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SIFEOI-AJE, NOTICIES - O" After uil the pains and labor taken by I). B. DeLand jrvluce a pure Sleratus. ub arerejoiced ti flndthat the public general! aprreciatc, aare ÜbTilly patronizlni t'ie celébrate, lanifjietiry De Und.tO.'sPaleratisbaï a world-wid rrputation for it perfect puritj, an-1 t!ire ii no lonffr anf rpusonable excuae for oblijrinif people to wt disgmtlng ! ir. uBwhole-somi bread, biscuit. paitrr, ke.t made go i bv impuro Slf ritus. D. n DeLanl & Co 'a Man ifac■ tory is t Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y. , whfra the ' falaratus can beprocurffl at Wholesale. It i also fuld at wb o t Pítalo bj the prinvpal grocers in larga tnwas, ; nd at rfltailby groerra so l itnrckeepors prerwher. MOTHBRS READ THIS. The foliijwinpf is an pxtruct from a letter writton ky the pastar nf a Rapítst Cnurch to the "Journal and IÍMMn$ert" fiucinnati. Ohio. anri ppeaVi volumes in favor of thflt world rn:in mp'licm"- Mrs. Wi.vsLOW'S S.WTHING STRCP F1R (?HILDRKV TmïTHIVG: I(W IM o advertiprnient n your columnn of Mr. WfostftWi 5lfltHtBff SJfmp No we nover naid a wr rl In fa vn r nf n tnt nt medicine befrre n our Ufe, but w ffol empelled to ay t rour rear1rs. that this is no lliirob'lg - WK HA VB TitlKD IT, A.VD K.NOW IT TO BB AM IT OLaims. ft ia. pmb!bv. one of the roo t Biiccapful im-iiHins nf tho dy. beca une it is one of the neet. Anrl those of ynur readfr wh' have bubies can't do it better than feo 1 y in a supply " S(w advoiti-emftnt in nnothfr column ETB AND EAR. Dr ünlerwoofi.of Chicufto, Ill'naï the "miient anl Fk;lful opetiitorfn theFvpand Far, whos pepuutinn is so pt"njivfly knowil Hr uch the l'n'tert PtPtf and CnnadA. will "nrr've n D xfr Aiich . on Wednesday, Nov '21 180, nn 1 miv b ronuMed iit 1hf Adamr; llditw, on thnt ly n'y. Dr rn1pnod i a rpjruixr pducated Phvs'cian anl Sottv n f the oldtchool, nnl havin hnd an experience f twrnty-five ypr in jracticp, wil) perf rm flny opj r.Vi n n the Fye nnd Far. ueMtt ry 1 u rBt( re Sjjrht 1o the Rl n1, Henr'n? t thp. Dvaf, or by othf-r scientiflc mean; ti remove :iny disease of those nseful oran witbin the reach of acientífle human kul. t&" No charge for exaarnxtionor conultation. Iw77 U4K RÍOTE, LAND WARRANT, SPECIE AND ÜXCHANGE QÜOTATIONS. CrOful!j IU'Tlaed and Correctod sttj mak. KATSS COREENT AT THfc Banking flonse of I). Preston & o , 71 Wowlm..-1 A-.. Dtroit Spt. M, 1SÍ0. BAÍÍK NOTES. Detroit CU? Banka, .... . Pr. Cunda, (al] Solvent Bnk) " .V. Enjlandaud N. York, (Solvent Bala) " New Jersvv and Delaware, " Ohio, Kentuckv and Virginia, .-..'■ Pa ,all notes par at Pittaburgh or Philadelphla, " Bank of the State of Indiana, " UNCURHE.VT FÜNDS. IUídoík, Wiscotuin. Missouri Dd lowa ouying 1 Dl " ' " ' aulHag N. Carolina, H. Carolina and Louifli&na, 2 " Indiana Stock Notei, I " Tennesaee, ...... s 'c Georgia, 2 and 5 M Bank of Rngland Kotes, L,--■- $4 84 Bank of Tecumseh, Michigan. 86 din Exchange BankofD. Ball&Co.. - - 6 " OUR RATES FOK BILLS OF EXCHAN'GE. Burmg. Selling. On N'ew York and Boaton J X On Washington, X On Buffalo X Oo Cleveland, i X On Cincinnati, On Chicago, XV'. dia. for $100 or upw&rdi. GOLD AXD SILVKR. Uuyina;. seiling. Am. Gold lots of $100 or upwarda, % 1 Ami-rican Silver, 1 LAND WARRANTS. 