Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designad to bu the modi efíectual Alterativa thao can be made. It i a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, to eombined with other ubstance of stül g-reater alterativo power a3 to afford an effeetire antidote for tho diseases Saiaparüla i reputcd to cure. It is believed thnt uch a voraedy is wanted by thosc wlio suffer from Sírumoiis complsints, and that one wMcH will ccomplish their cure must prove of inmensa tervice to tlús large class of our afiücted íVlloweitizen9. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be ibund of the following compluints : - SCKOFCLA AND ScROFULOca CoMPI.AI!TTS, EuupTioKa and Eitup'rivE DisKAsuri, Ulcbrs, Pl.MPI.E3, BlOTCJIES, TuMOBS, S.VLT IllIEUM, SUALD HeaD, SïI'Uir.IS ANI SviMULITIC Afiectioxs, Mluuliíial Disuasü, Dliopsx, Neuralgia oit Tío DóuLouttEux,, DysPSP8IA and Indigestión,, Rose oa St. Anthony' Finís, and indócil tho wholo class of complainta arising from Iupukitt ub ihb Blood. Tliis compound wU be found n greot prornoter of health, ivlien taken in the spring, to expel the foul huinors which fester in ths blood at that senson of the year. Bjr ths tiraoly expulsión of them many rnnkling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruption and uleerou soiea, through wliich tha systeru will striro to rid itself of eorruptions, if not awisted to do this through the natural channel of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanss out t!i9 Yitiated blood whenever you flnd it impuritis bursting through the skin in pimple, eruptionft, Or ores ; cleanse it when you flnd it is ob tructed and sluggiih in the vsint ; cletnsa H whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular di.-íorder M felt, paople enjoy better health, and liTt longer, for cleansing tha blood. Ktep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of Ufa disordered, there can be no laating htalth. Sooner or later somethirfc must go wrong, and the great machinery oi life ia disorderod or overthrown. tSarsaparilla has, and deierTM much, the nputation of accomplishing theso ends. But the rorld has been egregiously deceircd by pieparations of it, partly because the drug tlone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extract of it, aontain but little of the yirtue of Saisapaxilla, Or any thing elte. During late years the public hare beon miaUd by large bo'ttles, pretending to giva a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for out dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the aick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whaterr. Ilcnce, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the Tarious extract of Sarsaparilla which flood ths market, until th name itself is justly despised, and has become ynonymous with imposition and cheat. Still tre oall this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to Bupply Buch a remedy as shall reecue th name from the load of obloquy which rest upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is ! d to cure. In order to secure their complet radication fronithe system, tho remedy hould bsjudiciously taken according to dhectioiu oa tb bottlo. FREFARED BT DR. J. C. AYKK CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prïee, 91 per Bottle i Blx Uottlc. for . Ayer's Cheny Pectoral bu won for ltself uch n renown for tha our of rery varUty of Throat and Lung Compluiut, that It is entireljr unneceesary for us to recount the ÍTidenc of it virtues, wherorer it has been mplovrd. As it ha long been in constant ui throughout thi section, we nf ed not do more tha usure the people its qualitj i kept up to the bet it ever hu been, ana that it may be rolied on to I to for their relief all it has ever been fuund to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, FOB THB CÜUX OV Ooêtivêhcss, Jaundicct Dy$pepsiay IndiguiUm Dyêotiteri, Foul Siomach, Etysiptlas, Headaah Piles, Rhêumatism, Emptions and Skin Diseasti, Liw Complaini, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumor and Sak Rheum, Wormst Gotit, Neuralgia, 0 &nnr Pili, and for Purifying the Blood. They are nugar-coated, eo that the moit i#r.ltf? eau tak them pleasantly, and they are th bst aperient in th world for all the purpoe of a fkuaaily physic. frrioe %6 oents pr Box ; Fire bozas for $1.0% Great numbers of Clcrgymen, PhYsician, Statemen, and eminent personages, have lent theil ame to certify the unparalleled usofulnest of the remedie, but our space here vri not perinit th innertion of tlicm. The Ai?ents below nainri fiirnish gratis our Amkrican AlmaNágíh which they aregiven; with alo full descriptions of th almr j ompUinta, and the treatment tliat thould be followi'd for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled