The Storm Ahead
We extract the following from Republican journitls which have been rid"culing tha idea of danger to the Union trom the election of Lincoln, ff. York cics. Tkkason at tüe Capital. - From proofs in our possession, wo are forced to the conviotion that President BuchuDltn is utilaithful to the Union, and iudirectly, if not directly, is connivingat tlii treasoiiable pnrects of the craokbrainsof South Carolina. Wo l'eel duthorized to state as facts : 1. That the gHjrwon at Fort Moultriu lias been nilowed to run down to sixty-two men, including sick, cooke, piisoners, &c, leaving with the officere, but fiftytwo men to defend the post. 2. That even these few men are insuffioientlv supplied with ammunition and jjroviions. 3. That Col. Gardner, an openly deolared secessionist, is the commanding officer. 4. That Fort Sumpter and Castle Pincknoy h". e no garrison, though containinp' Inrge quantities of arms aud pub' ie property. 5. That an offici-r of the t5tate Departinenl declarad, in September, openly to peoplo in Charleston, who ques tioned him on ihe subject, that Mr. Buchañan would not atternpt coerción in case Siuith Carolina should secede, but would witbdraw the troops from Fort Mcmltrie, declaro Charleston no longer a port ot entry, and stalion a revenue out ter off the mouth oí the harbor to blookade it, a ootoijoue] usoleá act, as thu firít btorm would drive her uto tbe harbor under the guns of the forts, to becoine an oapy capture. G. That although constant repreentations hnvo beon inade of the defen.saIcss state of the forte and the urgent need ot more mon, a large body of recruits were a few days 6Ínce sont to T-esan, leaving the depots here destitute oi men to mset any sudden emergenpy. 7. 'Di .t tinder the {vratflDM Ot ing against any ttack by a foreign fleet, in caso our interfurence in Mexico shtiuld cause a colusión with any European Power, repairs of Fort Mnullriu have beun begun, whioh required part of tlie walU on the land sido to bu dis mounted, so thnt thore is no obstacle to prevent a tnob frotn entering the fortín half o dozen different laces. 8. The aeouFnulstion of 30,000 stand of antis and lare qusntitieti of animunkioo ín the Arsenal in tlie City o) Charleston, without iuiy gnard whu'ever over tliem, un opon invit.-ition to the disafffcu-d to help Cnerneelres. We subinit these frióte, which nre susceptible of conlirmation f rom other Boiirce, with the single reinarle that the Prewident must tuko the chief Mspoosibility for whatover occurs at Charleston ia eimtiict with the Federal authority. Haviog taken no ineanu to dsfon tho property of tho General üovernment, and having placed ferme nnd ninmunition to a large amount in the hands of what is notorio usly un insurgent popu lation, without gunrd or protection of any kind, he ha exposed himself to tho just suspicion ol inviting trea.on in others if not piojocting tronson hiinsolf.
Old News
Michigan Argus