We Hope That Those Of Our
scribors whohave pronii-cd uejirtt rat Potatoes and chuice winter Apples. will bring tliorn along. Also wanted on subscription Butter, Chcese, Honey, Beef. te , Ac. CA H not refused JffT O our tble we ünd the October number of th Wutmintter Review nine original papers upon the range of subject usually d scussed 1.1 tliat periodidal. $3 a year; with the three othir Merinos and Black icood$lO. Addrcss Leonabd Scou' Co N. Y L5L" Prof' A. D. Wiiitk delivered the opening leclure in the Studenta' course on Thnrsduy tvuning of last week. on whioh orcaeiun the ( ongri'gational Church w filleil to ils utmost capaeity lis jubj.ct was "Catliedrul Buil. Iers and Sculptora of the the Middle Ages " We haTe spoken of th leotuve in tirms of commendation heretofore, nnd do not wonder tliat it was rceived with great favor at this time Í3P" The maiu walls of the new Presbyterian Cliuroh havf been eompleted, and the roof is beinjf put on. The atructure shows deautiful exi.ernal propor.ioix, and as we prtdioted at first. will be au ornament and a credit to the Society and to our City. ZW A. P. Mills has opened hit eccoikI stock of Fall Ooods, purchased at Auctiou, and is offering grect barsaina. Gir iiim a cali. JC2r R. Farmer & Go.t Detroit aro bout to issue a new map of Michigan and Wi-consin. combining ir.any new features It will beonalarge scale and ihe information it will present obtained froin correct towos. It w.ll desígnate section, ronds, ■wamps, marshes, plains, Ac. Ac It is to be sold only by subdcriptiun und each canvassing agi-ni will pieseot u copy m that the publio ueed not buy a "i ig ia oko."
Old News
Michigan Argus