BOOTS, SHOES, f ■■■ MH? b V T" "fJ" M. m WM. S. SAUNDERS. HAS IïECEIVEDhia Full stock ofG.ods, and is selling lliein it jiriaes wliicli eannot fail to suit everv one B O O T sss , Mens Boots from $2 to $5 per pair. C3r , t o r s . Ladies'Kid Calt'and LnstingGniters and Buotees from 75 ets to $3.50 Doublu and single soles. Boys, Yuulhs and Oliildren's of all prices frpm 15 e's. to &2 por pair. DE?, ubbers, Men'8 and Womon'e Rubber Boots and Shoes of all Kinds. T R U N K S . Saratoga, French and Doublé Truuks superior article. Cali at WM S SAUNDERS' 768tf Boot and Shoe Store N O TICE . ALL PERSONn nrteb'.ed to the Estáte of Dr Prouel Upnton, Uta of the city of Ann Albor. deceaRtd, will make payment without del y to the underi?iLned,Knd theitby save co.ts. TRACY W. ROOT, Eiccutor, Aun Arbor, Sopt. 24, 1830. 7U9vrS NEW GOODS SHIPPED every troek from Boston and Naw Yort for the IOoilO's Store, in Ann Arbor. A. DeFOREST, Proprietor. nu uKE n I j CTlM GLASS WARE, éO} China Goods, &o. yÈèeNs'vvAK'L' at prices guarantcoing satisSTLVER HiATEP GOODS! Tea Selts, Cak Basket, Cvtiors, Knivsê, Forks, Spoons, Sfo.. quality guxrantisi at REASONABLE PRICES. FINE IVORY, and common Tablo Cutlsry, American manufactur a superior article. KEROSENE and GOAL 0IL LAlïïPfl nsw improved burner, warranted to bethe best burn er in ubo, or the raoney rsfundod. Also new pat terna fluid lamps, Kehosene Coal Oil and Fluii jaarantied to bo the best article in the State. Our Chinamaii still Lives. That unrivalled quality of Teaa can always be found at tho Pooplo'a atore. ■ fc mmjWEa ■ "l ao i of all kinds. Frntts, oitracts, Bpicos, piekles, oils Perfumes, &c., received ovory week at the poople's store. Puro Liquors and Wines for medicinal pur poseí only. v J A11 Knul s W00DEN WARE, Stone ware, ropo, cordage, c, a full stock. Produce, G-arden and Field , lThe object of this co'.amn ii not to draw bnsinees from others engaged in ule same professWek yoa to oall onoe and n.fter (ha yon will UI withont asking. Wo are selling a fw goods and snall oontinuo to solí as low as thoy can possibly be EflSdi, ,, o A.'DoI-ORJEST, ! ". 9 P.jr1e's StB. THE BANNER STORU. SECOND AURIVAL -orFALL Sa -WIüXTTEK. GOOZ IS. GOÜÜS FROM AIJCTIONT. 1715 HST CHBAP Tacts for the People -07■WASHTBNAW -JND- ADJOTNÍNG COUNTIES! And their numerous qneítions nswerl. Whi i Ewrybody trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Becüuse A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of ttint Establishment katjntt retmncd from the Eusieru Citiuwilh th Zargest, Uandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attraotive Stock of STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! otw brooght to tUiü port of th 3tatJ Whf u EveryOody pUateü with hit St-kt Becauie btaityles are more beautirul, qnality btUr,aad prica lower thmi at anj o Uier stora in the coantjr. Why has la always Swnething Nao and Cheap to Show? Bccaute I19 hasa friend connectei with one of the ly gest Jipj (iooilrt üous!i in New York, who ia contluualat " BOBBING ROÖVD" for cheap bargainsand the lat e styleu, as they appear frora time to timo, and inthiê waj keeps him Bupplied witb a yle.s, and cunsequentlj custurnen can alwayi find somtUiag Fre&h, NEW CEEAPul DESIRABLE Whjf don kt eeü êo mach Cheaptr than Om rtêtt Becftusc be has a bujrer ia the city all the time to t&kt advHntage of the contiaual change of the market, and ín that way buy.i bis gooda much cheaper than otberi can, and tbet he marks theio down to the Why does ht te'l Laditi' and Children' Shoêë n much chtuptr than tca tvtr hrard ofbf iht oidttt Shoemakert? Becauae ho bujs hi itoek In Iho lanc) of ihcwaulcan, of tho manufacturera, fully 26 per cent cheapar than the New York Jobbers eell thera, and much bettar work than the keep. Ihiaeouru tuablM hJra to nüi bettr Gaiter for 35 Cents. than others sell at 60 cents, and a bu Her F0XE0 GAITEP at 60 oeuts, than othera --teil at 76 ceut. Ha he any Hat and Caps? Yes, I should think he has stacks of them, enoujh to supply the ritate, at pricei losrer than was rr heardoi round those parta. Why is his Tea to much hetter for the prie yon pay than jou gel al utner placttT 3öcause ho takeagreat care in selectiny it, and gires kla custoineis the benefit of a real gao i 76 ceat TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It lu a way ho has fot. Where thould yon qn to gct ynur CLOTHS aaá ha te ihrm Cut or Madet To the BANN'ER SIURF, whero the Feople'a Dinmr li unfurledfur the l'eople .i gooá. South side of I'ublic aguare, a few doors wft of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. II, isro. -"■ tf 8,776,994,650 VOLÚNTELAS WAOTED! TO ASSIST IS THB LIBERATION OF CUBA ! iVliite folks, or of whatever color, caito or nal ivity. whcthjr tcarried. single or of doubtíul connexion. will beenlisted in the nolle cauae of EMANCIPATINO THE COMMUNJTV -TROM THE- THRALD01ÏÏ OP HIGH PRICES ! and will receive tbeir outfit at th Extensive Fnrnishiag Establishment -OF THE - O UITERMAN'S HEAD QÜARTERS! having bcon eetablisbed for the L AS T TEN YEARS, our known rule of warfare is an Uudi ofelied Destruclion OF HIGH P RICES ! I'On OLOTHIW& For all ges! Sex and Conditi&ns In oonsequencs of the very flittering enoouragement whicli we havn recrivod incu our location n this ciljr, we have increasej our Stock of FALL AND WliNTER CLOTHINQ! To meet the demanda of our cuitomers, and having become more fully convinoed than ever, that our mode of dealing, naaiely: at ihe lowctt possible rate for is the only true plan; we will continue t: serve tbe publio as heretofore durinjf the cumiiig fall and winter. Oar Mook consists in every vnriety of HEADY MADE CLOTHING ! Plrin nnd Fancy CLOTHS, CASSIMKRS. SILK. AN'D SILK VELVETS. A large lot of GENTLEMEN'S FÜRNISHING GOODS, whioh ure all warmnfred DON'T FAIL, TO O-XjIji T Gr. IET . $ For past favors we are grateful to all, The eanie for large ones in proportion, And those wi o see nt to cali Shall receive our best smiles and devotion. M. Guiterman & Go. N B. Student and all other who want to see 8ONDHEIM"; new jnode of outting ■will do well to cali and leave their moasure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! oxrrziE:iï.3ka:jLL.3j" %sa oo na Aór, Sept. ï, 1360 76TK
Old News
Michigan Argus