wAdvertisements Dancing and W altzing School. MR. T. V. uniKK.VmSH would unonnn la the citizrn of Aun Arhor :iu '. vicmity , thfct lu WÍ1I open ft school for the ptirposeoi giving Instiuction to Juveniles In a th Fashioiinhle iifiioi of Dancing s now danc-I m the Eaitwn ritten. The term Kil] communeO on SATUI'.DAY. NOV. 24ch, 1860, at 1 n'clock, ). ra., t HANGVÏKI'.CK.R'S NEW HALL. Tkrm oTirmoN.- $3.U0 for each scho'ar, to consist of 12 lensons. [TTiwS HEAD QUARTERS. n"i For all kinds of I I 00A1. OIL. & FLUID I LANIPS. Vii J - AL90 - W PEÏROLIÜM FLUID, W Coal Oils. TLJ Superior qu lity, nt prices guarÍS antying sHlisfnction. Lamps nltercd to the above on short LÁ nut ice. Í A. DeFOREST. .„gal Nov. in, 1860, 774tf THE CAMPAIGN " Campion's Platform ! 'PHE subscribsr has jufit rt-irn-d from the Ait with 1 hú Fall and Winter C ■■ 5J %_ _U Sf Which ho is Determiiied to Sell AI TBS LOWEST TRIüE FOR CASH! t which, First Quality Goods can De añbrded in tli; city. My cloth are all uf the FINEST QUALITY snd ss I manufactur tlx-m into clothing mjrself, I n cnabled to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I sell. to be WELL MADE, wliich is n strong induecment to customers to patronize my stor in preference to plnces whre large quantities of half mndt gouda are kepi for sale. - I hve theLATERT fa iiioss. and can give you as Fine and u Fitting Girmtnts at can be bought anywhere. I am bound to sell CIIEAPER AND BETTFR QOODS 1 than any other similar estabiiahment in thi city. Your custom is m-st rcspectíully inTited. M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nor. 1 60. 773yl GO TO GUITERMAN & CO'S IPOR CiRKtLV'á HATVNT I'ANTrr- a new rtitli' ■■) 1 jml th thio. Thejr hvo tho ciilush-e rigbt for tb. Citj. Atao ti.r tfa pattot UraM LUNG & BLOOD IN FIRMARY. Fuher'1 BI och Wcodward Ave Detroit Dn. S. J, CAHPKSTKR & UAINARD. DOCfORS gn. ntllj pretcn 1 that Conumption is incurable, becouse hv-y cannot cure it themelves; but tb in dofs net make it trae. Man;1 inchiinics will wnrk on n. job all fíay O"1 afUr doi'ng not'jini but similthc material tfaey will teil you it never cru be denu in tie wa,jr you want it. Uut by applyinjf to a bctter wt-rkmau- one who tloroughly unitrutanrts hu biu:nenp- you will get jour work acconipliiihcd in shp. In this rïpect thro is the nnme difTereoce to bO founlm all tradeK and professions. The bungkrs in mecha nism, in the arts, in Uw, in thcoïogy, and in physic, will ay such things cannot I done. And t is true tbat they could not be it all men wcre liko ! telTB. But fortunately there is anothrr claH of men, and thM, wlien Üiey tako tour cftflo in hand, do the job as you want itf or rf stort' you to health, accorting to delire. We bavp nly t rempmber tl ïb act to j iiiidfrBtan4 wh) one pliyaician hould proaounce that incurable wïiich another can cure. In mtchaiiicg, we somctim? ftnd that by a poession of nupericf rneanu, by some new invention, of which he has the solé use, or by the grealrr ingt-nity of hit mind, on; person will raakft or do what no other can. Exactly it may be bo in physic. And this is the ▼ory roasoD wliy I have such great uccena over all others lu the treatment of Cvnttumption. By hsving the riginal gonius, by posscasing the Lung-Moter, which enablei me to clmrly 3et( rniine the nature of the . daoaRn1 by bTi'ng utJi rwwdtM fr Couaumption a no other l'hyician ever hnd,iuake boW ti aay that I . bate, nd can effvct a cure of tilla dñe.tte boyond th reaoh of any other man. To prove