fü Bi u fss imertniu. 1. O. ". F. T ASHTEN'AW I.OP0E No 9, of the Iiiinpendent or W der ot OdJ Kelli'Wii mü ut their Luilgc Room, ecer KrHav eveninK, at o X o'ctock. U.'B WIION, N. G. F. Soro. -. B IIESSE, Pmacu t smoicoM RenpectiluHy tenrter hta p"'tessinuHl i-eiriee to the cttims "( nn Arl.-r :ind vioiuity. in Maok's üe Huil img. Main Streel, Ann Arbor Micb. N. B. Kigbt calis promply attcii'ied to. TWITCHELL & CLARK. Attoenivs anri Countif llore ftt !aw, Goueral Uft and Fue Insurance agi-nt. Offlee in City HhII Block, 3a Hunm St., Atin Arbor. CnHeciions promptly made lüd reiüittoil , H.nd special fctteution paid to conveyancing. D. S. TWITCHELL, 74dl ■- CLARK JAMES B. GOTT, T AW OFFICE, No. '2, over Slairson & Geer's Store. L SCOTT & TOBEY. AUBKOTyi'B k PuoTOGRPH Artists, in the rooms formerly oceupied by Cordley,overlhe store of Sperry fc Moore í'erfec t satislaction guarantwd. L. D. GODFREY, il Txobnzy asuCouxskllük at Lsw, Ann Arbor city. i Office North-EastCorner of the Court Bouse BUTHERLAND & BELL, fTTHOLESALK reta il grocrrs, Ea8t sule oí Main street ff Ann Arbur. í'rovisions bought and sold Ëft W. N. STKONG, DBiLEB in Dry Goods, Boots andShoes, Grocenes, Bonaeta, Fancy Goods, &c. Exchange Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNIGHT. DKAucits in Staakt. Fancy Dry Goode, Boots and Shoes, &c. te.( Main Street Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSON. rR.Mn.KE Wjihï-Rooms , Dealer in all kir.ds of i'urniture, to. New Bloei, Main Street. KISDON & HENDEE80N, I KALERS in Hardware, Stovea, furnishiüggoods, %J Tin Vtn &c, Xew Bloei: , Main Street. A. P. MILLS, DmitM o Stapte Dry Goods, üroceries, Boots and ÜliuiW ttlld Keady lade Qotüing, Hurou'Streiit Aim Arbur; JOHN W. MAYNARD, Dbalbï ia Stapte Faiicy Dry Goods, Boots auu Sbomj &g. ka. , Maiafcjtroyt, Auu Arbor. BEAKEö & AJiJib, TT0R3ÏÏ8 & COUSSELLOKS AT JaTS , Uld - II LX. Cbant;ry. Olñeeiu tlie old Post Ciüice Liüüi;mg. Aixii itrbor KIATGSLE5T & jiORGAA, " A TTORNBY6, Coimsellors, Solicitors, aud -Nütaries FuuCx. iic, havu liooks and Plats showing titlee ofati bindü ■Ji the ountv, aniiatiend tocooveyancingandcollt-.Lintj eniandd, ülju to payiug taxos and school intems :u muy part of tfce Otate. (íticeea(ítsieoí tJie Square, inn Arbor. JAMES li. 0OOK, "I cwici OF TUE Peaci. Office near the lDot, Ypsilant i , J. LOVit-Jtn, M. D., Putuuaa .v irtlittr, hu {wrnuüiiaujr iuoa.ti.-d ia the City oi Aüa aiüüTj au't üuido iniu.-stii m reaumeati to ttt#nl u ilicallniü ttotmeot m.-, (trotettsian. lieètdenco üorthirt., 'i ovutftittoi ■ Ctzarch. Wm uWíu, .ú. i, L iüe ui iiuruu üCfMt) mi 'i iúd UüuM rt cj ui tï iaiou tlreet, Aaa Arbor. AjÏ jjrrrácruioaiA&a deKter m iooi& uuu cihuw. t.xLTX oriunu üiütik, duun ooalü ol .-.layuaia, .