ültEAT BARGAiJNá a ex o-c Maynard, Stcbbins & Wilson's i i W" ir'AVE GtS RIT1.EK1 I : ' i 01 BDTOBXWIl ti. most tAi stock oí E3r O O 3E 9 ■ tint WAS evpT o!Tcr' 1 ín nny one ectebÜshnieiii thf Stau . . . - , i, i .] 3OT8 JJIA"líí Oam 'O3 ?j-c)i. dO; ís low as ciii b louii'l m 1 1 ■ ■ '.. tiin We want Xíloncy ! i„.ni malee 'ZLLZ iïrcai Sacrifices on AnyUíih. wo hare lo obtiiri í, nni otci OLD NOTES AND ACCOUN'Jfc We corilially invit ALL CASH CUSTOMERS fo cali and osanünc our Gooda umi Prlcea We ■ ii vite our Prompt Paying Custoniere to nom and hnv íhVír mipplír" i 1 , V ■ i , i , r . Totfc líanhful eme Ut;U are uí'iüiki to cali, we jy lo thcui, Ui courage 033XíIj Tour XVKEx"xr vfihoatlonger vaitíi g for highor priew, come in, oíd iOóns, and then at Mieli prfcea ai wiil ntike np all Ioüiiw. It is barí' Qcccessjiry to emmici ale oui IjochIh, for We have Everything A large sssorhnont fr ÜARPETING, C'KOtKERY DRY GOOUS, M E MINES, GRO IPiIES. PAINTS, ÓILS, HAT APS, BOOTS, su oes YANKEE NOTION$ &c, &co ttc. O[LtL üaiê) OUi BDOï (715tf) ■::VX.1".Í'. ■-:l-:mV!S V Wíl. SO M. WÍ HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Flesh uud Animáis. TN callliic th attentloi. of the Public to tlils Medicine. I we wouM sav thaí it has been futly trio!, &n ti.indreds who have usei it speak in tbc most compliinentary terui5 of its wonderflll ouucts upon Human J'iesli and tbe feruto creation. Ií te fast galninc popularity. Wherever TUed it ie received witli ilccJauiation of joy, and prnounced .ti be the urt&test Keuiedy for Aches and Paiua ererolfored to the rabila Ita míterly effecte over dieease, when appHcd, gives It a oelebrlty unsurpassed by any exUrnal preparallon now tn ose. Tbcreforo we can suy, with tbe ulmofit oouQdüg, tbatthe Baïbrocatt r xvill Core Rheumatism, - ' Burnn and Seftldí, " ' Wcaknesaof Jointa, " " 8wel)ings and Tumor " Hemorrholds or PUek Chilblalns, " " Tootliaobe and Chapped Uand AMbroraUOO Ul Cure tld gore and Cianiys, " Boils and Corns, " ■ Contracted Muecloa, " Gallsof all kind, " Eing lione and Poli Eiü, m Oalions and Snavín, SmbroeattoB will Cue Sweeny and .-Htk-t. Bpringbault and FMuIi,, 8cratohe6 or Orease " Lztrnal Paisana, Sand Cracks, " B Lainene&a and Stralut Babrocottoo wlll Cois Foundsred FecS Man ge " Cracksd Tcats, rt Garcet in Cowi, " Foot Eot in Bbeep. AruriiN. íN. 1., Marfil 9, 18NL Te, e undersiffned, do certify, that w have OBed M. V. Hawlut's Celebbated EjAeooation. for Inflummatory and Chronio Rheumaüem, and cbedrfully reooznmeMl tt aa the best remedy we have ver usod. J. M. Morris, M. B., James E4 HewBOlL L. W. Cloment, Orrin Hurd, Peter Fiero, 8. F. Oould. J B. Robinson, of Frophetstown, 111., eay : I eateem U ktte beet Ltniment I have ever known. It gives univeraal utisfactlon, and I can ttstify to its efficaoy trom my ow rrortenec. Manufactnred by M. W. HAWLET, Auburn, N. T. Cl N. TUTTLE, Auburn, N. T., General Agent, t Vhom all orders should be addresaed. Sold by all DruggiBts and Morcbaiits thnngboot tt WHBtjjr. hm uj MAÍNAKu, U.l!l,l.x .. W L Ann Arber, Micb GOOD8. KÏCII GOODS! CheapGoods! ! BACH & PIERSON TI AVE JIST OPENED THE CHOICEST STOCK -OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS to be found in Ibis City, consisting oí GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN! substautiftl inl Juradle, GOODS FOR LAD1M! U00DSF0R THE MECHAN 1C QOODS FOH TEE r ARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLUS, 6U Cnrcfully selectcd, Warnnted to jilease, and for snlc cheap. COMX! .I3"33 SI333. BACH fc PIERSGN Ootobcr, 1P60, 768tf 7ÍU-: PEOKIA MARINE & FIRÍ X INSURANCE COMPAJS Y, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500.00C mi of Ui HEÍT1FST, PAl'T and BBjl inur&no Co'f. iu lv t . s. In'irrs 011 rwh'mablt tt-r tnKii-lül
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