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'ïUstiiüSS iMrertnrn. I. O. O. F WASHTENAW LODGE No 9, of the Indepcndcot order of Odd Feliows meeta at tfceir Lodge Room, every Kriday evcning, at G X o'cloek. U. B. WILSON, N. ■.:. F. Soso, Sec'j. B. HESSE, Phvicm.v & oitosoif Repectifully tender his professional service to the cïtizens of Ann Arbor and Tieinity. Offlc in Mack's Kw Building, Main Streoi, Aun Arbdf Ntch. H.JB. KigUt calla promply attended to. TWITCHELL & CLAKK. Attobneys and Comisollors at, General Lifo and Fire Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Bluck, on Hurón Bt., Ana ArLnr. CoHections pvomptly made mdreuiitteri, and special itientiüu paid lo conoyanciog D. S. TW1TCHELL, f748tfl E. P. CLARK. JAMES B. GOTT, T AW OFFICE, Xo. '2, over Slawson & Ocer's Store. SCOTT & 'J'OBEY. A srnROTTFK & Photogkph Artists, n the rooms f formerly occupied bj ('onllcy, over the fitore of Sperry t Moore Perfec t saUsfuction fuarañleed. L. D. GODPREY, ATlUKNIf 1S1 OötTÏTSSlLOR at Law, Ann Arbor cily. Üflice Nurth-EaátCurner of tha Cuurt House SUTHERLAND & BELL, Wholesale & &ETAIL GROCEiis, East sfde of .!ain stroet Ann Arbot. I'rovisionR bongbt aivi sold il W. N. STEONG, Dsalrr in Dry Goods, Boots andShocs} Groceries, BonnetSjFancy tioods, fcc.. Exchauge Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNIGHT. DUUEKs Ia Stapte, Faacy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c. c, Maio Street Ann Arbor. MAETIN & THOMPSON. tVRMTURE WAKE-IiooMn,DfjiIi-r iu all knids of Furniture. [ i-c. tftw Block, Main Street. RISDON & HENDERSON, DRALERSin Hardware, Stove, house furnUhjcggoods, Tin Ware fcc. &c. , KeW Block, Main Street. A. P. MILLS, Dealer in Stajple Dry Goods, Urocer.os, Boots and dftoe and Ktiaaj .ai:" I lo ag, H i Ereet Aun JOHN #. JÏAYNAED, I -B-v'.ivR in&taple Fftitcy Dry Qoods, Boots .u-d hoes, UMb. áic. , .i:i.u ttivi.-l, .. í BEAKEí: & ABEL, ATTORÍiBTa COUMSH I Chaneexy. Offloeiii the Irbur RINGS LE Y Á- ÍOE 4 ttohvkyh, Counsellor, Solieitors, and i b Ci. lio, have Books and Piatn showin ■ ul a n the jüuüij, and ;ttrtini tóconvei mci'ngand coHe uDg emunds, and u paying taxes m . loolinten iu mi. y part of the ritaie. Office east -. the Square, Anu . - bt-r JAME8 tt. OOOK, Jürtice op the Pbace. üílice ncarthe líeuot, Vpsilanti, _ Michigan. J. LOVtJOY, M. D, PHYsiaA.v & Scnaasii; hfte pernmaently locaied in the City oí' Aun Arbor,and hoida b m I . eadinesfl to íttend to til calis in the line oí bu pro!Gí,sion. liewdftnce mNorth St. , .hou.sü t-at n Catholic CUurch. Wm. LEW1TT, M. D., Phtsiciax & ödbgboïT Office ftt his resideooe, Ncftth side of Hurón street, nrú d Westoi ivision jtreet, Aun Arbor. . COLLIER, jVJ A.vL'FAcrrRERand dealer in Boots and Shoes. ExIY1 ciiange Block, 2 doorn douth oi Mayuard, Ötebbins Í: Wilson's atore, Ann Arbor, Uich. MCOEE & LoOMLs. M4TüFACTURER3 aii') jealer iu I3oots and hoes, Main st, one door north of J. V. Maynard'B. Wis., ö. SAUNÜEItö, DEAijiR in Boote, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot i Sa8 iSni'e, south side of rúljlie Square. M. GU HEKMAN & CO, S7holi'alk and Retail dealen and mann&vturera ui Vf UtfH'iy Made Cioihing, Importera of CloUu, Ca#sinere.