The Legislature
Sufficient returns havo been reccived trom the different scctions of the State to determino who are the mcmbers clect of tb o next Legislature. Tlic black republicans have nmdfl vory nearly a clean sweep on the legisla t i Ve ticket, as in cverything eise. The dcinocrats, so far as known, liave only two fienators and ten Representatives. This is worso even than ili 1S50, when they had tliree Senators and seventeon Representatives. The following aro the nieinbers eli-cted last week, demócrata in italic and black republicana iu roman: SKNATB. County District Name. Wayne, Ist, William Adair Wayne, 2d, Henry P. Baldwin. Wayne, 3d, Henry T. Backus. Wayne, 4th, John L. Near. Oakland, 5th, Byron G. Stout Oakland, 6th, John G. Owen. Washteuaw, Tth, Thomas D. Lane Washtenaw, Btb', Nathnn Webb Monroe, Olh, Samuel Mulhnlland Lenatfce, lOth Wiliiim Baker, Jr. Leoavreo, llth, Joel Carpenter. Jackson, 12th, Charles V. Deland. Calhoun, 13th. Georgo II. Fronoh. Hilladale, Mth, John McDermid, Braltuh, 15tU, Darius Monroe. St. Josopb, llith. Joseph 11. Williams. Cass, 17th, Georgo C. Jones. Berrien, lHth, Elijah Lacey. Allegan, lOth. Ilcnry O. Briggs. Kalamazoo, 2Üth, Stephen F. Brown. Barry, 21st, A. Builey Clinton, 22d, Hamlolph Strickland. Livingston, 23d, John Ë. (lalioway. Geiicsec, 24th, Eldridge Gaje. Macomb, 25th, Ira II Butterfield, St. Clair, 26th, Ezra Hazen. Tuscola, 2Ttlv, Daniel G. Wilder. Shiawassee, 28th, John N. Ingarsull. Kent, 29th, Solúinon L. Witkoy. Ionia, 30th, Osmond Towcr. Oceana, olst, Nelson Green. Ontouagon, 32d, Joseph Coulter. There can be no doubt of the eleetion of any of these, as retun.s havo been reoeived Bufficiently to determine it. il" we except the twenty-eighth and tlio thirtyiirst district.-', thougb these, in fact, admitof but little doubt : UODSE OF llEPRESENTATIVnS. County. District. Name. Allegan, Franklin B. W;.llin Barry, George K. Beamer. Bay, .Appleton Stevent. Berrien, Ist, L P. Alexander. Berrien, 2d, A. H. Morrison. Brancb, lt, "William Chase. Branoh, 2d, C W Wetherby. Calhoun, Ist, William Cook. Calhoun, 2d, Homer C Hurd (Jalhoun, 3d, ]iben F. llenderson. Cass, Ist, Kdward H. Jones. Cass, 2d, James Shanahan. Chippcwa, Sbmaer Warner. Eaton, Ist, A. L. Green. Eaton, 2J, C. Goodrich. Genosee, Ist, Frailáis E. Rankin. Gcnesce, 2d, Alexander W. Davis. Grand Traverse, Thomas J Ramsdell. Gratiot, Gilbert E. Pratt. Hillsdale, Ist, James Fowle. Hillsdalo, 2d, Leonard Millar. Hillsdale, 3d, Robert Cox. Houghtou, C. C. Douylass. Ingham, Ist, llulbcrt B. Shank. Ingham, 2d, Harve Hodgkiss. Ionia, Ist jMilo Ö. Baker. Ionia, 2d, Alonzo Sessions. Jackson, Ist, Cyrell B. Wade. Jackson, 2d, Eugene Pringle. Jackson, 3d, Richard J. Crego. Kalamazoo, Ist, Ezra, C. Adams. Kalamazoo, 2d, Gilbert E. Read. Kent, Ist, Tilomas D. Gilbert, Kent, 2d, Silas 8. Fallass. Kent, 3d, Williap H. Taylor Lapeer, John B. Wilson. Lenawee, Ist, Daniel D. Piper. Lenawee, 2d, Isiael S Ilodges. Lenawee, 3d, Thomas P. Moore. Lenawee, 4th, Noah K. Green. ■ Livingston, Ist, Alvin Maun. Livingston, 2d, Jacob Kanouse. Mackinac, Alexander 'loll. Macomb, Ist, Thomas M. Wilson. Macomb, 2d, William Hroicnell. Macomb, 3d, Dexter Mussey. Midland, G. F. Uemingway. Monroe, Ist, Ihnerson Chonte. Monroe, 2d, John G. llood. Mouroe, 3d, George Peters. Montcalm, M. P. l-'ollett. Newaygo, WiUiaui T. Howell. Oakland, Ist, Lysander Woodward. Oakland, 2d, iSloun Cooley. Oakland, 3d, John Iladley. Oaklaiid, 4th, Henry K. Foote. Oakland, 5 tli, George Blakcsleo. Ottawa, John Maike. I Saginaw, Benjamin L. Ilill. Sauilao, Johu 0. Watcrbury. Shiawassee, Sullivau 11. Kelsey. St Clnir, Ist, Nathau D. ömith. St. Clair, 2d, Horace E. Bunce. ' St, Joseph, let, Edwin Stewart. t St. Joseph, 2d William Wheeler. Tusoola, C. G. Stoddard. Van Buren, J J. Woodman. Waabtenaw, lst, 8 M. Cutchoon. Wnshtenaw, '2d, William N. Stevent. Wnshtenaw, 3d, James W. Childs. Wiishtenaw, 4th, Charlts S. Gngory. Wayne, lst, James F. Joy. Wayne, lst, John G. Peteraon. Wayne, lst, William Phelps. Wayne, lst, T W. Lockwood. Wnyne, lst, William Chapoton. Wayne, 2d, John Slrory Jr. Wayne, 3d, John S Tibbita. Wayne, 4th, Andrew J. Leetoh. Wayne, ötli, Ira Darii. Total, Sonate, Democrats 2 " " Itepublicans SO " House, DeinooriU 10 " " Ucpublicans 70 The republicana voted for oandidates in Huron and Muskegon countics, but j neither of them are entitled to seati, and are nut therefore iucluded in the list. Hurón county is attached to 8anilao in , one Repre-entative district, and the act ! organizing Muskegon county iieither próvidos for a ltepreaentative, nor attuches it to any llcpreseuative district - ƒ' l'rcst.
Old News
Michigan Argus