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Interesting Lectures

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Mr. C. O.scaxyax, a furl.ish Annenian, and interpreter to the late Turkish embassy to this country, is antiounced r four leotures before the Students' [jecture Assdciation of our City. The irst lecture to be given on Saturduy evening, Deo. 8th, in the Congregational Church. Theso lecturas will ba upon the following subjects : [. Turkey and her Iiistitiitiunn, Poli ti cal and Social Courts unl B:iz:iars - Sublime Porte ;ind Seraglio - Lunatic AsyluiiJB nnd Mo?qi;cs - Mussulman Raligion and Wortihip, with practical illuntrutiuua, gonwilosions, and the musical chant of tlia Muezzin, &e , ha. II Oriental Men and M inncrs, with a sketch of tho "Sick M;m'! himself. III. The Woinen of tho East and their C ndition - Diimestic Institutions, and relations of tho Sexes - ín an Out-door Life - Slavery, Marriage, Divorce, &o. IV. Tho Christiuns of Turkey; or "Tho Eastorn Qnestion." ín each of theso lecturas Mr. Oscanvan will appear before bis audionce in appropriato and iüustrative costume Mr. O. comes recommcndcd by such scholars and prominent litcrary men as Irving, Bryant, Bancrot't, Tuckerman, Chapín, tlackley, J. HuSford Smith Ottoinan Consul ht New York, aud nutnorous others who liave heard his leetures and speak of thom and him in the highost terms. V think that our citizens would do well to arrunge to heatho eourse. JS3C" lJut l't;le chango has takcu place n fiuanoial matters sineo our last issue. Tlie Banks of Pbiladelphia have suspended specie paymcnt, but thosc of New York and Boston still hold out. - Western inonej ia still quotcd at about 10 per cent dtscount by banks and brokers, but with slight exceptions is tnken by our business men in the ordinary cLannels of trade - the aeven doubtful Banks of Illinois alono beiug refused. - Unless seoesLion and revolution actually takes place, wc thiuk tho worst of the money panie b over. The country is too well off to indulge in a great fiuancial panio for the benefit of stock and uaoney brokers.


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