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The Secession Movements

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Systematio action is boiog taken in of ihe Southorn States look ing to Hoce.ion. S"natorn Chestnut and Hummend, of South Carolina, and acveral of the Federal offi-ora of that State have resignad ihn'r offices, and concluded to give up their hare of' the tpoils" nfier the 4th of Maroh next. Senator Toombs. of Georgiii, Uaa done tho saine foulixh tbing, and is blowing tho trumpet of dissolution. The Legislatures of Georgia and South Caroli na have boea convenud, und aach State is arranging for a convention. The jonrnals are full of proceedings of ex citod bodieg of poopk, and many in tho North are roarly becoming alarmed At Washington thero is eonaiderabie oxoitoment, and puSlio opinión ia about hali and half. Wo havo no disposition to fill our columns with the details of the plots and counterplot. We are nol yet alarmed. There havo long been fanat ios at tho North, and i, is not to be wonderod at that tbero are fanática at the South ; but we have tho utmost conüdonce that both wings ncting n conocrt aro poworless to break up tho Üuioa. Wo do not believe in tho right of socession, t s only nuil ifioation under auother namo; and acknowledgod to oxtst it makoa turn Union but a ropo of sand. Besidus, did tho right of secesión ext in any event, thero ia not yet any occasion or excuso for it. A President has only boen olected in tho constitutional way, and not oven yot eloeted ; and uatil tho new Adininietration shall have been inaugurated and have ooinmilted soino ovnrt act, can iheru be a shudow of an excuse even for thoee threaleningc. As vet the movement is confined, ho far as Stato authority and action Í8 concernod, to tsouth Carolina and Georgia, but is uore or lesa nympathiaed with by all the Southern Status, though not enough we think by Delaware, Muryland, Virginia, Kentuoky, Tennesse and Misaouri, to induce thoae States to join Iha movonaont. The panic, as usual, first nffocts the financesof the country, and the South are already foeling tho effect of their disunion schemen. Their banks are suspeding, thoir per and bilis of exohange going to protest or without purchaser, and all businsss being uniettled. As remarked boioro, wo have no establishod fear of seoession, nnd think that the conserrattve influenoe of the South with firtnness on the part of the National Administraron - tho most doubtiul of all - and moderution nt the Northjwill allay the storin. Büt, for the North or tho dominant party of tho North to throaten and blustor, to talk t f oonquering and subduing the South. is only to add fuel to tha fljme", and provokea more determined resistance to the incoming Administraron. It will be mnoh better fur tho Kopubücan party, through its leaders, to mark irélï their courae. It cannot, seoession or no secession, carry on tho governraent tipon its genorally undorstood platform ; to nttempt to do o wouldonly incroaso the real dúnger of distinion; while to retruco its step and place itself upon tho doctrino of nonintervention would cement the union of tho States with no other risk than an explosión of the Repubtioan party ; and that likely to be tho result of their acqnifiition ot power. Wo condado as wo commenced. Wo hare no sympathy with gecession or Kcccssion threatw ; we believe that it ia the duty of the South to obey all constitutional laws and conetitutionaliy elocted officer8 in the enforcement of sueh Iíuvs, and thnt it is the duty of the genorul government to insist upon such obedience. And the same duty rests upon tho North. Wül the dominant party here grant to tho South what it demanda of them ?


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Michigan Argus