-i, DoesJtinSj JSrc. No. 5, New Biock, Ann Arbor. O. 13. POJtTEK, ■w-rSurgko l)E-vnsT. Office córner óJ ílain w4 and Huron sireet.-, ovur !. -liacti's store, ' --Í TfrT71 Jnn Alur, Michigan. April, 186, Wm. WAGMEIï, in Roadv .Made Clothing Cloths, Oisèrtneres and Vestings, Ht, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Sc. Jliun rt. , Ana Arbor. M. CAMJ'KXN, Terchjnt Tavloh ;,„il dealet in Hcady Mado ClófMng Vi No 41,1'hnenix Block. Aun Arbor. BACH & PIERSON . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, kc-, Alain street, Ann Arbor. MAYNAED, SI EB BIES c6 CO., D6ALER8 in Dry Goods, üroceries, Drugs & Medicines, lltoots & Shoei, Ace, corner of' Main and Ann strcets, Oitt belw the Exchangc, Ann Arbor. EBEEBACH& 00„ Dealeim in Drugs and Medicines, Perfuroery, Toilet article, a few doors south of the Frankliu Uouse Ann arbor. SLAWSON & GËÊR "Irocers, Prdvisiox & Commission Mcrchants,and dea.T lerin WatkrIjme. Laxd Plastef, and Plastek of door Eastof Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, DÍALBR in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at tho sign of the Big Watch , N'o. '27 , l'hcenix Block. J. CTWATTS. DlAiiRin Clocks, WatclioK.Jewclry and Silver Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FBEEMAN. Barrbr and Fatihionable lfair Dressor, Jiain Street, Ann Arbor, Micli. llair Frouts and Curls kept ïonstantly on hand. SOHOFF & MILLErT" r"AmtS mMiMcllannous, School, and Blnnk Books Sta t- tiouery, Paper Hangings, &c, Main Street Ann Albor. D. DbFOEEST. tITHOU0Ai.K and Retail Dealerin I.umber, I,alh Phinf gles, Sub, Door, Blinds, Water Urne, (irand Rivcr FUiter, l'laster Paris, ad Xails of all sizes. A Pull and perfect a-isortment of the above, and all other linds of building materjals con.stantly on liaud tt tho , lowest pössible rates, on Detroit Street, a few rods frnm 'he Railroad Depot. Also operating cxtensively in the 1 atent Cement KooBng. W4SnTENlVVC0ÜNH"ill{LË"s0CIETY. DETO3IT0BT of lüble and Teatnments at the Socielv pnces at W. C. Voorheis'. 'j:j;. B'p.iy.G el "DESPF.CTFUI.I.Y informshis fornicr putrons, and the XV inhaliilants of Ann Arbor iu géperal, th:ü be will intruct schohrs aalu on tfae I'ian', Vioün, Cuitar', in Thorough Bas-, SinpiiiK; and sisa in the Germui l,:viguage, at the same term as In; irtd 'o (;l;ar2J'. n-il] give the lessons in nis own heuse, or in tbehoiuea oí bil ftcholars. Reaidenceindwrllingin the rear dftBo'Stóe '; tl Iv oc tnpiod by mo and adjoinil . ,, . Royoe, where he may bc seen from 7 to 8 A. M., from IS to 1 "an'l tQ7P. M. ma CHAPÍN, WOOD ft CO. SUCCESSOR8 TO rjXT3TI, OSAFUVdJ Co MANUFACTUHF.RP e-V Iriiit, Eoolt, - AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, A?is.' ai; kok tncii.


Old News
Michigan Argus