The Taxes
Having tirod of waitmg tor tbo ometal organ of the Board of Supervisor, we havo procurad froin the offico of tho County Clerk the following statement of tho Stato and Oouiity Taxes apportioned to the several Townships at tho recent seasion of the Board : Sialo. C"Unty. Ann Arbor Town, $600.21 l.S96,02 " City. 1, 2 wd, 618,20 1,643,84 3, 4 wd, 449,60 1,195,52 Augusta, 202,32 537,98 Bridiiewnter. 375,41 . 99826 Dcxter: 267,51 711.3H Frccdoüi, 294,48 T88,0 Lima, 348,44 926,5.} Lodi, 479,94 1,27,22 Lvndon, 176,46 439,24 Afauobuster, 410,26 1090,91 Northüeld, 363,05 965,33 Pittufield, 517.04 1,374,85 Salem, 465,33 1,237,36 Scio, 600,21 1,596.02 Superior, élifiS 1,261,27 Saline, 584,48 1,554,18 Sylvan, 312,47 830,89 Sharon, 848,4 1 926,53 Websier, 385,53 1,025,16 York, 430.49 1,144,71 ïpsilantiluwn, 502,42 1,335,99 " City, 1,2, 3 wd, 528,28 1,404,74 " 4 &5wd, 268,63 714,32 810,003,52 826,600,31 Diteh Tazn- Augjtft, 83,353,63 Freedom, 1,436,61 ; Ñorthfield, $2,417,06; SylráD, 881,20; Sliaron, $583,64; Ypsilmiti Town, $490,90. Reji'ckd Tiisei. - Ana Arbor Town, $8,82; Arm Arbor City, lst and 2d Wardï, 838,61; Ann Arbor City, 3d and 4th WardB, $13,75; Auctiwta, $1,62; Dcxtcr, $1,48; Manchester, 818,02; Sc;o, S17.38; Sylvan. $25,17; Bharo-i, .78; York, $14,20; Ypünti City, lst, 2d nnd 3d Wards, $5,15; Ypsilanti City, 4th and 5th Ward, $39,12. 53T" Before election the Adaertitcr figured n gain of four Rcpubliean membora of Congress in the State of New York. The election in that State resulted in a Democratie gnin oí five mernbers. In the noxt House the Demócrata will have a "sound and reliablo" working raajority, as they now have in tho Semte. Lincoln will stand "alona in bis glory" and cannot encroach in the leadt upon any section of the Union if he could, and conld not if he would. Non-intervcntion mvtt be bis course, and would be from ch:ico. Intervention will do for a political party to ride into power on, but on the non-interven, tion principie alone can the wheels of government be run. y Judge Douglab made a Union speech at New Orleans on the 8th, and lias been announced to speak at other places in the South ; but latest advices report him exceedingly ill. JC3T Ex-Postmaster General Wickliffb has writteu a strong Union letter, and Gov. Jounson and Hon. A. H. Stkpiikns, of Georgia are aunonnced for Uniou spoechort. 5P Breckii ridge liae carried Georgia, but is in a minority of 2000 on the popular vote. JSL" The reeult in Virginia is not yet fully detern.ined. Bell and Breckinridge are takü'C tiirns in claiming it At tho hist advices Bell wai ahead. In Missouri the official vote will be necessary to determine whether Douglas or Bell has carried the State, it is yet eluiined for botli. UX" Ónr thankfi are due to Mr. Aauk Moksj!, for boktl of hoiea [ p)e. I llílfpj I 1 m c'S bS 3 ö 3 8 A A. Town, 2-12 1 10 2.-8 142 A A C y !■ W 204 80 b 1 209 84 ■ "21 W 124 121 4 1 132 119 1 " ' 3.1 W 95 lili 97 112 ■ " W 109 124 4 115 120 2 Auensta, 137 íOfi 137 Ki6 Bridgetrater. 130 178 1 120 181 D.xúr, 72 124 3 71 128 Freedom, 49 221 1 56 214 1 Lina, M4 % 3 140 104, 1.16 147 2 135 160 Lvndon, 69 116 (8 117 Mnticlies'.er. 227 179 4 9 234 180 4 NoithlulJ, 125 191) 12:i 21)1 Pit'sñ-ld, 1S7 70 2 194 G4 I SaK-ra, 229 96 1 220 ln( Saline, 297 164 2!9 161 Scio, 212 2 1 7 216 238 Shuron, 156 97 157 94 Superior, 136 133 14!) 130 Sylvftn, 215 130 1 225 121 ■WV.i8l.iT, 15'J 129 154 133 York 190 172 2 I 19 174 2 Yp town. 199 96 8 104 112 ' C y Ut w. L9 59 1 60 53 ' " 2d w. 111 5d 4 109 64 3 " " 31 w. 101 5á 1 99 69 1 " " 4thw. 70 73 9 68 83 1 " " 6th w. 73 113 5 72 lió 1 4286 3fi30 56 25 4322 36G5 17 3T" T'10 official canvass of Wayno CouDty shows the followiug vote aud m;ijoritics : Lincoln Electora, - - 7324- 623 Douglas " - - 0701 Bell f ■ ■ 139 Brcckiuridge " - - 102 14,'266 Lothrop, - - - 6904 Granger, - - - 7226-322 Oonloy, - - - 75 Mnj. far Blair, 353; balance of State ticket from 428 to 483. The Republioans elect thoir whole County ticket. 3 Senators kd 8 Representativos, and the Democrat 1 Senator and 1 Representativo.
Old News
Michigan Argus