Rearing Children
1. Cliildreu should not go to sohool till six years oíd. 2. Should not learn at home, during that time, more ihau the alphubet, religous teaching excepted. 3. Shüuld be led with plain, substantial food at regular intervals of not lesa than four hours. 4. Should not be allowed to eat l thing within two hours of bed-time. 5. Should have nothing for SBpper but a 3iigle cup f wurm drink, suah as very weak tca of sorae kind, or caiiibric toa, or warm milk and water, with oiío slicci ot' cold bread and butter - bothiug else. 6. Should sleep in separate beds, on hair inattresses, without caps, feet lirst weil warmed bj the fire, or rubbod with the hands till periectly dry; extra covering on the lowor limbs, but little oa the body. 7. Should be compelled to bo out of doors for the gveattst part of dajlight, t'rom after breakfast till half au hour beforc sundown, unless in damp, rav wuatlier, wlieu thcy ahould not be allowed to go outside tho door. 8. Never limit a healthy cliild as to sleeping or eating, cxot'pt at snpper, but compel regularity as to both; it is of grout importante. 9. Never coinpel a child to st etill, nor interfere with its enjoyinont, as long as it is not actuiilly iujurious to person or property, or a-gainst good moráis. 10. Never threaten a child; it is cruel, UBJust, and dtngerous. Wbat you have to do, do it and be doue with it. 11. Never peak barshly or angrily, but raildij, kindly, and, when reully needud. firrnly - no inore. 12. By all meaos arrange it so tht. tho last worda btveen you and your cbildrea at bcd-tiine, espocially the yoangcr ones, shall be words of urnnixcd loviiiffocsa and afftction. - Journal of Health. Somo trien uso vvords na riflotnen do bulluta. They 8iy üttle. Tho few words Urted go right to the mark. They let you talk, and gnide with tbeir eye and face, on and on till vh;it ou eay oan Ijo unswcred in a word or Uvo, and tlien they lance out a sentt ncë, pitreo ihe matter to tho qnick and are done. You nevnr know where you are with t hei a Your conversation falla into their mindf, as rivers fall into deep chasms, and aie lost frorn sight by its depth and darknosa. Thoy will sornetirao6 surprise you with a lew w(-rd, that go righfc to tho mark like a ;unshot and then they are eilent agaia, as if they were relou'ding.
Old News
Michigan Argus