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The Republicana have tauntingly reminded tho Dornocrats fhat the late election would bo ao excellent ofte to count gains f rom. Arnl already have we gaind two Bepreeentiitjyes in tho Legislatura ; tluit is Uiö official returns giva uh two more tban wu havo olaimed. In tho list we copied last wck froin the Frcc Freo, the Kepublicans were given both niembcrs from Ingbam County and both frorti Livingston. Tho Lánsing iiepubliuan, of Ihu 14-1 h, h o wever, notes the aJection oi 51. BI. Atwood, Dumoarat,frora tho scconJ district of ïngham Couoty, instead of Hodgkiss, Eepublican And the fo'lowmg lotter froni a. friond at üamburgb, wil] speak tor itsull' as to tho gíiin in Livingston : Hamburg Village, Nor. 17th; 1860. Editor of Arql? : - I noticG in your lnst issue that L. B. was elected Eeprcsontativo. Now, tliat is a inistake, for E. B. Winans, Democrat, is eleoted by 8 majori t.y, and I thik Old Livingston will be saved yet You know when God was about to dostroy Sodom nnd Goraoirah. that f "He found one righteons man lio would savo it." so I think the old Democratie party will be saved yet. Yours in baste and fraternal, R. S. II. We have a personal acquaintance with Mr. Wixaxs, tho oith suecessful Democrat of Livingston. He is a fullblooded young Democrat, and will inakc a good member. Wo are glad to chroniele bis eleotion. J52E" The excitement at tho South still continúes. In South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, aud Florida, the seoession and disunion spirit threateus to overrido all couservative influouoes. - The otlicr Southern States are evideiHlv for Union, but give evidencc of a determination to go with the Cotton States if disuuioa cornos. The eril day has been postponed, and in that is our hope. But evea delay will not iwue in good unless the organs of the dominant party at the North moderate their tone. Pulpit de nunciations of tli3 South, Southern men, aud Southern institutions, taun's and jcersoi' leading newspap'crs, sud threata that Abe Lincoln will put down secession by force of arma, imd force the slave States to submit to the whims and demands of tho Northern Abolitionists, are ouly adding fuol to the flames - Before there can be quiet at the South there must be moderation at the Nortb. Forcible nullification of Congressional laws must coase, and the dominant party must show a disposition to guarautee tho South in the enjoyment of thosa coustitutional rights. We hopo for the bost - but we hop in vain unless a inore conciliatory apiris is nAnifcsted at the North. We do not believe iu tho right of seoession, but while we condomn the arch-agitators of tht the Soutli we must also coudemn the ame class of men at th North. If the Uaion is to be preserved and civil war prevented Northern men must cease their taunts, aud jeers, and threats, and look the difficulty in the face ia a spirit of conciliation. Tbere is no other hope.


Old News
Michigan Argus