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THE BANNER STORE. SEOOXD ARRIVAL - qf_ g C3t O OO ö- GOODS FROM AtJCTION. Facts for the People -Ol'"WASHTEITA-W - MB- ADJOIINING COUNTIES! F And their nmeru8 qucationa iiawar. WAy Br6KÍy fradtiiy at tfa "BANIfBR TORST '-BêcauM A. P. MILLS, ha ProprieUr of that Kstabliahmest km jont raturned from th Laatern Citiwwilh tb Largest, Handsom4t, Cfeapest, and Most Attractvu Stook of K STAPLE AND FANGY DRY COODS!1( Tr fcrosgk U tkup. teHMfc, IVA, b Bvwybotlf pif-a Mt Urn Shmkt 8( Bmsum blmtflM ar mor bontifal, gtaJItj bitter, ad rioat lowtr thmn at anj Uwr item ia the aouty. Why h$ Aa almtyt Sowuthimg Ni ui Cktaf U Sluft BectiiH k hl fr!ud oonnactïd irit f tk Ij nt Drj (oorlf Hou in Nw York, irho Is ooDtlnuaUt 01 BOBBINO ROOtiD" for chemp bargaiaiand th lat tjles, as they apptar from time to tima, and inthil wj taeps him auppliad with atylafl, and cunAquutl cuomera caualwai flüd aomaüiiugFraah, NEW CHEAPaad DESIRABLE ö W. dom ItttUt uuA CSUtr Mm ff Bacame ha baa a bujor n t eity all th tima t tkt advaataf of th continual ohan( of th airlnt, and n that wajr ijui his goodl much ohepr thaa otari an, and tbai: ho marlu t ham doirn to tha LiCVfBST FIO-UJttBS. VAy V A teil Laditi' and Childreiu' Slum o much chtaper than tcai itur ktard ƒ y (A Uut g ShoemaitriT c&u ho bura kif atoak ín tk lan of afciiwalwi, o ie manufacturen, fuilj 26 par cant chetpar tfaaa tat aw York Jobbera eell them, and much bttr work tkaa heygaaerallr kaap. Thia ooura anablaa hlm te all a betUc " g Gaiter for 35 Cents. haa otbr wil t 50 Muti and a UtUr T9XSI JJTM t &U ouU, tkao otUwi iftU t 75 wti res, I ahouM think ha has itacka of them, wioagk to #! upply thft State, at prloM lovrtr thaa was rr haard f oundthit part. Yhf Ú Am reo to mtiffA 4rtír Arr í h$ pric$ fo j ay than you yi ai olAr plaemT ïecAuie ho takes (frat cara in ic.ectinff it, and firwkli ufltomtri th boñt of a ral good 76 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, ltin wij ha kal fot. Whn-t tkouM you go te get yuur CLOTHS end havt them Cut nr Madtt o the BANNER STORE, whre the Paopla'a Baniar II nfurledfor the Poople'sgood. South side of Puulia Sanar, a tv áoort mil sfCMk'i Hot.l. A. P. MILLS. Sept. II, 18S0. TRtf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEÏRS WANTED! TO A3SIST ItT THB LIBERATION OF CUBA ! White folk, or of whatevar Oolor, aafta or nativity, whether married, single or of doubtful connezion, will beenUsted in the noble cause of BMANCtPATINQ THE COMMUNITV - TROM THE- THRALDQM OF HIGH PRICES ! 5 and will reeeive their outfit st th Exteasive Fur nlshing Establishment -OF THS 9 O UI TER MAN1 S HEAD QÜARTEKS! 5 having beon establiehed for the L AS T TEN YKARS, our known rnlo of warfare is an Undisgnised Destruction 5 OF HIGH PRICES ! ron oxjotikto For all ges! Sex and Oonditions! ] Iii onsequenes of the very fljttering eneov agement whioh we have reoeired lince our location in this oitj, w have incroased our Stook of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC! To meet the demanda of our oustomera, and having beoome more fully oonvineed than ever, that our mode of dealing, namely: at lbo lowett poiBible ratc for i the only tru plan; we will oontinn te erve the public as heretofore during the coming fall and winter. Our Stook consista in erery variety of READY MADE OLOTHING ! Plain and Fancy CLOTHS, OASSIMERS. SILK, AND SILK VELVETS. Alargelot of GENTLEMEN'S FüRNISH1NG QOODS, which re all warrantet) DON 'T FAIL TO o-a.XiXj- t ca-, "ja: . q. For past favors Ave are crateful to all, The eame for large ones in proportion, And thoee who Bee ñt to cali Shall reeeive our btet emiles and devotion. M. Guiterman Sc Oo. N. B. Students and all others who wsnt to seo SONDHEIM'á new mode of euttitig will do well to cali and leave their mearure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! OTTITEnMAN i Co km Arfxir, tpl :e. ItW T''(


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