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Anecdote Of Mazzini

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1 wnter of " Pen. rik] Ink Sketches" in the Household Journal, tells this anécdota : "Talking of eriting-houses rëminihj me ot another celebrated acquaintnnce. There was a restaurant at lh corner ot Panlon street and Leioeeter square, that at one time I used regularly to dino at, and I usnally óccupiêd ona particular box, or compartinent. After a time I found that another parean ceemed attaehed to that box, powibly, I thought, beeause it was close to a window which cominanded a good view oi tho yquare. He was evidently it ioreigner swurthy of conn enaiu-e, thin tid eaHow faced, Aitli keeu, dark eyes, ai) i .-queline npee, ftrm iiiouth, u.d short cut black hair. II a ns very hs, rest i ved, and ai.'i'iireiitly poor - fot his clothes were eedy, and nSTloëii none oí ilie finest. fiieetiog üü.v alter da, .is t uid, and occupyiog seatK ogposits ach other, we woon gut partially ;icqnaÍDted. 1 took hun for a teacher cflariguage,ol whom many liveil in that ïócafrty 1 femarked that he seetned melaneholy and absorbed, buí he aevw, beyond a (-asnal obaervation on Europe;m politici!, re ferred to thym. After a tiree I inmsed hitn, anddid hoi fee him ipain until one evening, wl.en. as I was heporting & public of reforrners in St. John istreet road I reinarked my old diningroom companiu aecend tho platform, hen he was greeted with the moet enthusiastic c.heers, " ' What's ,'iis name Í' I nquired of a brother of he broad-dheet. '' ' Mazzini,' was the reply. " So, then, I had been the daily conipanion oi one of the most celebrated revolutionistg of the day, without being in the kast. a ware of k.T'


Old News
Michigan Argus