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Attacbmeut Notice. STATE OF UICÏIIGAN, ClrouJt Conrt ftr the Cmmw oi W Mhtenaw. tieorwe B. Cooper, William if, ] lonipi ■■■, n ■! B njamin Ncülrk,v8,, HaaiThfalson Phtllip Kmcmi r and PhW lp D Wectren, ï;ike Dottee tbatonthe I8ih day of OclobflT A. I). iftBO, a writ of Attacbnii ; "''t of the Circuit Court for th& County of VfUhtonaw, of Michigan in fa Tor of ■.:.-[ i'iniiti OgAfnfftJEïaOfl Tlt:-lon nw hbove numcd IefftaiaBtfl for the au m of I ;;vl tivthiiii]rod a ml hixty - , urbich sa returnable un the ümí tooer, A, D. 18CCI, at I0oclock in the foreooon :jii [-.-'" 1 i-n BaM Wl'it ÍI Jl).1 attached by virtuo thctrof . i .1 1 not be foua 1. JOHN BY, Attys. fur l'Uintiff. I t O ■ ■ I "T3w6 fftgage Koreclosurc. n malo In the paymont of a 1 f eert nu ■ ■■■■ -i "i ' ■ ■ i i. Ik paid by a eertinco ol Uorli .■■:■.■- benrlngdate tbe twonty fifih : ,, ■■: April. A 1). 1855, oxecuted by ilenry J. ililler and wifeto i ,.and recorded in the offleeofthe of Deeds in the Cöimty of Wa&htcnaw aa Stut n tbe tventy-fourtli day of May of sftid yenr, in 1 ii"-r ' ■■■■- n folio .j2n(anii wbcr.i said Mori ;age was duly assigned to me on the aixth day mbtr, , Ï8Ï5, by the sa{d Levi II Haynes, ■ :■■;. rdCOrded in the oflfru of : ■ . ':■ in i i u rit y of Washk-naw afore L3lh 'l.iy of Peptenober, A. I , 1SG0, in Ijbor 21 ■ ■ ■.(; .-imi wnereas, thereis now due and uupaul upon said Vlortgnge the mud of three hundredand nfnety throo dollars trad fortythrofl cents (&iiV 43) ; iinrl nosu' ■ : ;it luw OT in ej uil v n&Ying fcuted Io recover tbe same, or a.njt port thereof; Now, therefore, aoticcin hereby givén, tha't by virtue ofa power of sale in aïd Morlgftgo containod, oaSaturday tho I6th i iy of December next, at twelvoo'clock. M , at Ihe front (outer) lïoorof the County Courl Qoose, ba the City "f Anti Arbor, County am Stato aforosaifi , (tho said Court 13 ; placo íf holding Iho Circviit Court in and !■: ;ii i í'ouiiíy f WashtenaW),! tahalí .sellatpub' licftuction, to tbe hlghest Indder, the siid Mni-fgaged ]ireit)ises, or flo m icli (Üerpöf om shall be nocessary to together with interest from thiit date, aod tbo cost and expenses of sale, aliowed by hm. Kiiiil premïMft bclng flcscribed na follows, tovrit: All :n t:;ict or pared of land sUaated in the rillago Ol ' -ilino, ('otiniy an] tatf alros:iï-it ly i ng and beiug io number thrce ($) :is htiddown i;i tïie Villaje plat of, said Vill , b lïng In To riuhip n amber four (4) iwuth ■ ■ nuinber iixe (5) east ao] boi)neJ n fullows: beginniiiROH ihe westrríy Une OÍ Ule Ann Arbor or Adrián stroet onc hnndred and fifty-fivc foet southerly iroro whore 1 ; with the Chicago road, running thonce soutberly alüng the westeriy line of Aun Arbor or Adrían streci roda a-nfl ion feiït, thence wwtérly parallei with ChU-ago ro.vl twelve n i-. tbeaoe-northerly pa illel with Adxian at reet five roda and ten fet, thnce c.i ti v ; arallei witb Üie Chicago roadtweïve rods to the plitceof beghuíúig, C. VaN'HCíA.V, A.ssinee. W. A. Moohk, Att'v for ARsrgnoe. Da tod, fopt, 14, 1860. Morrgage Sale. DEFAtFLT baring beeii niade in the ennriition ofa Blortgagc executed by [Volger Christner and OiUinrine Christner to Iuther J unes, tÜate'd July twenty-sTxth A. J) L8S6, and