!T WINES & KNIGHT SE KOT ïir,E3STr5ir stock: Al tf re -or- w! of It )RYGOOD8 Ui Parcitatod fbr the " A VI ARLT FALL THADE j September 8, 1880. 1 i I c FALL i i G I J c L CS-O O 23 SI 9 AT Í ■ I 1 ! : C. H.Millen&Co's. - i D. L W00D & CO, i A LARO-B STOOK OF ; Seasonable Goodsï 3Boar t2ao FALL AND WINTER TRADE, of lesos WHICH THEY Wlli SïLt OHEAP FOB CASH, OE BBADY PAY CaR and t Before Pwrthaswg Wcmhtrt. D. L. WOOD. TT. G. FO5TER. O. R. JB. FaiMnger triinii now loar tbs severa! Statiom Id thia Ouiuit,aa folio ws. GOINO WEST. JfillEi. Ealamunn Ae. JTtght Bi Vp.tUtoti, 9.00 . . e.op. k. p. v Ann Arbor, 8.25 " " 7.05" " " ' Ditr, D.6 " " T.84 " " ö " ' ChLH, 1010"" 7.65 "" 10,10. M OOISO EAST. Ireain(Ez. Salamic) A o. Mjiüw. Chnlsra, 6 15.. M. 9.30 A.M. 4. CO i s. Dexter, S.SO" " 9.55" " i.45 " Aan Albor, 6.55 " " 1C.CS " " 8,10 " ' YpilDtl, .IS " " 10.50 ' ■ Í.S0 ' NOW IS THE TIME TO C0MMEWCE FORIHING CLUBS FOB THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, -ANDOOMIO PIOTORIAL PHÜNNY PHELL0W111 J SPLEHDID PREMIUM TO EVER Y SLBSCRIBERü! TUE KEW YORK WEEKLY AND PIOTORIAL PIIüNNÏ PUfiLLOW ONE YEAR FOR TWO DOLLARS!!! OUR TERM3 T0 CLUBS. 1 erp7 oo yet..,.Í2, nod the rvt"-;a! Th'irn.T ] fcalltiw ööê .vear. S" " ....3.oa'3 nPreaiium. i" " ....W, 8" " ... 9, - 8 ...!, ■ 10 .. $;', " 13" ...$18, ' " rKer,aDdol5iin ful] paitículars of PEUinUMS. STREET & SMITH, Brroits axv PjropKiFrottE ot_ter NEW 'i'OKK WLEELT ao765. 2 BoHKjnan 8tret, K. TJ MISS JESNIE E. LINES, r-p EACHER OF PiaaoForto,'ï SiaíiDg, bc-iog 1 desirousof entargingher clacs, will loceive popCs at t!i rmi-Ioaoe of Prof. W1.VCHF.LL, which being noar a the L'ni'in Soïiool, wJll be very coDveDieut for lucb Bibol ot% attonillng thero who nny wish to puvsue tLe siuJy nf mu;ícÍQ cuoection with otbpr braneJiM. TertOMÍlO, half to le pald at tiic luiddle ami tlio bel. liucö at tbo oiofee fof tbs tcnu. TAKEN üP. BROKZ ioto nar pooloeure about the 1 it ot Jod lat , a tfiree yeAx'old RED STEER, wfUï wbite UJiiri mixel oxb hip aU ná. Tbe orfr tbreof Is requetfedto csll, prove projiijiyay ciiur-'j aoú i y b:m restored. TaTE WATSÖN. Lyadon, t"ot., 15, lSfO JwÖlO A.yer's Cherry Pejtoral CHE HYDROPULT, n ïnventi1 n for tluowing water I tnuiu-oweri paU-a d by W. T VO-vE. ttUoaeof liíe míut valatMo ia 'fintiuaaot Uday. THE HYDROPULT t'!I, by tho power of eme, Ihrosf wi'er tt tlj ri )f 8 puloaa pcv rinUe htty feet bigb, wlth grel &.