GREAT. GREATER GREA.TEST D V KGAINB EVER ( 1 111 3 1 1859. JLq1859. Bfei itèn In tliïs City, :ire now beingoflVrerl t tlis OHEAl'.CLOCK.WATCU, & T O ■%.? = 1 xsr StoreMl" Öiibftcribar nuld ny to ihe cftlzenuni Ann Arhor, i pn rtlciïlaf , hpH the rert of Wii1hifallaw nunt' in eenurnl, t'nat 1)R lm j"C ÏMPOHI'KD l)f! KKCT1.1 trom KDROPE. LYomendoas Stock of Watchcs! I. 0 whirh hfi lilnds MitinHf tr wil CHKAI'KR thnn can tc ti'isüh' wrsi ot Ntrw York City. i. Pace ( 'yiiiiiiiT Whi.'Iips irán 8S to 81' iin ri Ltjvcr (i' do rt to 21 1 niliig ''■ 'o do do 14 to 3;'; rio ilo Oyllndcr do do 9 lo 28 iolit Wrtehm from UO to 150 1 ! avi: tilau int; CELKRRATEÏ) AMER'CAN vV AT CHES, vlich I wlll mi ttr $ííí. ftvery Vvatch warrapttd lo .jortorm wel!, or the monoy reiunded. C loc ie, Jnwelry, Piftted Ware, Fnnny Goode Gold Peni, ' .-. (■,■] [r, .irnm.'iiln aod Striogs, Cut!ery, éic, ui in (ct n variet.y of evrry hini: uuslly Itept by Jew eir can br ughtt"or he uext ninety dayf at vur OWN P RICES! vreons buying nnything at this wit known pntftbliaiitn ut run rrly upnn getting goods oxacvy as represent d, orthfijionfy mtinded. ralïoarly nd se mire the best brirgaiua ever utfcred in thi? ("itj. One word in regard to Rupairing : 'vVo ars preparad lo mnke any rf;i'irs or fine or corninon WatcheB, t'vi n tn in-kini; c er the enlfre wntb, f nrc-esary. Rí;pHÍring of Clocks nrni JewHry ae iual. Al o the manu fee tering "t RING3, BROOCHS, -r uy'hinjf d'ia'rt'H, (rom Calïf -rnia Gold on short nonoe. EtunraTirtt in allits l ranchcaexet'uicd with neat .,vb and dipf:h. J c VVMTSAnu Arbor, Jnn. 28thi859. 7i4w Somefhing Wnrth Reading! SchoflTTliller, Rl'. AGAIN ON Í.ANn,tthiíirld s'snd, (ThrfliixiorsNorlhof Frnklin Uou3e,) wltb most complotr Rnd Extensivo Assortment -OFBooks and Stationery, Wall and W induw Papers, Oü Fainted, aud Gold Boideted Shades, Curtain Rollers, Tassels, Cords, AND A THOUSAND AND ONE THINGS In ilioir line, ENTIUE! Y TOO NUMiROUSTO M ENTION, which thsy iulTite their t'riends.and the publit gnerally, to Before Purchasiug Elsewhere, na they flfitter themseWpe that their Styles nd PrioM cnnnotfatlto provp sattsfactory. Aun Arhor May 1, 1859. HüllACE WATERS AGENT 33 3 Broadway, New Y o"r k PubXUticr oOIu-Ir nuj JHutiIc Uuoka AXV DKALER I.V Pianos, Melodcons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated undother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Vit]inellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutee, Fifes, TrïanglesClari Jtiettfl, Taning Forks,Pipes andllammers, Violin Bows, best Italian String?, Bass Instrumento for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S lx o o t; 7VI xx S 1 c, i'vom all the pqblisben In UïeÜ. ., Berttoi'a Han tin 's, and Modern Schoo], a tul all kiwls óf Instmction Books for the above iiistruniPiits; ChUTÖfa Uusfc Books; Musïc ;v bouüd; Music paper, aad all k'mda of Music M'jrcbandise, ,tt t e L o w e $ t Prices. New Planos, At $175, $200, $226, $250, and up to $800. Second, lland