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lÏllJ. ■ ; SwSb insïf ?feon'fc TTTB 1 ■isiiri) 0ÜRSTOR1 i T l. L.k Ol GOQB 1 that W S i-v(-r fï ■■■ï in nny oac sstabUtibmoitt !i che State, all of vhk OA@K) We wa: y I Great Sacrificcs on Anyihlug 'o obtain i' . vol pxcftpting OLD NOTES A?s'D ACCOUNTS Wo cordial!; lovit ALL CASH CUST0MEU3 to cflü ftnfi csaraine our üooii aud Pri:cs. Wc alw int Itfl oor Prompt Paying Custcmere to como jiiiq buy their Hupnltes for tlio Wiu1 r. ' ■ Iï;u4hfnl ones tli At oro afíftM'to cali, ve say to tb m, talicourage rithoul Jonger waitii g for liigher prices, cora? ín, oíd scoren , and then at suoh príoes an will up rvll U hardl; uccceesíiry to enumiTiilöour Qooqi, fuiWe have Bvcrythingí UARPETING, CRCtKKRY DUYOOOUS, M EDHKES, GF.O I BIES, PAINTS, OILS, n at ', APS, BOOTS, SHOKS YANKEE NOTIOSS &c, &ct, &c. m iw .-■ ■ usó M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For iluuiau Flesh aud Animáis. IN cnlllnc llu sttentloi, of tbo PnHIo to thls Mcdieln, wro would síiv Ibat H has boon fully trlo), un 1 lumdreI.t who bsve n8ed kspeAk in the most complimcnl&Ty tcrjnft of iis vonderftti eflVrts tipon Human Flesh and ihe bmte creíition. It to fjist gBlnlng nopnlaritr. Wlioi-ever oaed it i? received wjth icclainjitions of joy, and pronoiincod 10 be tho grefttest Roincíly for Adiós anú I'itíns överoffered to tho I'nhlic. Its moterly offocts over disenso, whon applied, gives it M oelebrlty unsurpnssod by any external prcparalion now in nse. Thereforo ivo can say, ivith tiio utmost coüüdenoíL that tho Xmbrooatt wlll Caro Khcunislism, u línrns find SíírIíIs. " " Wosknessof Joints, Bwellins and Tumor, a Hemorrholds or Piles, " Oillt.lains, " " Toothacho and Chapped Uukê, BmhnxaiUoi! wlll Core 01.1 Sores nnd Cramps, Bous and Corns, " " Conlractcd Musoles, " " Gallsof all kind, 0 " KinK Bono and Poli ErlL " " Otlloua and Spavin, Lmbroc3tion vTill Ouf Bweenv and Sitfast, " " gpringtmult and FistuIlL " Scratclics or Greascy Esternal Toisón, 8and Cracks, ■ " Lamenene and PtralnB, ímbrocatton wlll dure Foundered 1-,, t, " Manco J " Crackcd Teste, 4 GurRiit in Coivs, Footliot inShoep. AüBUBti. iN. ï ., Mareh 9, 1S60. Wí, tho nnderílüned. do eertify, tliat wo have nsl M. W. Hawi-ky's Cf.i-f.bratf.d JL.!]ocation% for InflammatOry and Gbronto Kheumatifenï, and cheerfully recommend It as tho best remody wo llave over used, J. M. Morris, M. D., Jamei L. TlewaoQ, L. V. Clements, Orrin Ilurd, Peter í'icro, 8. F. Gonld. J. B. Uobinson, of Prophetstown, III., says : I esteem it tíie best Lininu'nt I havcever known. It gives universal Ifttlsfaction, and I can tMtify to it efflcacy froin n)y owm experlenco. Manufactnred by M. W. HAWLEY. Aubtiri) N Y U N. TUTTI.ft, Auburn, N. Y., General Ágcnt,'t wnom all orders ahould be addre&scd. Bold by all Drugglets and Merchante üjrouihost Um Snmtrj. and ly M .' I NAl'.l', 8TEBBIKÜ : WIL: ÜN, Aon Arbor, Mich . C3r O O 13 Q - UICIIGOODS! CIieapGoods! ! BACH & PÏER30N TTAVE JVST OI'ÍNED TUK CHOICEST STOCK - or- FALL AND WINTER GOODS to be íbund in Ibis City, cormisting oí GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN! substautial and durable, GOODS FOB LAD1LS! GOODS FOR TIIE MECHAN 10 GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLES, ft'i Carefuüy selccted, Waranted to piense, and for 8:ilc clieap. 0O3VE23 .AKTrO (S233H3. BACH & PIERSOX October, líCO. 76Stf rpHE PEORÍA MARINE& F1RE ! OF PEORÍA, 1. L1N01S. Capital; - - - S500.000 one oí th HEATIERT, SAFT nil PTí-T InsuraneB Co'f), in the U. s. iDKiireit n rtíaaiíimble ter m, tndal ftyn lty i-r ntit.íy 'Jflioro i no bGttOT FiTu hiHuxnce mpaiij.


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Michigan Argus