■.,, t í ibe leat artille over invOuteA fyr EXTINGCbHlNG A FIKE, WASHiN'i WINDOWS, SWUNkLlNtí PLANTS, W.UKRÍN'i} OARUEN'i, trees -roíi fcwira, WElTOfU SI í-VMSLg, SPRIN'KIINUS'IKLUS, VAdüIN'i CARRiAUES, CLEAN1NQ CISTEBN8, EMI'TYINU WATKtt FilOM SAH. BGI3, WLTIINU &AILH, A SI HAY BAÏtt, &C. Tbn artlclo áhould bo ovra&J by evtjry hoti!ioMir - k u t: ,.hv fith Ihe necessity of a bydiaut. Il u l.'lit. ii r; l'Ul'.CK 1'tMP, always reaJy. easily uí1 md wiíl cntn ín frtqutfDt use by erery fhrmor, mihnnt and mechante in -.he conK&unfcj. PIíjam &U 6ad .'Xarmue the arliclc at tbi ofik-e. AMKRIOAN' HYDHOPULT COMPANT, 41 P.iKa. P.ov, N T. WALI.ACE TVELCII, Agnt fer WariiMu' Coi utr, 771m:j ypPIUNn, tfkh. Herrick'3 Eugar Coated Pili ÜT CHILDREN ÜRYFOR THEM ! xt jT. ' h;'s runiarkal!a j '"Áv . American remMy 1? crF SSÏim Lk n'r: tlie IlxT'i tf 1 V5_L_: """" Oor ave, nu' 1 cus f büle r ,! J 11 y. u-rojioscí a D t irely of Fintas ":. trcta, tholr eifixt oI '.o ímiijau svvttui in BMtil aliffacto, ■■■HVwjr i'.nci siiKiiesfuJ. ytcthg d.rpctl.v ín ti.c ft.J ""?-' '. -, g!amlí,í(il.'Jii atd Lua of ÜiO toily, iÏ!Ljr OP8 la íitti-nded wíth iV.c bapptect dfect. In oíd giamüt t cases or sicknosF, smnll ooaei - rf-pcatod inguemiy cli-neoi th si ítem, that gxi helth U lie resuit. ', change in tmplotment or diot I neoef íary. Tberwur cause remoutbs, fiwtJJotl jolr-tSj ac]).Dff lirnbsj t r4 rtu ir.aiiy (rtbw kinds. Tuoy nre warrsnti-il' to iríie atísfnctifjn. orthe prico refunded. 'iliey aro cl'-íiii -í choajicr, Bafer, prctlier, ani in all res] 'a superior lo anr purgntiva pill in the xnrld. e3''lilldiie.,erTrf aMZg a p!H with fmaiiBíivd wíil 1 1 Htirltk AH otlier are enuntorfcits , mi If usol, t.í;ío tot atí diaajjpolnttheicí. Hcrr.'-.t.V ,I1K MveSenn'lv te;;, 80 in i box.wM a largeshMtof directiooa aiiUw.a lor 2GeenU per Uos: 5 boxes for SI. Heuhick's Krc StíiesctheS! PlasiKllS. Thcgrrnt Sirtngthtr and Pa)i% Dettroytr, The Eut and cttraptst Household Rcmedy in thr yurlJ. Tlicsf ronowncJ Pia-tors carertóis. sad iu. tre5sinthoback-,s!(KsaadbreaBt, iaflrohonrí ladiíi" so cortain are thí.v tojo thl, that thc propriftor warrBct'í them. rprert frr.ra roílos, balsama abú en beautiful kid IcHtlior.-pa'icni rhcmpicuHar!y a!ii.T tu tbe wn?3 of Frmaiftum olhors. The:r Bp.licalkn I uDlver.til- equally to siróes rnan.tbü íIcIIm i woiiJiio aiv! iho feeblo Infant, To fEcb am! all thy n]: pron ' ja.m ani n Wlnr. Tbclr tiM I ap.oble uní wltKort r.nnoyance or truuble. Kath Tlaalpr W!l w,r fromn a to lour montha, an.-i !u rhcninatlc oomp!lnt, pji.-mr anrt r:tr,es, frequcn'.y ofTrct mis irtro all othei ndica fai!. Knll directjpns vill be foand on theboviicí ench. PoUIe upeiüairs. rocalist, ralnisten of tliwit andotllCT,.irni ítrínfthcn their lunysím! :mpn-vr tur voces by woarins them on Ihoir ticasi. Priue 16W conts. ISr Tlio íboro trfletaa solilbvall the dealere la Ann Arbor an-1 by Drugjrlatg thrnii;bná;tl)o Omtid Ptntw , Cana dts anl -jctU Ainf-ricr.,at vhoIuAle b ail larin Drngglstü la th prtndpBl cltlf IJrlíü CK h I'POTnra, W87 I'mA'i'CALCTíOirsiB, AUamy, N.V. vc: z. míllews HAIH INVIGOBATOlt. AN KFFBCTIVe, SAFE AND ECONÓMICA!. Cl'MHiCVR FOU RESTOHINU GRaY HAIR to ta original color wllh,. oat dyeing, an.l prereota iho Uair fr ■un turning gmj. FOR PREVEN riN BAttNESSaaa curi.