fianoi Prom $25 up to Í160; Xew Melodeon, $45, $60, 3Tó, 100, aud up io $200; Pfond Hand Mftlodeöna it .in $U0 to $80; lexandre "n,Mns, witb live stups, $lt)0, uine stops, lS.ri and $226; thlrteen topa, $250, $276 and 2 O0; Bfteen stoD, $0 and Si7.'; A liberal dlscooni to ('leitini''n, hurches. iibbaih Schools, emlnarfaM tud Tachent. TUe 'Irade suppllod at the usual trade ■listounts ' . -iiiiumlnls of the Hornee Water Planos and 3ï'licIt'(iiH. Ji'Jm Hewett, of CnrtTiaeA, New York, wlm has had ■ uu-Of tlif HuraciAVsiliTs naÓfltt. writrs - fniiowjt; - "A fricii'l ui mine wishes me to h gitano or her. Öhe likes tUc one you sold flOP'tn Deceniwi, IR56é l piano bfAiomjog popular In ttiis place, hiiJ I lïiink I can iotroduc one or two more; thev will bt murepopu. Lhmi any othOT makt." '■We have two of Waters' Pianos n urc in ojirSemL narv, ono of wblcn has been aevereïy teaied for thrpe reara, and we Can testifyto thir jr'"'! qnaltty and durabiliiy.l-Wn.Kl Jt Greeory, Moitnt Carroll, rit. 'H, Wati, Ksq. - Düar Pik: Uating ue ' onpof y..ur Piano Fofi en fnr two yearspaM. 1 hrfte ronad Itaverj wpettoT iHttrunumi. áwwao (íkay, Principal Bmoklyn ftrigkis Srmtnnry. Piano I received from you continúes t fjlvt shíisfactton, 1 1 --i.ri nl it at one of lbo b'-sl iiisiruinents in the place.' Ushb U Clakkk. harlejum. Va. "l'l.c Mekideon haa s;tfely arrited. 1 fel oblige-i to you fory libeml dïwount." Rev. J. M. MiCoKuick, Yarq'tr.wilteS C1 I !it p no was du!y rpcoivod. Itram1 in excellent concitaos, anl is vovy much adinled by my numerous ;;iinüy. Acocpi my Ówinla for your promptucss." - Rokbrt Coopbb, Ufñrreiihamy Bradjoed Co. Pa. " 'i i ir pinno ploasca us wel). It is the be-t one in our cntir.iy.1'- Teiomhs A. Latham. Camphdltont Ga. ■'Wt' ave vcry much obltgeti to you for ba ving sent inch B fine instrument for $250." - Bkank,IIelo & CoJ liujfalo Dtmocrat. '■The Horace Waters Pianos are known af among the very bost We are enabUïd to speak of these instrunir.ntH with confMence. from personal knowiwlcc of thfir excetlmi tone and durable qosllty." - N. Y. Evnnurríint, 'We oan npeafa of the merite of the Horace ph anrB from pnrttonat knowledire, isbing the very fin est 'li::tli:y. "- Chriêtiain Inteityamccr. "The Horace Waters pianos are ouilt of the bestand moSt' fchoroughïy seasoned materia). We hse ik doubt ,i,;ti buycraoandoaBwoUjperhaïW bptter, at thinthan at any otherhouse in the Union." - Advocate, and Journal, Vaters' pianns and mfilodoons challenge comparíson with the ftuest madeanywhere in the country.1 -Home. Juitru'j! "Horace Watera1 Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even tone, And powerful - jV. Y. Musical Review. '0nr Erienda will find ai Mr. Waters' sttre the very lust ftssortinent of Music and of Piano to be found in ed States, and we urgo our soathern and western to iív.' liim a cali whenever they go to New Vork." - Graham's Magazine Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h S c h o o 1 Bell, 1OO OOO Iflsred ï te Montbs. Tb'1 unprecedented aie of this nook has induced tlie publfsher to add some 30 new tuneé and liymns to lts présent izo, without extra ebaxge, except üu the chenp editioñ' AmoDg themany bcautiful tunos ana bymns adried oiaj be found: - "I ouglit t love my mother;" "OI'll be a goodchlld, indeed Twift." These and eïght others Drom !!