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Douglas In New Orleans

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Douglas arrived in Now OrlmMon Thurday íter tha election, and hnd h most magnificcnt reception. Th ppeech of welcomo was made by Hou. Pierre Boule, as followa : Senator Docolas - I welcome you to nur good city on behalf of the vast assemblage which you seo eongreguti-d Itero, and uspecially in Üio name of thoso who hsve fought to the laat, and fought brnvely, in the canse of whieh you have hoen bo noble, o fiütliful, 80 UDeompromisWig a champion. Wlien the frowns of power, tho sednctionsof prefermcnt, invetérate prejudices, fostered up by an irreconciable malignity, and treason, under the garb of sectional pride and sectional suscoplibiJity, wore breaking our runks arul carrying away from democratie allegiance the tiinid and ambitious, the vain and tho weak-mit'dud, these stoutbearted friendo of yours havestood tho brunt of tho battle, with an ardor, a dovotion ond gillantry thnt have con; inanded, not only the respeotful regard, hut the uiii jualiiied admiration, of their most dceided opponents. And they salute you, vanqnishad, with the saino cordiality, the same onthnaiasin, with wbieh they would have saluted you victorious. Thoy are in no manner disheartoned by the defont they have met in tho imghty contest, for they koow thut as good a cause ns that under which they wero enüsted ba3 manya time encountered a similar d.saster, without laek'mg any thing of its vitahty. They hv an abiding faith in the future ; and, in apite of the cloud.s wh'eh bo ominously darken tha horizon, they cling to th hopa that your wisdom and influence in tho councila of the nation - your finnnes.", your patriotism, and the prestige of tliat halo of glory and of might which so conspicuously Iluminen vour brow in tho midst of the universal gloom, wil! still enabloyou to avert the storm which threatens to sink in a commoii wreek our peace, our prosperity, oar greatness. We welcome you - we rejoice tliat we have you a our guest. In these days oi abject corruption and sordid venality, wa: deern it a high privilege that we can honor, in our ehioi and leader, the statemnn unpolluted hy any of the ignoblii traffics into which the highest political trusts have of late de_gpnnrated - tho taarlesE confessor of his principies - the pure, the untainted democrat, Stephen A. Douglas. Doúglás responded áa follows: Mu. Chairman - Each time I visit New OrleaBP, the kindness of my friends and your citizpns places me uiider ineraased obligatiohs. I appreciato tliis reception. Tbts vast crowd intho midst of thia pouring ar.d drenching rain, and with astil] daikercloud banging over our country, calculated to depr'éss the heart of the patriot, show9 that thure is vet hope for our glorioua Union. 'Fhis is no time to desp;iir or to despond The tüight sun will soon chane íihüv tho.-e elouds, and the patriota f the land, layjng aside partisanship, and forgetting (brmier partiean sirife, U rally as one man and throttle tho enemies of our country. [Cheers.] Although an abóirdörmt tnny have been elected to t'ie Presidency 61 the TJniteii States, the gallant tight which tho demoernoy have rnndo in the northern Stntes lias secured Reprenentitivcs enough, united with the South, to put Mr. Lincoln and his adininistration in a mitiority iri both hotisès of Congres-. [Cheers. I Thore is no ají. whích ho can do which will viólate or impair tlia riglits of any citizon of any State f tiiis Union. [Cheèrsi] This is no time to indulge in crimimition and re-crimination. l'ho contest for the Presidencv has ended, and with it allow the asperity which has generated u pas nway. [Cheers.] But wo must nover