-.g ü,nLcn thi ia tbe loaat partida of Titnlitj rfwuH niLvo UUv, remainiiiL'. FOERLMOT1NG SCURF AND DAXDraTr, d U cuta., neous affec:iuua oí tbe scaíp. FOB BLAGTimKG7HKRA!B,!mrart(c(tottÉ ou. equalKl s'.ojinnd brüllancj, making lt ft idhi lifcr in LTa texture fin i c:iii-iag u lo curi riid.)y. The gn at ceicDrity aai me iaori-i:.-in' dviuind í.jr ti.ii unequalled prepanüon, cot.-.ioe tí,v proptietor thut una tr;al is mly ueceasary to atisfjr a di tfra.neijuMk.ot ü.í uperioriiuolitíes over ncy otlitr preparatlon at prew". n use. It citansos ííe hüuú ■ ■.. tí'ivdrvfferd uthtr cuíitneoi'S {tumbes. Causen tha Uüir ti grow 1íunantly.aadjrivesit a rich, aoli, glossy and to.!bl biearanct, and nlso vbero ke bair ia liüimoing üad íbiLuinír, it wll jira straigih nd vi=or to the roota and rejtoretb.cgrt,.vthto those jrts v.:,ich bare beíomu baKl, cauing it to yfeld uf-erh cotcirig ofkalr. Tdereare bunín-ís i.f laJiej ami gmUaano'ta K-w Yoik whoba'-chail their har rtstor-d ly ih use of this InTigorator, wh n all otber preparatiou Lad fiilcd. L. II. has in bia possejsion letteaa mtiumsiaM tea'.ifyhig to the aü.)ve fací, frum pers9:u of tha biglipt reai i'c'.nMlity. Ii mil rrctully proven t thc 'jwrara mntii fraf untiltbe latoat pciii.d o! lifrjuid n casas wflc.'ti tbe huir lias cbange i Ita color, the ue of Invignrat; r fill wiLb'cerlain'y rtmrt i: to its origiiuii Ai , giiuir it dHrk. g'.osjy appearaucP. As a pt-ltns for 'thü toíicl anl aHair Kesturative it ii pirtiiar!y i haring an ngreeab!c frisírranco; and the rpa: fac b'ílea tt aflurd.1 in drctirif thehair. vh:ah, ivhoa nuitt iviib tha Invigcraior cfl:i b diessed u any raquirsd foi-in so .i to pri-Borre it piase, vtheihrr p:ain or ia cinl-h- the trrt-At demaud for it by Uie ladln an smmlxri íantí articlr irbich none ov.jht to bo wilhout. aa tha trica ilaced it within the reach of all, beinr ONLY TWENÏY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to 'oo b ! at all rwipootablo i-ugUte' ad perfumera. 1 MIU.ER woul.l cali the attenties of 'aren itrA Guardina io ihe ufe of bis ii:v3gor;t''.ir, ta (nso ubf-ío the chil(ïr6n3: Ilair inclines to be wpk. Thc lay tho foundation for a good head oí' bair as it ruaov any mpurities tbitmaybfto beeme cnnnfoted wltii tbe scalp. tbert-moval of which is nect-íary betb fer t) o liealtb. o! the clmdanii toe fu:u.-e ippearuu oí! Cactiox.