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Insiiies0 lireríDTii. I. O. O. F. WASHTEXAWLOPGENo!), of the Indepoudent order of Odd Fellows meet at tbeir 1-odge Koorn, TerrFridftT eveninir, at 6 í o'clock. ü. B. WÍU-ON, B.G. F. aoKG, Sec'y. B. HESSE, PBYSlcux fe Soaomi Kespectil'ully tender his professional xervices to the citizens of Ann Arbor vicinity. Office in Mack's New Buüdiag, Bin títreet", Aun Arbor Mich. N.JB. Night calla promply attended to. TWITCHELL & CLAKK Attobxsts and Counaellors t Law, ■ ■ ■ ;md Fire Insurance agents. Office : liïock, nn Hurón St., Ann Arbor. Colli'v ms gromfily made ndremitted, and special attention pid to couvyancing. D. 8. TWITCHELL, f7-l:t" K. T. n ARK. JAMES B. GOTTr T AW OFFICE, No. 2, over S!a-sou & Grer' Store. L _% SCOTT & TOBE! AHBROTTri i Photo(rph Artists. in formerlyoccupiedbyCordlooverthr I peiry fe Moore Pe'rfec t suüsfaction uuaranteed. L. D. GODFREY, ATtobmt ajídCoun'sfii.ok at Ijíw, ADn Arbor city. Office North-EastCorner of the Court House STJTHERLAND & BELL, WHOUBiLK 1 ritíil ohocebs, East side of Main street Ann Arbor. S" l'rovisions bouglit and sold -S W" N. STEONG, DULBR in Drv Goods, Boots andShoes.Groceries, Bonnets.Fancy Goods, Kc. Exchange Bluck, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNIGHT. riLBRj5ÍnStaple, Fancy Dry Goods, Boots ana Slioes, YJ &c. Jtc, Main Street Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSON. Prmtukk WjtBB-RooMa, Dealer inaïHundsof Furniture, &c. New Block, MaiD Street. RISDON &ÏIENDER80N, I EALEliSin Hardware, Stoves, house furuihmgguods, U Tin Ware i:c. Src, New Block, Main Street. " A. P. MILLS, Dialbr ia Ötaple Dry Goods, Grocerie&, Boots and Shoes aad Ready Made ClotUing, HuronStreet Ann Arbor JOHN W. MAYNAED, VBÁLBR in Stapte Fancy Dry Goods, Iiuot.s nnn Shoes. Ukc. &c, Main treet, Ann Arbor. BEAKEs s ABEL, ATTORSKYS & CoUN.-5KLI.OEd AT I.AW, uwi S-5c Chunery. OHice m ihf üid fosi Office o i Vrhor . TTORNKV , Itoru, .Ull N -UU.t.. . itO■ V lie, li:ive Sookn uiíi c;i; ■ uim a ■ íUduií li thö -uuüty , ana.LUfmi .homvi'Vjii■ :iM. t-manl.s, .u. : ■ "-' n fciiy aart of tht State ofüci ■ ■'■■ Aun Arbt?. James u i ; ty. o Ji;STitK OF iJi: ■ ilici; . J. LQV au 3 ■ WK. i-li WIJ g PinrsiCLi.N . dciiiíEOí Oiï ai b ■ t v . QOLJ iJilt, i i AJíLrAcmusKanO dealer iu Uoti luid öfaün. fcxIV JL CJiaie Biock, !j doors Sutli ui Mayu..a, Mc-tib.n, I i: Wiiaon'h Lure, Ann Arbor, Mioh ( '"'MrOBE & LUOMLsf ,e .vl-f-iutiíkbií an') Jealer in Bont n 1 bu ;. lV'L Phenií Block, Main Strnel, orie dvii, Noiü ol -WasLiDgton. IBii. 8. SAUN1KK, DKAUCR iu Boots, Slioes, and Kubbers, Ann Arbui .. - ■ lioot & yhoe Store, South idtta t i nb:ir-quare. t M. GUITERMAN & (;u , , WHOLKHAisand Ketail dealers and ; i-í tteady Made Clothing, Im neres, íoeskiusT A:c. INo. 5, Ntw BiocJi] 0. B. POKTE K, MSLL and Hurón streetu, JWBBBïj Aun Arbor, Michigan. 1 -i-L-X. ï ' April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Dialtr in Ready Made Clothing Cloths, Cussimere-s and VestiugR, Ilats, Caps, Trunkrs, CarpetBag, í:c. Main t.( Ann Arbor. i M. CAMPION JfmtdLksr Tavlor and dealer in Ready Clothing. i VX No 41,1'hcenix Block, Aun Arbor. BACII ár' PIER80N . DKalbri in Dry Goods, Grocerie, Hardware, Boots & Shoos, &c, Main street, Ann Arbor. MATNARD, STEBBINS efe 00., DmtM in Dry Goods, fíroceries. Drugs & Medicines. Bootd & Shoes, &c, córner of Main and Ann treets, oitbelcw the Eichange, Ann Arbor. EBERBACH& CO,, DEAUiRfl in Drugs and Medicines, I'erfumery.T.i.letarticle, few doors south of the Franlilin }:■?, Ann Arbor. SLAWS0N & GEElt, mootiis, Frovi?iot i CommisBion Knehnt,an .1 lerain Watbk Ijmb, La.nd 1'i.ahtep, and Flaktkk of jus, one door &st of Cook's Hotel. cTbliss, inClocks, Watchea, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods t theeignof thcBigWatch, Xo. 27, l'hoenix Block J. O. WATTS. DlALJtKinClocks, Watches, Jewelry andSilver Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BiRjiER nd FaRb-ionable Hair Dreeser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curia kept onstantlj on hand. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dtii.in5 inMiscellaneouB, School, and Blank Books Sta ttonery, l'aper HangiDgs, &c. , Main Street Ann Arbor. D. DeFOREST. WBOUWAts and Retail Dealerin Lumber, La1h, Shingles, Sash, Doorn, Bliudn, Water Lime, Grand Rlver pUiter, l'laster Pariw, and Nails of all sizes. A full and perfect a-ssortment of the above, and all other linds of building materials constantly on hand at the jjeveüt possible rates, on Detroit Street, a few rods from .bo Railroad Depot. Also operating extensively in the Patent Cement Roofing. "WÁSHTENAW COUNTY B1BLE SOCIETY. DKPOSrroRT of Bibles and Testaments at the Society prioes atW. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., SUCCESBOEfl TO fLttJTsm, oii-A.i:iixrs Co MANUFACTURF.RgOF Print) Booli, - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, ANN AHHOlt MIOH. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF Pinno Forte, Cuitar, and Singlng, being desirousof enlarginffher claBR, will receive pupjjs at th residence of Prof. WINCHELI,, whlch being near tb ünion School, will be very coovenie-nt for such scholen Unding there who may wih to pursue tbe tudy nf musicia conneotion with other branches. Tcrms$I0, balf to be paid at tbe miMl and tbe bal ltce it the clcre W the term.


Old News
Michigan Argus