forgpt the principies upon which we stand. [Gheers.J I can mako any sacrifico short of principie. Alen are of no consequence, principies are everything. fCheers.] la tho contest, then with the flag of the Union over u, and nonnteríerenco by Conress on tho subject of shivery siill emblazoncd on our banner, the nsitioníil democraoy will drivo baok aboütionism, put down sectionnlism, and restore peace and harmonv to this glorious country. [Cheers.J I renew to yon, ir, and to these nspemblod frionda, my grateful aoknowledgments fnr your kindness on this oceíision. [Immgngfl nppluupe.J Cf the subsoquent proceedings vre have the fol'owing account f'roin th New Orleans Tne Dtlla : Tho procession moved up St. Charles streot amid a dense throng of people. Ever}' eyo was bent npon the cMrnWge in front. Themultitude tswaved to and fro to cotch a glim} se of their favorite. Ho was standing up, and responded to the hurrahs which greeted hirii. Tadies waved iheir handkerchiefs, and ex hibited the Hveliesi interest in tho tribuno of the people. A rush was made for St. Charles Ilotel, and in a moment the wholo atrod M den;oly packel nd the :ilj;icont balfionies and Windows crowded. The great porcii of the hotel and cvery place near was ful!, and thero Ri'o.-ie loud, deafeni.'ig cheers lor Douglas, whici continuei! until ho went into the hotel. Por a tow moments after the band ceased playmg the vast crowd, expecting him to make his nppearaace. wcro comparativcly silent. Thon there rose cry aftor ory for Douglas ! Douglas ! The grertt statepmsn then carne forth. Everybody know him at a glance. Not a man in all that multitudo vvho was not familiar with that proucl, eroct and mnssive form, the 'stonny eyes," broad, heavy brow, and firm lips of the man bet'ore them. - Thero wa no such thir-g nsmisttiking him for anybody elso. Like all meu who have made their mark u.pon the a go in which thoy live, by tho mcro furce of character, servico and intellect,. Douglas has an unmistakable individuíiüty vvhich sepárales hifn fr.m ordinary human beings. ]Ie towors arnong era iiitellectuul me:i, "Like some tall rliff ti'.at UftiitJ niviul fovm, Swli from Lliö valti r.'i éa'Avraj cleivei! lirnii ; Wil:, round its baso the rolling clouiis are íprAíl. Kteru tl HLlubiM sefctlss on ita uea 1. ' Wli on the "Littls Giant" nppeare(], wi'c.'est eothusissi-n w iantfe.-íed ; cheers afler cheers went up, oud and prolor.ged. speech was interrupted by frequant vocücimus cbeors, and it was etranga to ucohow hiswords held that gr'at audience. Tl. ere) th.v stood, Mii,: i:i the most uneoíifortal)!e posilioOTi pre.-ed agaioat each other, jostled. j imiricd, with iace.s npturned, and rendinpr tho air with shouts wlien an empiiutio Or peciillaily 'uücitous or atriotic sentimeot was utteroil by tho speaker; Now his f.xe glowed wi;h Ptttriotio piiiie when he tsilked of tha glu;y of the "iiWKltíl ívpubüc" r.nd i? iroud 'at::', aid now esgresbed tha -', iudign ititu whüeppenk'ngofih ÍDcurjiiiant'.s who would puil it io ieoos, u:d who, though tiny bava arnved at, r, coui'l vet be froin tlm . eyes fíashed, Li eltjar and einphu'iüonunci%tioobocain iloarer and iimro etnphutic wiien ho cpokoof Linonlu as l)ui:)if nowericss with Imfli hnnst's ot' Oungvesn ngainrt hïin, and, holding iuily itie place ol l'ivsidcnt, ' wnt.H 'Do loss in object of eo;itempt fhunol pity.'1 Bilt, heru is tb tip-rh : PmAOW-OlTIZKSS Oï Xr:V OkLRANS - Txvo vonr itiX-i, vtbitn I had ÏUft oiiiiplóted ii stfüirlc i:i dciunoe ot' ihe oonRtitiitiun, of tlm LJai'in. and thu ipi..l -riilits of the Stuten, I e uno boro on private business, rind you g .ve mo such :i reception as li id nevar befora buen 'WËtoned t ui [Chewn.] Thon I ■carne hcfore y 1 1 hu a viotor n