- None frenuino Tith'ut Uiefoí!m!Ie IOlliS MII.I.ER bPitiir en tLe onter wiapior: alp, L, JÜUJüva IiAUt INVKORATOB, N. V. Moví: Id glüss. Wholesale Di rot, 5-. licy St. uuA noli! byal! tlii riiupie Morcliants and brng?Ita throoghaut fhe #or!5. Liberal discount to purchaer& by t;,e %uanütjr. I loo üisire to praaent to the Aiáorioiu í'ubü'c wf New & Iiaprovod Instantancoua Liqiiïd Kair Bye which after ye.nrs of PclcntiGc expermerTirp Ï hr toooght to i'Críeciñm. It dy;-s Uncí: or brovn n:if : f without injury to (he Iiair i r tkin MrrintlK Uio but articlo i-f tlio kin 1 in etftteaoe. PRICS ONLY FIFTY CENT3. DEPOT, 5C DE Y ST., Kcw Tm fICHIGAN SOUTHERN & J-TX NORTHERN NLUXA nAL!.FO.VB. Mra ."Tí'.-' ; TLTTc Z-. " 1S80. SCilMER. ARBANüjatKXT. ISto. Inins now rnn on tfcis road, ?ariÍKt-s Et-jrh.4. s folio n: Iiire VoldlnforCL-mfORtlO 55 A M.,nj]0VP X. " Itroit " " " 7 O " T tt Arriving in Chicajo f:ora Toledo tad Cetroit in 5,0 P. iT. and 8íW A. M. Arrireat Detroit, from T!o4n, at 73 A. II., e6 P. M.,:. 11:00. A. M. Arriro io Doircit fresa Cbicairo at C ÏD r. S! . omí ; tí A. M. Jrrive in Tr.üj.: trom Chlcfl 4.'T) ?. II. tt,H #3 V M. and 3.40 i'. K. Lw ve Adiiun for .TacïcRcn Bt ' Jackson for Ar'riac at "i.OC A. JI., isaü IS) P, Sf. CONNEC!' Ár Tour'- TiUi Ck-rclsua & Totodo Ríll Itrsiá, wW vrabafh Valley Kaü I! At Dkxroit - With t.rand Trunk Rai'way, wr!th 6ii Woetcrn Railïay, also, wítb Uie mroit audÜUvttiLi.- Bftlbroad AT New Auaxt , Biin R. B With Tran fer 1 ai'ayotte, Kew AlbaBy at:d LouiftiUs At Cíkcíoo- With Chicngo awl oc Intan.1, Golcri, MiUaiücee, Cliiw;.'O. Burüojim rd Cnincy- Noí1 v.'eat Railway- OiTcago, AH u r-.u St Louii, Central, and to ;ill l'ointí We.-t and Fonth. Trainj nrorun by Chlt Igc (ice, v..'c' 0 t. t uí.-í alower t i: a n Detroit tino. ifp" Woo'iruEf' 3 Patent .Iceíug C-srs accc-mpac Ihn Ni;-ht Trains on ttiK }liiur. 4 No ohango of oars betwíttB Detroit, ';lf,n -n-i Chicago. ttS' T.rao aud Fara lio sime as by acy othíír V..Ü Rewd líouta JNO. r. CAMTPPX. Ocae'sJ SqprtWr.n. General Lnrui Agenc. PEKSOJ1S wnat!ng farnc, or rci(írn'- .ín o r . Ann Arbor, cau by crIüi1 on mn leli-r i fi-,n -ul ui over 1OO Farms Kor SalrJ Ofrariouf slïr ífm Ht to L.'Of a''rf"h ,(;- trn i good Ri&T 'n '■i' Co-iriy.) M vrtran tííl JJlVCÍÍ:ií lIOl.iRÍ'H ttitlíClty,fromtw 'luncin'tí t& fúui'.houíact do . bri jcb : and ovr 2 O I ROILDUO f,OTS Amoaí tbe farmí w# Jtb-ü ■ 3V) nrrtr, khe l'otter form, i , ii- i'ihtf if m . a j 4 acre. ti;r PTondon and f it :tjs, ia WVdr; the StubS, n rtrr-pn, H':4 Fllh.?t furirif. i i Anr .' i h r j K-i;tlf'-í frrm lnli't!li.-l-tli! H-t-!i ra ' Hink i..r:nE Ir i Patrir 1 t Inyu (im ií) írrí-.iom; VV. S. iTari'n. il . D. Bnker ind f .:'..'.-, fsril'J i ÜJ-1'-T . JiirM-f thníP miií many otöOiS caá íe -iiviíítíd to Biit puroHiseri E. MC Jf!N. Awn A rhoj, Jin. Ís. -■ 1 1 líe Nims:ttc ai;d ITowrnl :grnn WA NTl.D TurorcHOi . in r r pav a sal.i,v of f . .i '' f? - peaso.' THrS IS o ".TV '. [i. 1" r -.--'■ '-UX TíCu Eíüi', for i. I,) nr ; ï -. p!y in BTáOn to rw68 H ir i CI.ARK. Barnl !ü. ilojs. Ayeis Sai
Old News
Michigan Argus