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BOOTS, SHOES, WM. S. SAUNDERS. HAS RECEIVED Ui Fall tol of G d, and is salling thcm at pricei wliieli anaot fa i 1 to snit u?ery ons. JQ OO T sss , t re Mens Boots firoin $3 to $5 per pair. Gaitors. tf Ladies' Kitl Calf and LastingGaiters and Bootees frora 75 ets to $3.50 Doublo and single soles. Boys, Youths and Chiklron's of all prices from 15 cfs. t $ 2 per pair, 3E1. x to to e x s . Mcn's and Women's llubbor Boots "i and Shoes of all Kinds. " u TKUWKS. A w Saratoga, French and DouLloTrunks 6iiperior articla. j Cali at WM S SAUNDERS1 768tf Boot and Slioe Store, j la i cl FALL el a: c A d 91 a 3rO ODS, L. I t, AX il b u t a C. H.MUlen&Co'sJ i e D. W00D & CO, 3HCvo I.oosii-vec I -A. IjIIE STOOK! OF i i Seasonable Goods ! ' i 3Ber 3b. Í I i FALL ANP WINTER TRADE, or ïeeac ( WSIOH THBT WILL aELi. I OHEAP FOP CASH, OH RBADT PAY CaH tmi ie Beere Pwekaiing Ehc uherv. D. L. WOOD, TT. G. FüSTER. M-CJ-JR, R. Plgr trains nüw Iuav th iciwil PUtfori te thiL'uontj,sfollowi. GO1NG WEST. FpmlunM, 9.00 jl. k. 6.40 p. m. P.10 p m Ann Arbor, fi.Jö " " 7 05 " ll ú ai ('( DrUr, 0.44 ■■ ■ 7.53 i 1. .. ,, . Cbol, 18 10"" 7.0Í " ' 10.10 .X 6 0 I K 6 EAST. CfaolaM, 8.15 i. M. 9.30. K. 4.H0PJ, l'sitor, ÍI.30" H 9.J5 " " ÏÏ Ann Arbor, .4 ■' " lo.ïj '■ ■! 8;0 , . YpMUpti, 0.U " 10.80 I .jjo ,, , NOW IS THE TIME TO C0M MEWCE F0RMIWG CLUBS ron TUE 1 NEW "YORK WËEKLY. -AND dOMIC PICTORIAL PHÜNNY PUELLOWü! l A SPLE.VDW PRZMUM TO EVERÏ SUBSCRIBERü! ) TUE NEW TOBK WEEKLY AND PIOTORIAL PIIUNNÏ PHËLLOW ONE YEAR f FOR ÏWO DOLLARS!!! OUR TERMS T0 CLUBS. 1 ry n, ud lh.rtti.rtal Phunnj....$3, in.i nFrcvmlnui. " '.' ...., ■■ .. " " ...$t, ' " " ...lí, ■ .. .. j 1! " ...18, ■ 11 .ín.! for Sj.mca NumVr Kh;ch , hnklWd ; rrt,udmtsms fuU pu-Usukri ofPRBMlüMS SÏREET & SMITH, wtobsaxiJ rumian OTjmit'Tiyw 1YJIIK WKKX1 ae75. 3'4 Ucunun Slrcet, 1. T } MISS JExNNlE E. LINEsT rj'EACHEROKriino Fortn, Gu!(ir,ml PintiDK bfln J. desirotuof calarginghcr claw, will reccii púri!s tb rcaidince of Prof. WI.YCHF.LL, whirh bwDg 110,1 the Union Schoul.will be vorj conveniont fcr lach kpIio! orilttcnding thcriirhn muy with to puriut Urn tu'l I nfmnsfcinconnecttonwithotharbr.iDr.hes TermsSlO, half te be paid t tbe mhMlo' al 11 bal lnc it !ht cjleje fuf tks tono. TAKEN UP. TJR0KE in T r.flture about Ui :t of Jun laf! t JJ a threereor old RED 8TEEB, Í Jthw.oiiairs mixed, nigh hip all re1. Th :::rT i.yo.t.,i5liyo TA1E ■ " Ayer's Cherry Peotoral, CHE HYDROPULT, ri i n ven 1 ion for tliroving w.ih.t by huttd-ov eíj ptftí n k.J l.y W. T VOüB. llitOLtof tlW UlUit Vff.UttMtV iu 'Cfuiom of tbu da. 27ií HYDROPULT rlU, bj ihL power of eng min, tbrow .vtt-v at tfie ra ii 8 gallon! pur minute litly fet hlgtl, kil gtcnl iru. t Ij the bost arliciu íTar Lnveutud fur EXnSOL'WlINO A FlItE, PROTKCTÜTO A KlOK JBOÏTAiCUia 11 EJ WABH1NJ WINDOWS. ÍI'RINKI.IN'I 1 I.ANTfi, WAl'KKI.N'tf UARUJSNM, CLEANSINO TREES FUOil IXdtCTS, WLTTl.Ny KI. E WAMÍS, SPKINKUXG 8TRLETS, WA3HING CARRIAGES, U.EANLXG CISTKRNf, BWTYING WA1 Kit riiOM sAI!. IHUT3. WBITINü S.YII-', A Sl'RAY IÍATU, Í.C. TUis artiele aaould ba owiied by liúAtitíiiu!jir - [t does Bifuv wilb the neceasUy of a Ltj-'iittUt. UU ight, portable I'OKCK PUMP, always r'ly. auilj .pj ind will coma e fraquunt uso by evij fumu, urn:hant aod incdi;inic in tho cuiimunily. Vloode U iud íi.iiuica t Vio articleat this office. 