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The Attorney Qeneral and the Superintendont of Public Instruction ;:rt: at iiib tlpon a point of "luw or nó hiw." - liaeh ha published á'.l (rllilíoii, rtmt haviog read both. we must ry that tlic Superintendent hu the botter of ibo Attornej. Tho Attorney General says that section 140 of the General School Laws vras repeak-d by seetion 2 of act 247 of the session laws of 1859, and that Supervisors have no authority to levy the lax known as tho "dollar tax," oven though voted by school distiiots. The Superintendent says that section 140 has nut beun ropaled, and tho Supcrintendeut is evideutly iight, A ropealing seetion appears in the act of 1859 cited, but it appears in brackets. The repealing section so published was in the bill that passed both Houses, but in engrossing tho bill for tha siguature of the Governor, the Clcrk accidontally omittod it, and it was not in the copy signed by tho Governor, and depositod in the office of the Secretáry of State, and has no business in the published volume. If it is competent for tho Sccretary of State in publishing the statutes in book form to interpólate iuto this or that act seotions or clauses which are not found in the original copy signed by tho Governor and deposited in his office, what is the use of submitting aots to the Goveruor for his approval? Admit the correctness of the Attoruey General'a reasouing, and there is no neod for tho Governor's approval of auy act, fer any iuember of the Legislature, by conuivance with the Clerk of the branch in which a bill originates and tho committoes on enrollment, conld deprive a bill of features kuown to bo obnoxious to an Esecutivo, procure his signature, and then put in the ebnoxious seetions. This would bardly comply with the constitutiou, and common ense teaches that any section not in the enrolled copy signed by the Governor is wortbless And the Attorney's reaioning as to the repcaling proportis of section 107 is equally worthlesí. That soction only increascd the 'mili tax" to a "two mili tax" and cannot possibly repeal section 140. We apprehend that any Supervisor who has adopted the opinión of the Attorney as aw, and refused to assess the dollar tax or whütever portion of it may havo been voted, has "put his foot iu it."


Old News
Michigan Argus