Time's Changes
Tere vni i-hild a htdl' ss cliild. Full of vnin f'-nrs und fnncii- wld. Tht. uftcn wept. and 8 rrv-Mmes miled U; (in ite inother' br ast; Feeb'y its m-ii'iin? suri mer d out. And tottered tremblinirlv atmut And knew no wildr wwrld without lts little home of rest There was a boy Hghf-iieRrt boy. One w'iom no tronóles conlrt nnnoy, Snvc ome lot po or sliatltred toy, Furot en iu an hour; No árk rmembranoe tr ubled him, Nofutur feur pnth coulJ dim, But joT beiore hi eyeB would iwitn, And hopes riie like a tower. Thre wft a vouth, an ardent youth, Full of high pr mise, courage, truth, Ho feit no scathe, h' kncw no ruth, Save love's swee! wounds alome; He ttiought but of two soft blue eyes, Ho ought no gain but beauty's prize, Ard weeter held lore s ddest smiles Than music's softcst tone. Thero was a man, a wary man, Who8f oso . nurs'd full mu y a plan For makingr life' contracted spau A path of gain and gold: And how to sow. and how to reap, And how to swell hi shilling heap; And how the wealth aequired to keep Seeure within his fold. There was an old, gray liaired ono, On whom had four score -winters done ThMr work appointed. and had spun His thread of l;fe so fine Tliat soarce its th n line could be seen , And with the elightest touch, I -ween, 'Twould beas it had never been, And leve behind no sign. And who were th"y the five, whom fnto Sfemed as strange contrnsts to créate, That each might in his different state Theother's pathway shun? I teil thee that that infant vain, TliHt boy, that youth, that man of gain That gray-btard, who did roads attain, So yarious- they were one.
Old News
Michigan Argus