4y It will beobserved thnt we do not quott by the acre, but so many dollars for the Warrant. Buyint;. Sallinjj. 40 ACH ffimsTI $42 $ -Í6 80 " 7 86 120 " 88 106 160 " 127 147 Revovolutionarjf Serip, (per or.) 80 eta. 0 cta. PREMIUM COINS. SILVER COINS. GOtD COINS. Span Pillar Dollars, 1 09 Sovereigna, 4 54 and 4 B7 Mexicau Dollars 1 04 20 Kraaca 3 88 Five Franc Pieces S7 26 Franca 4 66 Frenen Crownj 1 0o 10 Franc 1 00 Germán " 1 06 5 Francs 97 Prussian Tbaleri 69 Ten Thaler Piena 7 80 UuiUer 38 X Thaler Piecea 7 86 F.nglih Silver, (shilling Ten l uilder Pieces 4 00 23c', L4 60 Spanish Doubloons 16 00 OM Am. Half Dolls. 1 03 Patriot 16 60 mf On lots of $100 or up I California Oold $10 6d wards, 1 THe additional j $60s and $20s ld. GoldDust, $16 to $1660 per oi. 3r Spanish change $1.16 per oi. or22centafor quarter?, 11 for shillings, 5 for sixpences. On Iot3 of 20 oi, and unwarde, $1 IS per oi DAVID PRESTON t CO., Banker. 72 Woodwnrd Av., Detroit. MT,from8, A.M., tn S, P. M. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAIV'S TÜLMONIC WAFERS THüOngiual Medicine Establi.had in 1887, and the firs article of the kind ever intnduced the name o " PcLM'Wlc Wafkr ." in thi or in any other country 11 other Pulraonic Wafers are counterfoits The yn uine can bc known by the name BRYANbeingstamne on each WAFEli BrTAK's PCI.MOMC WaFIUS Relieve Coughs.Colds, S. r' Thr at, Hoaraeneaa. Bktan's Pciicomc Wafers Reliare Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. BkTax'8 PuUtOSTC WaíTHU Ka lieve Ppittingof Bloo I, Pains in th Cheat. Brtax'ïi Pclmomc Wafkrs Relieve Incipient Consumptinn. Lung Diaeasea. BBTAN'á PCI.MOMC WaFKIiS Relieve Irritation of the LTvuIa and Tonsila. Bkvan's Pulsioxic Wafers Relieve the sbove Comijlaints in Ten Minutos. BRTAX'b PciMUNIi. WAFERS Are a l lessing to all Classes and CnnatitutionJ. Brtan'? Pui.M"MC Wafers Are adapted to Vocalists and Public Speakers. Rrya.v's Wafkrï Are in a simple forra, and picasnnt to the taste. Brtan's Pcmoxic Wafeiw Not onljr relieve, but efTect rapid and lasting Cure. Brtan'8 Pci.iio.vjc Wafers Are warranted to give eatisfaction to every one. Nofamilj phould be without a box of , " Bryan'B Pulmonic Wafers" in the houso. No traveler .hould be without a íupply of " Brjan'n Pjlmnnic WaftTi " inhi-j pocket. No perion wilt ever object to give for 'Bryan's Pulmonic Wafera" Tn-enty-fiveCentii. JOB JIOSES, Solc Proprietor, Rochetcr: NT. M 1 by Oren ville & Kuiler, and all good druggisti in th United States and Cañadas. To Consumptives. The Advertisar, having been restoied te health In a few weeks by a very imple remedy. after having uQer ed neveral years with a severe lung aífection. and that dread disease, Co-isumption - is iinxinus to makeknown tohis fellmr -uff'Ters themoans of cure. To all wbo desire 11, he will pend a cnpy of the prescription used (free of cnarRe). with tlie directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SUKS Cl'RK for CONKCMPTIOV, APTIIMA, BKovClims. .Vc The only object of the advertiser in nendnfr hel'reBcription isto benefit the alBicted nd pread informition which He conecives to be invaluable, and he hope every ufferer win try hU remedy, as it will coat them noth