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Arrival Of The Steamship Arage

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I ha Rtetmiship Arago, which le't IJ.iwe on iho lütli, nnd Cowls nt 11 P. M., on the Ulh inst., pnd'Cttpti Itace :it í) P. M yesterd:iy, where she was !)je'c tedby ihe newsyacht of ■' '-' Y. Absociwtfd Press. Tl;e Ai;i-;) has ií'1 passengere and üüO t;iis ii freight for íiovv York, and cebortü huving experieneed wosteriy inda n-.o{ ..,f thermsaagé. China. - It s rfe-p'orted iliat the Fettlömont üi Dügotinuona havo been dolsiyvcí nn qucstiñnH of raoney ;unl unity "! iiiidorittunding. Tha allied unny r.s mí.rcliing on Pekín, whor 8angkce linciu h;ul a I urge forcé to dofend the city. Lord Elgin wae to íuHow tbe troopa :n to 0! September. rJ'ln; army roaohed Y:::;'sin Yoli on tliu lOUi. The f.iiolies wero deèwting ni. (I oanHg(j va diSicnlt. Two ibouSHiid iioops weitj lelt ut Tien-tsin to pnttcft t Irom tlio rebels, who wre iiactive. At Clinton trade vaw obatruot fd by tte rebela. I', wns rumored in Lnndan that t lio Britih Government hnd received offlcial dispatchsü ffom China, thnt penco !v;d bcei) concludyd it Pekín by tho Eüí;!ir;li ;ni.l Frenoh nmbassadorí, but it was geiMrally belioved that govorninent would uot withfcold stich intelligeiK. and.- The 13mk of Epglund had i;!Ísl'.! ts rato of discount n conseqoenco of tho wíthdrawai f LJOO,ÜCO for tho Bank of Fianci?, riiitth was to be fnllmvud by L300.000. The squadron uith t!io Princo of Wiilos ol board had oot rcached Engluol. Tho bank of discount had been gdvanoed on Tuosday evening, and the B;;nk of France had raised it discount rate to Ah per cont. InteHigencu respooting the negotiationa ior the capitul:;tion of Gaetn is received. It is asserted it iá coroposed of a fov baKalions. II is slated thrtt Gen. Goyon considers his positi(jn as untenablo. Garibaldi has isseed a fa ruwe]] prDOhimation to his hite army, concluding bv lullina; his compatiions in arme that an t'Ttnj oí a oiüiicu of men ill bo wanted to follow birn agaio in a fresh conflict vvhii-h in likely to break out in Italy by March nest. Thosiogo workis bïforo Gafctanroao üvtly coiitinuud, and if the garrison wül not capitúlate, n general bombardmnt wül comtnence. Frnncis hud re jectod tha propoaál to evacúate the towDi on tlie b:ifcis that he oommands the troops (30,000 in number) at Gaeta, and relies on the strengtb of tbe for tr een.


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Michigan Argus