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RSEW GOODS! The cltlMttl of Anu Arbor, lllch., nd vicinity. are intuía i thtt A. & C LOE 13 Ii WE OPEÑED A NEW STORE and dtocfced it cntirc'.y wlih NiAV G,OODS, ospectally adaoted to iho cou electod with gieutest .wr-.-. At the Cleveland Clolhing House Will bc round ■■■ rj thingdeslrable ar.l nr-ccss.ary for 3-:__r__.:__v_:__Ñr's ■w_3A._t, -nt the- LOWEST MA1ÍKET PEIGER As wc aro determino'! 'to nftkc onr sitare popular, and to convince tlic public tliat uurs is tlie CHBaPEST STORE OüP. STOCK OF KEADY - MADE CLOTIIING ! Ii made up iu the HANDSOMEST M ANN ER -OY- LATEST STYLE GOODS! Every attention pmd to Out and Fit 1 Wuhavo Iikawisüprocuredfrom first cUes houscs a _n assorLmcnt of HATS, CAPS, Trunks and (Jarpet Bags, FUJ2N1SIÍING GOODS ac„ &c AÜ er whicfa we offer si ASTOMSIIING LOW PIttCES LOur fiicililies for procuriny Goods on The Most Favorable Terni! and fvom the Best tlotises in the East ABE UNSUBFASSED. anl all we awk of tbose who want goods ï to OALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK iiud Kaïisfy (hemñlrea Iiat o sell the v h' apest and best (too''s. A. & C. LOEB, South of the Park, n. lew loors went nf Cook's Hotel Union Street, Aan Arbor Mich. 7C5tf City Cheap Lumber Sas7i, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris (hand Rivet Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cLc, &c. . D. DeForest, HAVING Increaed liii; fMcilities for doisg busi Dca ixnd enlirfff-d his Yard and Stock, is pre paiod the prosont acason, with Ui bes.. Jargcs riH chca st aeasonoO stock nverin this inarïct t( satisty tlie reafcniiiiblp exnectations tí a]J. Óuj motto is notto bo undrsolri for cash on delivery I wtll not ttndArtaketofrJghtentbepabttc bysaylttf thnt thrywili ifetshaved it they ouy oleewhere. foi wo presume tbat otlierc willscllaslow asthey car fifford to. All kinds of Timber, Jptstf, nd ácantlidg] Tino, WhltewooU llasswood, Hem lonk. Plauefl and Matched Pine, White'wrooc vsh l'loorinc. PlnnodiTid rouqh Pineancl WhitOwoÓC iidii)gtPenei Posts, OnkandOedai Post& and Pickot' ii all kinds. pnr "atl), anï) lVi)itctuoob ii s Ptnp, Aah Hii'i Whitcwood SlhlBgtati Bain Boards and Barn Floor Plank Blrk W (. .ut ,-itu] (.'h-rr aud thin stut!", Wacun anti BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, ioxtind Body i.uinbur.MapU' l.og Timbcr, Hickory , Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of}i!]hicknc58cst widths ud lcnths, &,c. . &c. t Piaster Paris, and Piaster olallkinds. M"AÍlS ot' all aizes, Ac, &c. 6'ASIÍ, I)OOJíS,& BL1NDS, naadc byfaand to order aslcwa? faolory p rices, on he eliortoütnotice by the bestot workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. tlili ot all dcecription in the above building line 'urniahetionthsshortestof notine, for We have Mills Cutthg Regnlarly. A ful! anda perfect asaortracat of the above and other kind e üf Building Matei als üonstantlv 011 hand ntlh.lowestpossiblc rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods soulh from R. 11. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFI N G. N.B.--I am now operating Bxteiisively in the Patent Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Works. Bisele & Vandercook. r J AVE on hand a fine assorunvnt of Anierican and 1TALIAN MA Li B L E vliicli iWey are proparc.i to mauufacture nto WONUMHNTS, UEAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS bc., bc, fec, fcc., II all Ult variclie, and in a WORKMAN'J.IKE mannt-r. Hivtpg hiiá considerable oxperience in llie bnHinWH hoy tlailt'r tlnïmsclvos that they will b able to pleaHG 11 v.-ho uiay favor thcin wilh their ortleri. Their pricea re M LOW AS THE LOWEST, dioso wi.iliing any Hiídr in thoir ine are resiKct[ïilIy 1S Arhor. Scpt. 28, 1RC0. 70O'1 ËYE and BF. 'imfyt pii F. A. CADWELL, SSS"" 01'EUITOR ON THE KVK .NT "CAR. For Denfnes. Bllmlnr, mul aU rfcfects oï DR C PFIN'! AREGLLARPhysicHn.withTWEKTY YVAK ;! esoluive praclicc in tho trealmi-nt of dacases cl' thn KVK AND BAR, Wl!lle foun,d qualified to give relie!' or ífTyct a cure in any c.tse witbin the reach of human i kül Ifo chttrfe fiir nn cxiuiilniitlon ar an opimon, r ttiuiteeetíiful servicee Dl C'í ñnwnsB os tiib Kvk .inü Kat;, nf 300 pp., ■ breaoea, Twtim miáis, Desciiptlon of DnCasp, and otliT imp .-rran matter, illuttratea irith Cuis, o be had gratis, by sendmr Tm Ctnu to pay poslage Aiarera Dr. Cadwiix, 93 Bandolph mpi eotnerDetborn, Ohlogo tU. ______ Scio! Scio! Scio. WHEAT WANTED! miiE unlcr.i;rned hiuim; l?w! tbc Gsrdiner MilUt 1 Sdn. ■ re i?.parcl to buy what and pay the highert "Slííi, x. ■-.i--, B.'ffl_'Bno.


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Michigan Argus