mg, and may prove a blesrfing Parties wishiug the prescrip'ion will please addreas Rkv. Edward A Wilsox, 768yl Hiamaburgh, Kings County, New Vork. 3 Thr Greait Beiufnotor r uu Roce - The Oreat Healer of Mankind! Htrrieh' SuqaT Coated l'illt Th' wliole World United! Sick Feopletliink! After which act. You'd fccarce expect , at this late day, With stanltngcuresa book to fill; This is the case, the million pay, With the cures of Herrick 'r l'ill They come from East, and North , nd Weit, And with glad tidingsthe papers fill, they are the cheitpest , R.tfest, best, And superior to otliers isHeirick's Pili From Rootti,and Plants,andFlowern thej'r' They al vays cure- they nover kill ' Thoiuands now in their graves wereiaid, Were it not for Herrick 'k PIUb. Each Pili witb Rugar is coated e'er A rare diöcovery of matchless f kill, Theirlikewas never secn bifore, Until it appeared in Hprrick'p Pili For yearn he's workiid to heal the fiici. Witb joy elate bis bosoin filis: For tensof thousands now rejoiaa At the maific Powers of H'.-rrick's Pilla. HEP.P.ICK'SMATCHLESSVEUF.TABI.E FAM1I.Y I'ILL have inumliited the world with their popularity Over five million of boxea are used annualy, giving employment to oighty-Qve mn and wumen to put them up Their cures are numberlby thousands - tlu'ir praises on the tongues of all, Citiicna of Washtpnaw Co-, ind elsewhere, have you ever used tliem'Put up in English, Spanish. Uerman, and French diiections. Large familv boxos, 25 cents! Five bozos for $1. Sold every wherë. Sou advertifiement on 3d pnge Important to FemiilsR. ■ O r. CUEESEIKAN'.. PILLS. PMIMIED 8V CoRXEUCS L. Cur.EfEMAN, X. D., New York City. Tbecombination of ingrediente in these Pilis are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation. and certain in correcting all irregularitieR, l'ainfui Mensurations, removing all obwtructionc, whether from cold or otherwUe, headache, pain in the aide, palpatation of the heart, whilee, all nervous affeotions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, to. , disturbed sleep , which uriñes from interruption of nature. TO MAKRIEDLADIES, Dr. Chefman' Pilis are invaluable, as they wil] bringnn the monthly period with regularlty. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of othea Pilis can plaoe the utmost coufidenee in Dr. Chowman-s Pili doing all they represent to do. .v o t i a v TAerí i. „„e roniiitum nfthtemah tyKem in ulfel ( owir'i-"'! '" K:tk"M prorlvrivf n PECULIMlt H&&ULI. 7 ae r.ovfiition rf.ferrtd to is PRF.GNANCY the rauU, MlsCAMUAGe fiwh .. th, rruiMtmbl, tndmey nf the medicine In rtitort Uit lezual funr.tions to a normal condición, that em n the rtprodudit power of nature i:annot reiiêt tt. Warrantedpurtly vegetable, aml free from anythlng tnjurioup, Explicitdirectionp, whirh vhould be read ac comj)any each box, ?ent by mail on rnchsinjr $1 ' to Dr OnaxiMi'S L. C%semjs, Box 4,SU1 , l'ost Office New York City, M3T i'old by one Drugglst in every tuirn n tboTJniteii SUtes. -q R. B. HUTCHING8, Gbneral Agbxt roïc thk Um!D Rtatep, io, 14, Broadmiy, A'ew ïnrk, f3f To whom all WTioleoale orders shoald be ddrons!ld ta imi Arbnr, by JUyïato, StzBWKs WiijaoN) aod G, fKa-Tnur, TOV1


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