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Columbus' Remains To Be Again Removed

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York Times vvritees frorn Havana : " We aro soon to llave, it s understood, a new cemetery nenr this city, and will admit that t in much needed. It is to coatain 208 acres, to be divided into squares, uncí adorned with waiks, trees and fountains. The faradc will be of bronze, in the monumental ntvle, and the ontiro ceinetery will be Brrounded by an iron íence, in the contre of which there is to be a superb arch, in a etyle similar to that uf ' the Sturs of Paria.' It is proposed to piuco the venerated remains (why ngain disturb tbum ':) of Columbus whhin this arch, n au urn, with a t-ilver cover, upon which will be üiscribed in letters of gold the resulta of his successftil enterprise. A bronze stutu of Columbus is to be erected near by, representing him in an attitude revealing the grand tnÍ6sion he carried into effect."


Old News
Michigan Argus