4.MEBI0A5 11YDUOPULT CGIIPA'Y, 41 PAKK BOW, ït Y. WAU.ACE WELCn, Ag-cat fcrWaantcnaw Cuvntr, Ï71in3 yPíILAMlT JUk. Herrick'a Sugar Coated Pili CT CHILDREïi CHYFOE TnEü ! ja j8?'5 Thjfl renitukufilö [mJrT Amwit&n reuiüdy U wm affiS wi Jmí ti ox b nJ, Jsa ■ VamHBíí, 1on '■' buiuí u '■! EkSH Si HootP. l'iilft'liii hüj t- SB8P Py (lin-clly ou iLo JiImS fci glain'.s, iuiiils m Jlu -ï-' uf tha l'uüy , 1 u ia aitir.f1' wltn the bappiJit ffbat. In uM iajU4j ofiweut alcknose, üm:ill doiefl - rrijcfttod ri-yuuitl- -v cltjiiK'1"! tlio Hvfitein. thatf ,oi healtii U tluj rtjjult. íím clitng"' in empkmnént or dM is Dcetinrr. Thfiy u;Oimie oremoutfn. ■cll1 Joint, aclilngliiuij, „t. na (lj many other kiaiïs. Tbcy are warrruüuj ty lt. iatiafactlon. ortbe price refuoótd. 'ILe r: clJJ;JJJ4iUJ,4 ohoaper, aalVr, prsltier, and is 11 repect ipertec ( any purgativa pul in tb morid. Qjf-'l h diuu u UI caÜJAjf a plll irith etuamitixl wlth Ur. Rjtili All othern are coiinirfyits,8nd f ustii. vü: Uü a;w bjjjJ dlaappotnttheiict. Hoirici1 piUn reeluaD; pu' v. 30 iu hux.vitk a bigaihaatof djrcttioaji, ;iaJ nii 'Ar ■ii coats per box-, & U)xj for 81. HlSKRICK'ï-KlD STKBSOTHKSJR0 Pi.AS5 ehs. 'f Ziegren Xtrrngther and Pata Destróyer. The BftC and cheopest Household Rcmedy in the worlJ. ThQfirenowned Piastors curepAUi, íienliiKsá düt. tri8 ia tb back, lides aofi breast, iu flvu honrs. IudttJ ■o cartain uro Ihoj lo do tilín , that Die projirtrtur n nl 4 them. Bpraad from mttus, balnaun ami guuw ra boautiful kid lojther, randen them pulljlj adajiwlii tlio wauta of Femáis nd others. TUcirapilicatim is uoWcriiKl- equally totlii.stronïDian,tlifdtlImlc wwjjjiii. nnd the.' fs"Me Intmt. To paeh and all Oio wil] uroxi balm iind a blcsíln?. TLelr uso ia agieoiiblu nfld vttluiHt unnoyitncf or truubj..-. Inch Plantel wil! wear fruiuwi) lu four months, nnd la rbiumatic omnplajjit Iprailkl and bruittt, froquontly erfcet cures wlicn uil otlier ruwedies Btll. lull dlrecUotM will b foumi on thobadii.J oach. Public speaker, vocaliats, liiüturs f Uivgusi.tA and otliLi-, will trensthen thoir luBfnasdloiprovt Uu-Uvoicos by wcaring tliem on their broost, l'cke 1.' cents. ear The above arüc'.oa rvro sold bjr all U,6 deB'as in Ann ArborandbyDruggitthrouKhoütlliolii;i'.edsiiiilw. Cana das and Suuth AmonVa at wkoiasaii.' In ai! iwiri Drnggists in tli prinpl ti,.9. HERR1CK s i:rwOTi:n?, PROF. L, M1LLÉ1P8 HAIK INVIG01UT0K. AM EFKECnVE, SAiE.A.VD KO-VüMICAL COMliaiNU FOR RESTOUINC URAY Hiin to lts original iwlur wfth. out dyerng;, and prervuts the Uir froiu torn Ing ui..j FOR PHEVWTDffl and cuttag il vkaa Ov is tbe bast pr(xlü of'.y qí rocutwtatiiu iiiö-wi remainin;:. --j FOK REMOYING SCCBP AXD DAXDELTÍ ad Ml co, díous aflVtiuBB of tbr Scalp. FOK l!EACTlFVlXCTHKlAr.,im1,art:rgtuit1u. „. quallwJgloHHDd brUliancj, making II ohaJafllwr in Ita texture and causin it to curl rwwjüy Th jreat oalebritj and iü incica'i., dnuand tr U.J. unctjnalied preparation, convine lbo propilctot tiisi ,i U-UI Isocly uiWissaiT l.j a dNccruiogj.uUwu 1M superior qualitics ovr any other pnpstatiou it i ruoit lnu. It cleanso the hcad nnd calp fröa imtéi ƒ I otier rw.wUi áttíwf. Cnunc tb