n great omntoat, anl yu rwoivefi mo lifee a conq -eror. [ChiMtrcj AikI oow Inppeur huforo you, hnving gono tbrnugb fti(iher and etiil grwater troggle in dcfanoc of thu sanio principios and the snn.o rihts, defoaiud n llio contest, and yet yon oxtend tii mo a weïoonio ffhich -o ilil not h 'c. boen escelled even if f liad como uñona; yij ns tlie Pretsidut olect. [Liii"l ciius ol 'Vou will be in lSGl.j A bannerböaring a Buepainting oí' Douglaa, Hh "lwii" insoribdd on it, va Tierd wavod aloft arnidst tlio wilJeát cheering and en iuuinsMi J - 'l'he?e nro thé right kind of friends. [Cbeora ] Thoy ndhore to a tna". in the riglit, whetlicr defvatod or victorious. t"Hurrah ftr Duuglas !" and clieers.] Iiave pleaanre in believing thnt this deinonstraüim is uot intundcJ as a mere personal cornpliinent to mysolf. It is moro gratifving to mo becatise it ie the evidonce ot' your devotion tu those great principies of se!f-govcrnment and constitutional lilwrty towhicb my liie is devoted. ["That's it," and heera.1 I believe that, if we aro f lith fnl to the cons'.itntion, thcre is no griev nnce wliiih cannot be remediad undur that instrument and wilhin tlie Union. [Oheers.] If wc are truc to ourselves, there is no giievancefor which disunion would be n remody. [Cheers.j i All we havo to do is to maintain in viola te every provisión of the constitution, pciTorm faithfully every daty it requires, and iulltiil ovei-y obligatiou it mposet". [Oheers.] 80 hing as we Uve under a constitution which is the BUpremu law of the land, it nitistbe ad ministered so as to secure equal riglits, equal justice and oqual protection to the people of the States. [Cheers J These principies of equality aro not confiued in thoir operations to the States alone, but extend to the Territorio and wherever tho American flag w.ivcs over Amuri can soil [Oheers.] L -t us now bury the excitement and angry passion which have manifested themaelves during th contest. Let us lay asido all partisan feling and act as becoms patrioto and lovers of our country. - [Ohoers.] Let us uni'e to put down sectionalism and abolitionism, and everv other eloment of political and na tíonal discord. [Cheers.] J et no gi ievances, no ombittered feolings,inipair the forco of our efforts. Let us put oureelves to work to reacue the go remmen! oí tlie country frora the hands of thoie who wo fhinK unworthy to administer it. [Cheers.] If Abraham Lincoln is President, what harra can he do ? [ 'None.1'] There is a mnjority against him in tho Senate anda majority in the Ilouse of liepresentatives. Ho is powerleas for mischiei - all he can do is ío fill the niSccs, and tho majority in the Seaate will reject tho6e he nomiñatea if thoy aro not good men. - [Cheers ] Ho will be an object of com miseration nnd pity ratber than of foar [Cheors.] Then wby should we break. up tho best government tbat tbe sun in its circuit around the eanh ever fihono upon, merely bocauso wo havo been defeatod in a Presidental olection? [Cheers.j Let U3 rathor rally wilh re newed energy and dauatless courage to tho performance of our duties. and cue our country from those hands in rbich it ehonld nover have been placed. My íriends, I did not come out hcrc to niaku a speech; I only made my appearanco to acknowedge the compümeat ot this enormoua crowd. ou have: lillod me with gratitude, and I rejaice the more at the spint which aui mates you, beüeving that it meaoa the constitutirm and the Union rather than a pcsonal compliment to me. [Cheers.[ After Senator Douglas bad concliulcd, tho multitude sent out upon the air threo deafening cheers, the band struck up a patriotic air, aad the poople qaietly rctired. - II ■ JB iéi -


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