etpr.naUy for iftc (nr of Dijr.asfs of tte Sexual Orftv, Piff.ensary fret M puluuts tn 't nart nftlu United S'atmt YALÜAULh EIEPORTS on Bporm&torrboN , and other PinMitMofth Brxuti Organa, andon tlicNKW REMEDIES iriy-l, ut to th iillicied in Mftted envelope, free of ctirg;. rvo or tbre Staiups for poUiga be w :U be .VUreipR. 3 iKII.UXHOUGnTON, Acting Su líy-i Honra iMMioMm X t,mlU Niuth Lirc4, A Novt lty in the Art Woxld ! Photography 0:1 Porcdam ! i . spoMJ :k5 :,. - . . iv'. ■ ' .:■■!■ iv. -1 tiltil br . .1. , are :..; .. i-,, red l Hinialurc Likeneje -s of Perso on Chrna, :,:■.,,, 1 . 1 . ofurdioury c'i ■ ,'..i'-.-. th" u ■ .:i; i color drawlnfl mi 1 a Ivthrr'.o uiiatULlnl y ,,í 1 , .,:, ' ty, ■■■ h .i ! 1 li" ■ i 1 ■".■ ■'■ " -1 t:l '. 11 h ■ Ponipanj enabieq 11 ,■■.,.: ■! ■ OM'V ni ;■ i ■ .: RC .- . . . . ■■ ■ p ■■ ' . ■■! .1 : ■' . ' ,s -, , . . ar . ■!■.. M i ! r hnil ' ■ . CTrns,Viiso9 Bren'iFis C I i.iiníli : : :■ m i i . ■ ' . . : oir. Klic UfcC ln ordw " tm ■ ' ■ !" f ""■ . tftste, id lo ue rl h w ■ pitroris pf the fir.e Arts áMil i nf Ir . ■ I rn 101 .ci q, tbfl Corapanj hi inp n I rrow ■ iropcacol. , . . i ictiicod to th ir n-.vii or.Vr. wiliti llv I prioe. Uie Am.ric-n CwnpvuV are own rs of thopfint r:ci, , 1M.l c ■■. q.i.:i!! th "nv ■'n'm horlzcd t" un tbe procesa tneykive lol :i.l,l rlr To afforil People in eT ry s.c: ion of t'ic Union an oppuitUDl'y i'1 V " P irlraits on Ohina, to míi'í1 the roito'.vin.' prnpoi I t:i 'o Reíientí in the Countrv. itlm :ive uuaMe to visit peraobilly th Atelier and Gállenos n lío Ymk TV'urtrn aendlBjr iti] ■. , tml ro yp; or do ■ lelt t rtTp" t tti offloe of th Ctmpaoy Ín Sw Tork, sd : ni .u.ieri hy (Miara, v'V vpi-fWc'tn return by ej if-. fi of rH "■ f A üeh.T ornaircntc.l Brcnkfnsl Cup ;n.i Snuc ] , with the portrait trnufrrnd ll.ereoa. By trftusaittíng u i (orreo v.v i:vl Ton Tollars, the w:ll rfc:."t in ii'-: í man ■''', A handsurae Frcnch Vis. or Tüi'.ct Afticle, with the portralt rapi ttis paient procMB, Ry gtadiBgapAirof.daguftr Wyp a:)i Fifien DolUrs, they will rec?iTC in turn A pair of pich Sovre Vas?8, with tli pnrtriits xecut.j 1 frt) iaI '.') the id natun palaaíngs ; anti in liko ninnuei", ) irtraitd c;m r6pxodum on poroél&in varea 6t Vaaes of every quaiit.v of finisli, ranjrhiff In ' r ce froni Twenty to One Hundrcii Dolían the pair. N. B. - Él' particular In wriUng Uie a-uirs, towa, Cfiuníy atii tat. distinctly. Al! lettere to be atldres- 1 to 'Mannger Aineri'an Pkntogrtipki' Purer'nrn C.o.' 76Sm3 "Si Broadwa;, N'kw Yokk. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuinulated Jan, 1S6Ú, 1,767, 133,34 MORRIS FRANK LÏN Presiden, J. C. KENDALL, Vice President, PJLINY FEEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0SITED wiíh the CemptroHíTof the Stat of N'ew York. Divideeds average 40 per ecut. acuually. ASSBTS. GuhfnBank, $ 81,855.40 invttM in swnritíet , creat Un.rr the laTTsof the ötüte of Vork un.l oí Uw tí. ?. . 2Í&&WJ9 lïeal Estáte and Fixtures, Nos. U2 ftod 114 H:-oa.way MV2,i5O 04 Bonds anrt Mortgag8drBtriitg7Qerct. intprest 531 , ' ■ ■ Notes received for 40perdent.ofpremmiüaon Hfó policios, besrinj; íntorof-t, 675,315.85 Quartoilv anl .fnii-annual premiums, cine sub.'iqueot to Januaiy 1. lSfiü 20,550.38 Tntoret accrued up to Jan. 1 , IPO, 3( '88.77 Rentsacoruod unto Jan. 1. Tifio, 1,70-. 34 Premiums on policiWín banda nf Agenté, 2641$ $l,7f:.i: :■..: Dra Ef-Tj! aui1 I.kwitt, Medical Examiners. 743tí" GILBERT SM1TH, Agent Ff Ek 2 %ok! 1 The Cc ïi c icu1 ! Life l4 a o ompany .'d Capital, fef)ö,obO. . .!'.■. ri 0 I ■ '' fftri icrm -f . ; ■ n). i i i tUe miicy 1 ...... ■ ■■ llií I ano i:i : 1 '" '■ " i "■ ' ■ ' ■ ; . ■ n at six .... m


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