thu to have been the case, I might give you nuraber upon number of certifícalos frm mrn and women given over to the grave, who have been rcucuod and rootored to health by th ptruevering use o! my rimdun for Consumption. But it Ín not aec Bea" y for me lo do no here,Vor Ihe fact of onemau doing what anotlier cnnot dnnot. i evident toali men of comraon tcnse. If the Coueumptive wishe furthcr j mof Ihan thin, I oan only Jt me nnl tisiy urelf by tri il of my skül in cuto of vour oomplait Doctor Gwnttf will viMt YpsÜnnti, and Ano Arbor, nurin18MÍ.. Ann Arbor, at QDOkiBeid. 3d and 4thof each njooth; Hawkin Houw, YphiUnti, öth and Oth of Mch roenth. The rrmamder of tbc time, he willbefooDdat hle Lang Inflinja y m.Üetrolt Iyí7í. Ayer's Agüe Ciira. Mrs. WINSLOW, An experien cd Stom anl Fomale Phyuïcian, prjut4 to th ftlten'Joa of m t!)rs,hr SOOTHfNG SYRüP, FOK CHILDIiEJT TEETU1NQ, which greatly faciliiatt'-t the pnicei-i of tcethinf, br jmlVn n the ", riucing all in.lft ruma tico - wal alUv ALL PAIN ;iu l BjuiMnodic aét'on n-i ia SÜRE to REGÜLaTE the BOWELS. Pepend apun il, rn tJtr-, it will gira r.vt v yourolvoa, an'l Belief and healtli to your Infants. W have nul tip nï arvl BoM t'iis nrtido ior ovr Vn ye.r., :.n 1 CA.V SAY, IV UONTIIIK.NCK AM) TRUTB f t wlmt W6 hnve nevcr bo-n ab!e lo ia Of anyotlitrmwli.-in - VhVKK IIASITFA1LED IN A SIULB 1N&TANCK, TO EFFECT A CUKE, when timcly ukwI. Nv r iii'l we kucw an in.tmce of diaMt!s!ctti.n by anr n n-ho uw) it On the centrar., all ar Iffegbttd ritli U optrotlon, anl sr.ok In trnu of c-mmeiii!atii 11 of it' mágica] eíTecis and Mica! virtues. W tpok in Ih! inatt-r 'WHAT WK 1!O KNOWY'after ten yiis' expcrience. AND l'I.EDCK OOK RH'l.'TAÏH N KOP. THE FULF1LLM1 NT OK WHAT WK BIKE DFXLAKI . In aliuol evcry ,n t:mc wherc til infsct s stifl"crln from pain nnl xllautl'■n. relirl willbt-Kmnl in fiftetn er tcnty miiiulCB afKr tht .yrui) U ailinlnit-rel. Thü raltrible jir :par.tion is thft preciption of ono of the KXl'tKIENXED nd SKIU.KUL SLIOKS in Kev i nHii.l, an'l hs btt uecnl with NhVKR FAIL1NU SUCCKScS in THOUSANI) OF CASF.S. Itnot otj reüevoB thechil 1 fr-na pa;n, but iarigortfl tïie st'imif:h an i bovel4t eorrectt aomitr. and rIvu. Una ín! toer tot'ne wlioUsja ■m It will almoat inïnalljr relieve GRIPJKC IN TUK lïOWELf?, AND WINO COUC anl orercomo couvuliion, which if not spoe-lly r'.'inp died, ml in rienth. We lieüeve it tbo BELT ad SL'KE'T RBMEUY IN 1ÜE WURLD, in nll caoc of DY-iKNfKHYaul 1'lARitIKKA IN ClfíLiUtUÍ, w!ie(hr it unies fram imliinfl or fr ra any otber üauss. We would iay to every nmthfr who h a & chiUi sufferin? f rom any Of the CorMOilUC complaint- 1'" NOl1 IJCT TOUR PREJOl'K3&ii NOft TUK PKFJUÍHCES OK OTHER", t=fcind betvreoD you ni ymr flufTtrnz child, an.l the roüef tht will 6ÜRB- YES. OLUTELY - o follow ttie uje or t'iis medie ns. if t imely ued. Kuil ilicrtoni for usïns vrïll acomppanj eth bottle. N-megen-j.nn unle t.e f.csimiU iif CURl'IS 5t PEUKIN-1, N'rtw-Yurk, is on t-i o-itido wrrjPrt Sild by Dfugtttfl ihr'iusout t ie wt.rld. Principal Ofller, 13 CMUf 9rtt BT. T. pRICE ONLY '25 CENTS TER DOT1LEForaalehy Lbrbch h Co. IyT78. Irving's Works - National Editior, 'PHIS Fino Edition of tlie Work of V?MSnxmm U l ving (including the life of Wanhingu n), witlbt pubtshed foi STJBSCRIBBRS ONLY In MontMy Volumes Price $1.50 Piinblo tq Delivery. Beautifully Pitated on heavy iuH?&ne papr, of b vit iy Ij.'