racorded in tho Kegister's Oflïcc in Waahtonaw Couoty,in LlberM of Mortes, at page 668, July -Sth.A.D. 1858, at half past aevén li'clock, A. M., liv wbich default the poites of sale containd in said mortg ige became opi rative, and no snit or jraceo.l ■ .iaghaving been instituted nt law to recover the debt secured bj . ■■. t any part thercof, and the-sun: of Tv i indred an l ï. jht Dollara being: nöw claime'i to be duo tborejB . Kotice isfhereibrè faereby given that the said ïuortgage irill by foreclosod tja sale of the moHgftged p'romfsefl, vis: Commencin nt the south-weftt corner of tot No, twenty-fojar in block Xo. kíx in the village of Cbeisca, Connty of Wasntenaw and State ol . u, and running thenTSb north twonty degreofwest eightcen rods, tlience north scventy dfigreM easl four rods, thence south twenty degrees ftast eightecc roda, thcuce soMth suvotfty degrees west four rods, ui Minv .:ii t ihi-reof at public endne .it the Court House in tliocity i,f Anii Arbnr on the 15th dny of D om bei next at noon. U-THE:; MW8 Mortgagw. E. W. Mokgax, AU. Datdj&epi)emberitb( A I. ISCci. 766M Morrgage Foreclösure. niTAl'I.T haring been made En the condition of a i Mc èd by Patrfek SolUvan and Joanna Sulliran to Luther James, dated April eighth.A. l. 1858 and recorded ;n Ihè Regiater'fl (tJIice in Washtenaw (' [iber 34 dl uortgigies, at page 4J2, April 9th,A.D.186?,at UaU QASt three o'clock, P. M., by whicli defftult the powi r of sale oontaincd in said mortgfiqt beoanie opèra-nvej amïno suït orprocefding having been lsUtutd ftt law to rocovi-r tliecltbt securciby said1 inortgagtf or any part thereof, and tho tfuro of one hun1 dfredftnd ts .'uty one dpUan bélag bon (fiainiBd o be doe thcreon and (urther Rums to become due; N'otlcfl ia■ii t bat ald mortage will bfl forc[ad premtoeff, to-wit: The HOuth-weflt quaríej of the norvT-eaat guarfer, and the stHiili-cns! (Juftrtw f thf nortli-wost 'juartcr of sectioc Xo. seven, amltlie south-east tea acres of ile B0ut%-Wt' quartcr of Uw nórth-east quarter of section Xo. nini,. rxtoiiilin sonty rnd.s east anel west, anrt nortli and south far cnough to cootahi ten acres, all in towuslilp Xn. oüc BOntti of mtíge Htc sast', belng Io Webster1, 1uth County it Vü.-hlcn:f.v. ;m.l t:iw t Uiobigan, or sume part thercof, at public vendue, at t!ie Court House in 'the city of Ann ArOor on the lOtli day of December next at noon. LUTIIER JAMES, Mortgftgee. E v. u IBOAK, Atty. Datvrf, Sept. 20th, A. D. 1S6070CH Chancery Sale. ÍN ITR.?1.v.XO;jF k T;:CKLE of the Circuit Cour fTthc C'inty ofWahtPiiaw. in Chancery, malé or t rfn y ol Jtme, A. D. 1860, in ;i cirtain caust ■■ !" r ' n Snmuel C. ("atrBayn is cniplflïriiint nní WiJliam JU. Broun, WilhüOi -). Ide-aAd Corniïliu.sCaróia nl nts,l .shall BL-Jst public auction tu tbe high r, at H) o'olock ín t ii I' n ti ft n. on tlie fifteentt n:iy m December n 't, at tbeir nt door oftheCquii Konse in the 1 ol . v.i ATb r.AV:-.t-n-uv County . ïi , All thatcertairj piece r a rcel of Iind sit :::iT'! in the Tnv n-!i ip oí -':i n"li et-T . in tbe Coautor ol ïi a mi : t t : Míen -, n I Dimn, bouaded anc debcribed as (nlIrfVH. towil: R-tog tbe Xnrth halt .. -i. i#j , - - . ■ i-'-i ■[■■ u i' ■cvi n. ( i ij in Pi v, n ' ip m ri-i v Fi i r i ) of RflUjrp Numbti Three (3) EU, contitnns Ktgbtyftcrosof land be the ante more lirlèfs.