Not Satisfied
-The Detroit titer, of Tuesday, letg off the following growl at the census takers : 'The rot? polted in this city on Tuesday 'ast for President, won liout 8,000, ivhicli is ■cvernl hundred l&rgerthan was ever polier! before. Fur President it vra 8.487. ■which is fin increane of 2.689 over the vote of 1856, and of 2,029 over the Tote on Mayor a year ago. The vote in all cities, except New York, is in the porportion of 1 to 7 of the population. in New Vork it is 1 to 8. This would give us a population of 59,190, or nearly 13,000 moro tlim the recent census oonoeJes us 'J'hfl eleotionio a much beiter test thnn such a oensus. We have no doubt thut the Dopulation U ft round 6O.000. We have now 'aast more thn one rote to seven of our population." Now it is sheer noneense for the Adtertittr or any one else to talk about Detroit or any othor City having a population equaling 8 ti 1 or 7 to 1 of tho viieis, ut lenst when anything like a f uil vote is polled. New York will not come up t" tho ft.-rmer iind Detroit cannot approach the latter. Our City at the tlection polled 995 votes) which, using the Aduertiier's proportion of 7 to 1, would give us a population of 6,965, and our County, using the samo proportíon, a population of 56,000, instead of the 3,000 returned by the census takers. If tho Btatistioian of th Adeerlittr will himaelf take the censuts o! a single ntreet, block or ward in the City, we will wager a dish of "stewed" that he cannot fiad a populatioii averaging the stnallest fraction over fiva to .. e voter. Anybody may satisfy themselves by oanvassing their own immediate ueighborhood. Our Detroit friends had btter choerfully wnit and -'grow to it." Figuriog up a population will not give it to them. 13P At the recent election 995 votes were polled in thin City, and 794 in onr neigbboring City of Ypsilanti. The vote of the County on Governor was : 8015, an excess over the voto of 1856 of 1 196. "Wuehtenaw ia gettiog a healthy growlb.
Old News
Michigan Argus