-i rjuaiity, and nubttant;aJly Douad iu honry bttvelled bonr'i. E7Each Volume ilhistrated with Vignet tn on Steel and Wood. J Knickerbocker's Nrw York. Sketch Book, Clolh. Columous, 3 rob. Uracebridge Hall, Astoria, Talen of a Travelor, Cray on Misceü.-vny, Tapt. IJonnevilto, Oliver Gold.-mitli, Mahoaitjt U rolt. Gronmla, Alhamhr, Wulferf Roost, Life of Vanhington, 5 rol. Satstumndt. Thii oditiun will ba mUl biciï'SIThlt to SiibscribsM and will be greaily superior to any ever beforc iviud,- . A viy l-iinn ; set of tfa4 univtrally popular worla i.i thus placed withln the m ans of all. G. 1'. l'UTNAM, Agt.,Publidher. 115 Nassau Street, New York. NOT1CE. Ï herPby Rivcn that an Election of Oflleet "f lh (ïfrman Fnnni r-1 Fiiv lnnr.ince ConpsB f Waht niw County nill be held on the 3rMay ot Dee?mbtT ne xl at,l,o'cluckP, M. at the Rcsidtnce of Juhn Kuch, 1c Lodi, in saiil ,. JOHN KOCH .-ecrelarr. Octobfr 3d 1860. 47T1 NOTICE. W HEREAS MY WIFE CAROLINE has left my bod ni barl without jut caue it prioycat;.n all peraoo ar forbiü harbi-r n r tt-it n iit r -n my accoi,nt,a i ahall paj no dobu of lier contracting afier this ilate. JUHN AHCLIFF. Manchester, Oct. 30, 18C0. 772w3 TAKEN UP. CAME nto the enolosure of the subscritor abont Un lstof September last, a FHEXCH GRAY PONY. Said pony is about lo years t)W, having one eye put on Theownerof said hurse is requested to cali aüd pro1 proprrty, pay charges, and takeit aw&r. PETER ROüse. Lodi, Oct. 12, 1880. 6irt70 THE CHEAP CORNEH. SE EK NO FARTHEBt New Store, New Firm. AND LOTS OF NEW Q00D3 ! In Mack & Schmid's New Block. pÜRCHASED roer ntir nnirr the most favorable círcam X. stmees, so much hq that e foI conQiitnt in iajin to all our uiil cuntí mor, aad as many nov cnei aa'oa rrowd iatu our New aud Spacious Store Room Corner of Main and Libotty Streets. That w aro unir preparad to Bell you beteer Gcls al lowcr prices tlian uur usual tow prics and are now ir daüy roceipt otn ilest varictiei of STAPLE AND FANCY DUT OOO13S. LADIES' & CHILDRENS' SHOE3 HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CLiüCKERY, LUOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND 8T0NE WARE, GROGERIES, &o. of every vanety Lots more of the s:utio good 50 cent Toa, that othens bo]. at 75 ets. Bear in rniml tliat ur Goods art all ('f the best quality. ty Our Stuple and Fancy Dr) Goods purji.'iBs all previous stocks for bcuuty, van ty and txeetence. CSOiir Ladies Dress goods. Shawls, &c , wero never beioro huif so uttracüvt and ciinnot help but ivin smiles of approval from our fair friends. BSü-Our Hats and Caps surpaes al) for style and cheapness ever beurd oí in Ann Arbor, cali and Reu them. BSk-Our Ladies' and Childrens'Sboct combineelliganceandease with atrength and durability. iy Our Clothf?, Cassimcre & Vestings are all of the best qualities and ; styles of the French, English & American productions which we wll sell at the same price that othors ask for slop I shop Htuff. 2" Our Grocerie8 & Crockery are. fresb, new and cheaper than ever! IW Our Yankee Notions and sraall fixings in general are too numerous ta mention hure, embracing every thing that a Merchant should keep and a i Custorn6r ahuuld buy. t And now having purcSased a ! much larger and better tock of goods than ever before; we confidently rely upon the oppreciation oí the public for aready Sulo of the same, feeling onfident that we cannot help but suir all in pnces quality and styles.j All kiods of Produce taken in Exchingo ior goode ;is usual. C. MACK, ♦772tf) F. 6CHMID..
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