luir lo gnm Uiunantly,and givOBit a rich,, and liaill.Ul apcarancc.aüd alaowll'?re li liair m l.ji,.:,,!, ,„) ,,i. ning, it will givo atn-ngth an.l ig W tin rooK, .uj iMtorcthngrowthto thoso parta Inch hst W b.ld.causitijf it to ricld tf-erh mfu oflktér TCeraaxe c.f ladiea aid gnUem-ta Soit Tioik whohavehad their hair rcutored hc tl, u. ,rf tbia Invlgortor, whaD all other preparatiou bad falltJ L. M. ha iu bis possession leiteas iniiume:iit: watifrtmf to the above facts, from poreoüs of tho bighett rwr.irtu bllity. It Will eSottually prevent th, MfrrfroJ 7, TOfunt.itUe latoitperiudoflif and . „„„ the ha,r has chaogwl ita color, tlie ue ofih.' larntu, wi 1 withVt-rtaiaty rauirr u to tí original n, th. ,, a dark , g ossy appearauce. As a p?ulB fot têo U and a lia.r Rwtoratire it h part-müarlr MoomaaB3 havine an agrwable frawrano; aod the Sruat faoilltia. t't aïords in drom? the hair, which, whon molat tUl l iBTtgoralor can bc d3.ed io any require.] fora k. to preserve ita placo, wheiVr plaii or in hL-.i. the (treat dc-iaaud for It t.y tho ladiw a. a MfarJ Ï2 JAirhtebnoajought to b without, as tha P,w pUcesit withm the rwich of all, lwi,:g " ONLY TWENTF-FIVE CENTS por bottk-, to 1 kal at ai! rMpMtobk drtjUts' tn. perfumen. L M1LLER would ca'.l Uie atlentton of r-.irciit .ii Ouardiinsto the useof hisinvlgoratiir, Iü .i tmr ths childiens' Hair incJines to bo vai Tliuatflt layi tbe foundation for a good head of hnir ai It mDorw. any immuiües tbat may havo boosi (mnnootu! irM, tbeicalp.theremoviii of whlch il aaeíaparj bcrlt tm th lealtnofth child ad th future ppóarsno of It. mSWJSÏT0 L".'O9 wlthfattbefacalaiiloLOl-M HAIR miGORATOR, N. Y. bloVa'la .ho ,u Wholesale Dtpot, 5 '. Dcy St. nd auld ball th" rrínelpleliorchants and Droggrista the wui kl Libaraldiicount to purchason bv the (,unnüir I aUo Qtire to prasunt to the American Pttbli it New & Improved ïnstantancous Liquid Kair Bye which after ycr of teienbfla axporimenlU I Kjti brought to perfection. It iycs Mark nr brown iniluUr without injury to thf HkiíorSífa warBnW Us (m article of tho kind in eïlstence. PRICB ONLY FIFTY CSNTS DEPOT, 50 DE Y ST., J5ot Tory. Tflfi CAMPA1UN OPEM. Cainpiou's IPlatfórrii ! THE aubajrsr bas just rct rn' I :i im (rit ivith Lis Pal! and Winter Gr O O X L3 Wllicll llO 18 Detcrmincd to Sell AT THE LOK" EST PEICE YOH C.S1J ! at ■whioh.Fiisi.Quality Goocts c:u uc tfrorjed in th3 city. My clotlis ftiv Ilof thu FINEST QUALITY nnd ns I mannfaoturcjthcni in!o clolhing tnvself, I aiu ouabled to WARKANT EVERY QARMENT peil. toba WELL MAF'E, wliioh i ■ strong induoeuieiit to cusiöluers to pstrunin my store in prefercns to places hfcr lafg ipiantitics o( half made goods are L..i lor pnlc - 1 liiivo theiATfsrr rA-ni!i"s. (ind can givè ycu n i''ii tt.".ii wie'i Fitlin,) G'irme.nta tu con ht ' ' 'anyithtre, I fim buanJ to sell 0I1EAPER AND BETTPE GÜODS 1 tliaii any other (imilar ctaUisUment in tliii city. "i'üur eustoi-i ia miei respect fully avitod. M. CAMPION. AaB'Atbor, Kot. } 60. 7T.i l NOTÏCË. II ïcrtby lïIvfD an E!pclin "f k of t!i crmnnFarraers F. ( -lup. ny f W...M. Í Ri'v I i mbern-il ■ at.J.o'cVook P, M ■ Lodi, in l;:;i 1 Couuv,. : ■■ Octobei U j., ;;■_ N0TÍC wnnsrASMTWlfK-CJ I „ " ■ ■ ■


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