deal?n with ether preparation tïiey nuike more profit on. Deraand Ater's, and táke no others. The stok want th beat aid there is for them, and they should kave it. AU cm remedie ar for tale by MAÏfFAttX) ■■ 1 .....M3ft WISON", iiü'l by all Druggidts and Dealer 8 evcrywherfl. J. BUIíMLL Traveiing Agent. As jtff-ripni Stomachic preparation oflKOX puritíüd in Oxygeo and Carbon by combefetion in Hy drogen. c [om ' by tbe hlgtaen Medical Aatborlties, both in Ku rppe and the L'nittd fíales, anü presciibed in ttíelr thci ico Tb expeiionct of tliousauds daiiy prove that do ] vi ■] araticnof Ivon eau be coipcret) with i. Impuritics of tin1 b'.oud, doQressíuDfl oí" vital om-rgv , 1 a!r nud ,:', .■■,- 1 ■ . ];'y compfexio&fl Lndicates its ïu-cessii;, Inalmbst very concen able cas. IodosIqusíü íill njaladiea En wiiícli it has been tried, ap ptovod absolütely curative ín each of the following ■ oaplí 'iií.:. vi: Jü Deblllly, V rvoits .AITcrtloti Etnntlitíío Lypi'P8ia-, onsÜpAilOn, pbtrrbosn. Dy tinte - ;y, FiK-lpIfiif Consnntpllon 8crful. u Tubronloil, SaU Rkeutn Mismentruntion WhHft Chlarotífi LivcrCwiplarnt, C f ironie ƒ mi ..-, Ultmmaíisin, httrriTiittnif Fy,r?, Pb Us on (Ht Face, fcc l&Jcaj ■ kiíiimv. wi, ■:),.■!■ tiierejQltofacfite ■ ■ . ■.!■;!. I utmtntittos of Bñty ous and inusr-iiar énngy frcitl chrörilc cöroplaïnii", oñe tila] it reRtorative haa prored bhcccíu al "." an pxteni vrhich no descríptíuo QorwrHten at(estatïon would render credible. Infaltdi so long bed rldden as lo baTO become íorgotten n thcir own neigbborhoodi , have sjddeuly re-appeared m tb# bnnr world asifjusl retqrned froin protracted un ] Ín a distant land. Somp very sfg nal Instancen of this kind are attested of fetnalo sulTer?r8( [ti:: ■ ;;i ; Ï :r OÍ U )'p:tfi'llí tliü rrtMlln -. Rail exbaustí'in. critÍQu) obaógo, and that comp nf Dorvoufi and dyapoptic aversión to air nd oxeroise for he pb} .-i'-i;ni han no ñame, 1 1 Ñervo A 'kcitons of all kindfl, and for reaRonn T;i miliar lo 11 ■ 'i-i:! : :.■ .;. the opoution of this prepara tion of ron miistnecewaríly bejMlatry,'fpi unlik tho oW rtxides, It vi.'i.: ous'y tonic witboal bein e: -;' 1 .■ and overheating; and gentlr, regulariy aperient, oven iLf most obstínate cases of coBtivenesa vi íthoui oven gastric puTVa Uve, or intticting a !i (Hisation. It i thi. -; ntttor propefly, aiuong otñer, vhicb n ío eniaxkably etTectuaJ and pen&aneni 1 remedy for FÜet, upon which it also Hpi?u to oxrrt a tlisíitipt miil specifle actlon by ditsporsing tbe local tendene wbichforms tbem. In DïSPÏVSMt fnnomerable aA-Areits eaines, a snsrlf box of these rhulybeale Filis havo fíen sufficed for the niOít habitual cñst-;-, ísoladlng tho attendeat Casticenesë. Tn unchckcd Dussbou. evon wheoadyanoed to Dijsentery coiiiinm'iJj emAclatfng A appareotly nuiHgnani . fbe eTcfítK liavmsr been oquaïïy decisire and aHtonitiblng In the local painj}lofl6 of Jh-.h andstren {tb,d ibílltating cougb, and íomittont liectic, which genrnilly [ndicate Jncipimt Consumptwn, tn SftTéral vciy gratifying and iaÍPrf si i [i i ti - í 1 1 cts . ín Sc-ofufous Tubcrcuolsin. medicated [ron hu had far more thiin the good olTorts of tin1 mosi cautioosiv balaheed prepn patlonn of lodine, without any of .1 ■ ■■;■ ireil known linhünies. Theattontion of IVmíiIescünnotbftooconfidently invitpd tn t!iis rotnedyaaa resioratieeïa the cases pecullorly aJTectfnK thcm Iu Rhr.umatism, bollichronic and [nflammatory - in the r latter, bwTr, more deeidoily - K lias bees inrariably irted, bótb aaallevinting; pain and reducieg tbe Hwetlfngsftnd stlltnusa of tbojointfl and musécla. Ín In'criitittent Fcrtr t must neocunarilj be a groa t remedy and eneraetic rctorath e, and its progress Inthre new Béftleihentá or West, wÜJ probably be one of high renown and unofulness. No rejfleflv lias ever ben diacoi ti ■U-history of 1.1 ■ '1 prompitf Uappyt and rúlly restorative ■■■■'■■ -. 1. ., appetitc, complete di. . ryji'] ;iqi;fci(:un of strenfftli, witli an dispoflítíon for active and cneerful exercfíe,Immod!aioly follow its use. Put up in neut flat mcAal boxea oontafnlng "60 pilla, pricf 60 cenia peí1 box ; for Bale by drui [Ists and dotiler-i. Will be S'-nt freo i" any add ■■ ■ ■ reoeipt of tbe pricu. All letters, örderB, etc., sbould beaddrewed to B. U. LOCXEjfcCo . Genera] Agent. 4TTyl 8 Broadway,N. V. DE FOPKST, ARMSTKONG fe CO. DRY (OODS MERCHAÏfïS, 80 A 82 Chambers Sf. JV. Y. WOULD KÖTiry THÉ TBALtbat,tDyaT qpenío VTeekljr, Inmw and beautiful aitei'Ds, the ALBO TilK ' A Now Print, which excelf eTery l'rint in tlio Country p f perfëotlon offezeeotíon anddefñ m nill Maddei Ool . ors. - üur J'rints are cheaper itmn ht ir. mrketjaul ( li'f...í v-: fxtDWVO Half.
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