-hí Wildon' jioit, -k.iiu Arbor, Miub M ouE C L oMIo. MtXUKAtTUliJtWd tU 1 aehier W li'Jut a,ni liue-, , Ala L t, üüt uor uortü ol j. ff. iauarüh. Wm. Ö. &AUj.UM, i JUL&& in Boots, biioös, üudKuboers, Anü Arbor Caoü J buot & hots More, aouth oiüe ui ruolic aguare. M. uüilEKALAJS s JO, 17 KuLauuand Ketail dealer and manufacturen of f Kwilj'AUlleUuUiuig, lmpurlers of Uotu, Laksere, üouakius, .. Nü. 6, New iilock, Ann Arbor. O. B. FOJlíLK, =6 .Scbgeox Dmisi. Office corner uf ilatii. -JÉiJ auu Huion traet, ). Bub'a more, FV Anu Atbor, Michigan. 1 lJ '- AptU, 1859, Wit. W AON EU, ;lAlBia Rpa.ty Mde Clothing Uuths, CiiSíiiraereí and -' VMtragB, liain, ('nli-, ïruolu, Uu-pct ban, Sc. Ma;ii M. ÜAM: HM, , :i ham 1'aïluk ind lealer in Reailj la ! . , ■ JL Ho 41,ln(iuiï lilucl , M.u .riwr. BACH ë WkiitóOiS. DKAUKfl lül'ry üoods, GrociT -.i, Jti:n!war, v M LYN AEL, SMBfefi! tfc ■ Ö, Uuxsie iu Lty (Joodi, i.rooenes, Urug t Meüiciiiec. t.u j. shot, ., corner üi Maii. ,md Anu Street, -uil ol - lUc .schande, Aud Arbor. KBLKHAOH A: M„ rVKiucBS in lfru.s aud Ifodieiaw, Ferfuraery, Toilet artiJ cien, a fewdours .soutb ot the Franklin House Ann Arhrr. SLAWSON GEER, 1ociis, Provisión í; Commission Merchant,and dea.1 lerfiin Water Ljmb, La.vd Plastbí-, and Plaütkr nr Pax, one door list of Cook'i Hotel. C. BLISS, patLBJt in Clocks , Watclies , Jewelr y. and Fancy Goods iJ at thesen of theBigWatch, No. il, Phrenix Block J. C. WATTS. Dii)lKiBClock, Watches, Je welry and Stlrer TTire No I ö, Kw Block, ADn Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BAMS and Fasuionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, Ana Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kept XmiUutly on nau'l. SCHOFF & MILLER. Hums ia MiieellmneouK, School, and Blank Books Sta y tiooery, 1'aper Hangingü, &c, Main Street Ann Arwir. D. DkFOREST. .llfnoumiE aml Ket.iil Ik-alerin I,umbcr, Ith, Phin' f glee, Sash, Doors, Blimls, Water lime, Grand River ,fl!iter, 'laster l'aris, and Xils of all sizes. A full and perfect a-isortment of the aboye, and all other ïindn of building matermlH constantly on haud at tbe kvT'a Pil)le rates, on iietioit tieet, few ruds from ine KUlroa4 Depot. Also operatinsr exte:ieivelT in the Patont ( njtnt Kuufing. íáSÜTE?IAUÜÍ]STY B1BLE SOCIETY. i (WWTOET of Biblei and Tentament. at the Society Lf pnes r.t W. C. Voorheis'. ■ ' J . BÉNG El RBBPErTFt'J ,LV tofonqa hla formcr patrons, an-1. ihe Inbabitants of Ana Arbor in general, tbathc vill inftrut scholars agala on the Piano, Vriolïn, Ouitar, in Thoiough Iïasr', Singíng; and aleo in tbe Gorman Lanpixge, at the same terms as he used lo charge. He will pive tbe leasons ín hin own heuse, or in thehouses of h Ksidence indwellingin the rear ofthe.Stor latclv "c■npiod by me and adjoining residc-ncr of i, F. Rojee, whwe he mij be seen from 7 to 8 A. M„ from 12 to 1 and 0 ?- M767m3 CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., SDCCESgOBB TO j"CT3ari, CHAPÍN Oo MANUFACTUKERSOF - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, tVT-wipjriaagf Paper.tfco.
Old News
Michigan Argus