ór so raucfa tiir1"!' as shaü be ncc■ ■ satlsfy tho in dnM caónp with intc-rest and t:.t. C H. VANCLKVE. Circuit (oi:rt fommisstoHr, for WaTiVenáw Co. A'lïi i'c abki, Hol ici tor for Comptainnnt DaUed", November lat; 1860 ANOÏHER A A ARRIVAL AT THEêl ÉOLDAND RELIA BLE glÍ CLOTHINC EMPOEIUMÜ fcL- 1&. 3r o . 3 PÜCEISTIX BLOCK, MAIN" STREET. has just returned froin the Eastern Citiei, with a large and lesirable stock f F ALL AND WINTER which he is now oiTi-ring nt unusnnlly LOVe I?H.IOESi Among Iiis Asso; imont may bo found BROADCLi'TIlS. GASSÍMERÉS, DOESKIXS, 65 VESTINGS, of ail deicriptionn, especially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR1 whicli he is fttrtttng and tnaktñg tó order, in e-', nd beat stylc-s, (ogetiier with a. supsno'r assortnu-n'. "f REA I) Y MA DE CLO THJNG! TRÜXKS CAJII'ET BAGS, UMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, wlth nninerou.s othpr art:clea asnaHy found n similar establiühments. Au ANEMFüHÏUM OFFASBIOÍI, the Mibficriber flattcr. himself, tliat liislonff experipnc ftod nmnü khcccss-,w11 ennble him to gjvo tlip crateït B&tislacÜOB toall who may trust iiim in tbe wny of manufnet uring giuments to order. 9 WM WAGNER. lVf IcniGAN""" SOUTHEEIT & IT X INDIANA KAILROAD. 18C0. SDMMEH AKUANÜKMEXT. K. lrains now run on this roftj, Puudayn roeptfd, #b follows: Lcavc Toledo ror Cliicjign at 10 25 A M. , anrt 10.26 P. H. " Dotroit 7.20 " " 7.411 " Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at dfiO P. Ui anl 8:nn A. M. 4roveat Detmit from Toledo, at 7:03 A. M., Bá P. M., and 11:00. A. M. ' Arrivc in rioi-.-cit from Chicnio at OáSO P. M. , aml íiít A. M. Jrrivc InTnWo from Chicago 4,30 P. M. oí 4.50 A. M. and -).40 1'. .NI. Leave Adrián for Jacksoaat '■ Jackson for Adrián at 5,00 A. M., ml 1,80 P. H. COXN'KCTinNS. At Toiüiin- With Cleveland & Toledo Huil Rmfl, ( Wbsh Vr.lVy Hail Boéd. At Detiíoit- With Crund Trunk Rilray, ith OrWt Western Kaihray, atno, wiU Uie Diitroit umlMiltraafaM, Batir i At Nkk Ai.üaxv & íír.EM R. R. CROSKi.vG-WitiTrsfc for Lafajottr, nwr Albaoyakd Iouisville. At Cuh:au6- U'itli ChiogQ and 'Rock Wand, GaJem, filiraukco, Chicago, Burlington and Qnincy - Xcvïli Went Railway - Cïiicaifft, Alton and St. Lonifl, ïlümlte Central, and Lo all l'oints West and South. flPS Tntins are run by Chicago time, whioh fs 20 mOiutts slitwtr tlian Petroit time. JFtT Wooclrml'a Patent Slceping Crü aceompanj tl} Night Trains on thi Route. fl" N'o ohangc of cars between Detroit, Adri&n and ■ Ifaw and Fare tb" n10 ai bJ ny othsr RH Road Kouii' JNO. D. CAMI'HFXL. ".one-al Superintendent. Itt'Kloi)illo aud Huncat Agents ■W ANTÍ.D rpHKOC(norT 'l'i' Cnlted Statf, to whi.m ire wfl l par ii salar; of from $'20 to JfOper month and expense. THJSIS NO UÜMBUG, For particular, addrtss (inclosing Red Stamp, for return postage,) or ipply in perron to '7B6m3 HUI S CLARK, llarerüill. Mata. TAKEN UP.; CAMT. inio tr.e enolosure of the subscribcx aboat tbe lst of September lost. a Saldp '!! (!!AY PONT. l'he o""y I joot 16 year oW, having one eye pnt one r.of said horti '! Io c!il1 an1 prort r.y. w Sbirjea, .. N. %;TI;K ROC8SJ. Lodl, Oei. 12, W80. 6ir7


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Michigan Argus