Dying Nations
-V.'hy clo iiiiïioi s (Ke? Cultivatod Groeco nul all-coqncrim Rome; Vandal, and Gotii, and Ihn. a i . 1 Moor, and Pól, fmd Turk, nli dead r dyingl Why? 3Iurdcrcd bv nstions more powerful? Swallowed hy eaitbcjuakcs? Swept nw.iy by peatilence ajtdi plaguo, or gtarved by pitiiess familie? - Nut by any of ihesd. Not by tlio iglitningand tha thundor; nor by the U inp 't and the Fturm; not hy tha pu'soncd nir of volcank) fires did tliey dio, and do they die! Tboy perish by mor] degi idtioh; tba legitímate roralt of gluttöiiy, itTteiyporanoe and elTemiuscy. WIk n a natimi beoomes rioli, tbon there is leisure nud the moans of indulging iu the appetitéa and pasoions of our nature whioli waste tbc Indy lad wreek the m: ui. As with uations, so wüh families. - Weahli takel away the irboleiome stimulus of efl'oit - idleness opi's the floodrntes of pnssional indul;ciice, aid thu heir of ïnilüons dies lieirlcss and toot, aud botli name and uaoinoiy inglorious;" rul t If, tben, thero is any truth and farro ia argument, each man u'.vos to kimselP, fo lus couutry. and more tbun all, to liis Maker, to live a life of tempcrance, irdnstry and self-dcniU. as to evpry snnMt grntification and with tbo.e, haTJng an ey to tlio glury of God, tiiis nation of ours wiil livo with iiicie.isinc; prdspeMty aud reaown. until with one foot on luwd and anüther 011 tlie saa, tbo angel if eisrcity p:'ocliiii:s tillit) 'is 'hq lyiger.
Old News
Michigan Argus