■■' Beil.worc nung attbe Ponday School Annrrór aary of the M. E. Churob at the Acaderay of Muslc, wiDi irreal appiaase The Bell coi talns nearly200 tunea wid bymns-and is one of the bet oollectlona ererlsffliAd, . i :.-■ $ioperhondred,noatage4cB3egantiy bouml, emboased tt, 25c, $0 per 100 It bas been iutroduced intomany'uf the Public Schools. The e is publishedin small numVrs entitled AnmTOraary and Snnday School M uaio Boóu, Nos. 1,2, 3, Sc 4. in order to accoramodate the million; prlee S2 & $3 per h'undred No. 5 will soonbé Isvrnd - oommeDcuasmi of another book. Also, Revival Music Books. Xo.l 9t & priofl $1 & $2 per 100, postage lc More th'an 00,000 copies of the above books have been issued the past echteen mouths, and the demandwrapidly increasing. Publiühed bv HORACE WATERS, Aent, 333 Broadway, N. X". 37CxxtJLo Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Jlroadway, New York. Vocal. "Kind Words can nOTeifTMe "The Angels toM me so;" "Wflda of the Wpatj1 "Thouahta of Gori;"1 ''Giro me back my Mountidn Home;" "Day Dreams;'1 í(I)andv Cock Robín;" 'Tm with thee still; 'Petnamos;'1 "Thereano daril.ig like mine;" "Saiah Jane Iee;"ítEv. er of thee;" "I'm leaving thee i Sorrow;" "Bir'lof Beauty;" "Home of our birth;1 "Gmve of Rosabel," and 'Wikke, lady, wake,.' pricc 25c each. ' IxsTRCMBXTAl, - ' 'Palace (Janlen, or Rfnffh)g Rirr! Polka," 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel SohottiRcb;" 'Thomas 0akor'fl Schottische;1' "i'iecoloraini Polka, 86 centa each. The above pif-cebavebeautiful Vignettee "Wolmor Polka;" "Arabian Wai cryMarch,1 thé verv lasli "VaBUOviftíma Donlellfl Mazurka; "Rea-l; !; a;" "Crinnline Walïz," nnd "Ixuicers' Qua drüle,"26o meb.. "Tho Empire of ReJeh'a Quadrille;11 ■ new dance, and "The IQberoian Qorllle," 3Aceach. M; ny of these pfeotti are played by liakcrV celebrated orchunt ra witH great 5Iaile.l frec. A Lot üf Foi'oigü Music at half priOOi Planos, Melodcons aorf Orgaus. The llorare Waters Piano arul BfolodooiM, for depth, purity of tone and durabilüy, are unsin-pasüed. Prices vcry low áeco&d Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $'J5 to SI 50. Music andMuaicttl InstrnctionH of all kinds, at the loweat prlees. ÏIOHAf1" WATKItS Agent, No. 3SS Hrnad wny.M. Y, TwriXONIAIB; - ''The, Horact Waters i,inos are known as among the very bent.' - Evangelist. "VTewn spoak of their meritu fron ïorsonal knowledge."-- CkrütlKn lutr.ttrgcncer. "Nothingt the Fair diaplayd greater excellence -'? - Chnrchman. Waters' Píanos .and SDSIodooni challenge romparison vttb tho finest made any whcro ia the country.' - Home Journal. TIPtf Ayefs Cathartic Pilis.
Old News
Michigan Argus