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A Characteristic Scene

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A -yj-: nuiíiliíír 6f pi : !r ■ lïoHftnd fivHi fl t:t.-' '-' i I.m, i-i ■.:..;.;'. Injilt :l great tm. ad tii-i broujrht out (lie offij of -i man, whi-jli :;;■ƒ inteudod, riTter nfieri2 it cvery eo:rcoiablo insult, to borv ii!i ivii-í; Pineral ritos. Ilion fl- it up. r.:ti! it ti - c -r:;c;fix - t bo s-htc.í cmblciu of rdiirih witii oue Inmdrcd lid j thirty-tiiüi' uiillion of tliü Chriítimí n habilnnts df our woild, - iiul bttru it lo nshi-n. A few fiH-iuls öf tVfl persón ; rcscnted, ntcrfercd, touk the iinage r-- , them. mul c)!:OííKd ir. 'iT.ey Aftrr'wnrd made nnttiter, eiid, going thnmgh , vith luanv ceremonies, ftinong stbcrg, pouring wliiskcy n t8 mouth, inid otlicr dicu.tÍM; tbllieí, bnried t wilh mock riiligin'.is ritp!", putting a Itcad-otono nt t iio lifatl iif .: iv;' Y-. -i e -s il its fout. Tile ctucüík wiisilros.sod np with sliavíngs, mui rlaöcd in tliu midst of a bonfirc [íiaÍCTTC would bo a runre proper iiamo,] niul burnd tu r.shi-s. Af'nr prolmiging th.-iv nriia into tbo Sabbatb, curling tlieir noighb.irs, w. I tliri-au-iiing tbe 'lo rtrnotion of their buildings, tLey Jispcrst'il. to wore too ;c:"rs in th8 sceno? - I Wurc tlioj a rabbln of fuolUb boys? - 'VVora t!cy ;i inob of druiikon rowdies? - Oh! uo. Many of thoin wcre i nicuiber?, snd cali tbeuisclves Oiiristiaiií. ■ TIvj mijor!ty ot' thom woro iniddlo-agód, or over; spiap invo heads alrcailj blostioining for the grave, and must expect fuou to comj'lctL' tbe aüotted ib reo scuro vcars and ton, and that t'níir friendá and noiglibors must perfortn for thom thu solemú ritos thej were moe b ing with. Many of (Lijiu vero uicn tf property aiiJ Btauding, tnj boiüu of tho tnost j oratie families of our toivu were vs-jhosontod i n the crowd. Who did they intend to ropresent by flus L-ffigyv WJjut monster of dt-pravity dosesvcí suoh insulta and tudignitica as tbesc, and that eveu bis friends thould ba insulted with thraata, oxocrations, and curses? 'J'his mago wasiotended to represent, tho íl'in. Stephen A. Douglas, late candidato for the iiijhest ofSoc in tho gift of the Ainer'rnu poople ono ot the greatest of our living statesmon, and a uieiribcr of tbo Un i tod ïitaies Seuatc, without exoeption tho most dignified body of men ou tho globe. V bat had ha dono to doeerve such trentment? He han, during bis publie ]if of sonm thjrty jmn, been a prominent k-ader and actor in our natioual pulitio, md bas to tlie utmost of hisabüky. droented and defended the right of the Anieriean peoplu to goveru tbeir own donieiitieafl'uirs in their own way, subject te the cnii.stitutio;i and the laws. He bas, as 3 United .Stntes Senator, voted to appropriate 8;")0,000 to construct a liarbor for the büiieüt of Holland, :nd of these vory men. He Iris seen iit to marry a lady ! who was eduoated ia the Catholic faith, and stiil remaius a member of tliat ehurch. FTo was, aud still is, un active member of the party whieh cnacted the laws by wiiiüh tlieao men, though aliens and strangers, wero ndraittod to all tho' rights of American eilizeii?, :;nd made I eqral p all respocts to the uativo-born Amor:ca:i. ïio was, aad stil' remains a raembor of the party whioh enactod the laws ecu ring to theni tbo privilege of worhipi;ig God uccordiog to the dietatcs of thoir own eo;, with none j to molest them or linke thc;u afraid, Tvluuh privilege thoy profoss to have lsft their home in Europe and souglit the protcotion of our laws to enjoy The burning of the eross was designed asan insult to bis rifo, ono of the must estimable of women, aml onc of the brightest ornamonts of the society of her liative city, Washington. What was the grand object of this display of diabólica!, political and religious hatredi' It was designed as a jubileu over thu sueoess of the republican party, whieh professes to bo the party of freodom aud right, and to enibudy in its ranks all the pkty aud worth of our country. These ïii'ju ;ire modern apostlcs uf Hbertjr, Tho inock burial service, tbo mocL crucifixión they intended to have made, and tho floal destruotion of the sacred emblem of the Chris! ian religión, fonn a fitting closo to their caiupaign, and uiake a graad finale for the ■ mockiiig jokes about the sacred rite of baptism by tho Her. Henry P Seliolte, the comparisüii of thoir caudidaie with the Almiglity by one of their orators here, and tho malignant slanderH thev e oirculaied with regard to a fhq tlie olio ware to nava c.iiriod to !


Old News
Michigan Argus