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Taking It Cool

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-A year or inore ago our brotli'.'i1 Tv[)o3 of the Genesee Dcmocrat, ï'lhit, launclied a !iU!e? upan tlio soe oí newspupsrdom. It sailed n littlo vrliüo, and wus swamped. l'hen, K.vnkin, of the Citizen, tl'ied a duily. That, too, ia dufunct; and here are the two tear-dropa shed over the bantlings: CiT The Plint Daily City News hnn suspended jMiblicntion: "Tiie ]íaby" hns fiillon :isloep. Requiescnt in pace,- Wolccrine Ciüzen, Sept. 24, 18:")9. Anti ihc Flint Duily Ciliznn expired on 8aturdny l:ist, for wnnl of sufficiont nourislinient. Neif;hbor, bury your b.inlüng by the side of our, and let's i Dutuhrnaii's insuription te théïr rnemcry: - "Hern Wtf tico babea ns denj nu niti Got kilt 'cm both mit agee Jits." - Genesee Dcmocrat, Nou 22. ÍSP A rumor has obtíiiüed come ■ currency that Chief Justice TaNBT lias i tendered his resignation. We liope that the rumor is unfnundud ; for ve ■ foar that in that ovent, the President ! in bid exeess of good nuturo might be ondnced to appoint Caleb Cusihno or Attornoy General Black to the vruant poaiJun ; and what a fall would tliat be. KI" The latust advices from California and Oregon leavo little doubt that bolh those States havo givon thoir oleetoral vote to Lincoln, the former by :t m:ijority of about 1000, and the latter by nomo 20O. The aetiooofjo Ltine Gwin, and other politiorana of that stripe, has proved a stumbüng block to tho Democracy. E5P" Tlie Frtc Press if Wedncsday roports the loss of puveral vessels and sixty;süven ÜvevS by the storm of la-st Satnrday ard Snnday. It it pronounced the most sevore storm that has been exporienued on tbo Lafces for many yar. L3tT I? jou aro a New Yorker by birth or descfnt 'ion 't forgel to join the New Yo: k ëocietj' nud be irc(nt, at the aiMreas find dinner on Thursdiiy uext. The nddress ill Ik1 011e of Or. Tafpan's besl. the tables wi 1 be tpread ns B.bstow i Imsa know liow to do it ; and the afler dinner tona's aml 8]'et'ches wil] aid digfstioD. Wc have too few national liolidays and tlieao Society annivtr.-aries are calculated to fill up a gap. G'0 The original and inimita"' lo Prof. Gaiid.vek, the New England Ponp Slnn " wakcd up old fogtcs nnd Young America, on Tuesday afternoon by appearing in our alrects in ft cairinge, aounding a gong, and nnnour.cing a k'cture t Hiuigsterfer's Hnllihat eve nlng. His fuma had preceded him, nnd when evcning came the people carne, men, women . and children, and the larg and elegant hall was filled to overflow :ig. The Prof, gave them uch i lecture as only he can gie, ful! of wit and humor, song aDd seience and sold all his soap. The Prof. is a rjeniuï, and no mistfke, and thal his cap standa at the headofall theoleaginous comiound,s:s atteated by the Gold Medal awardcd him at the I.ondon Art Exposition, and by thi; Silver Mcdal obtai ned ftt Paris, and also by the eer" tifíente of "Old Abc," the "Rail Sputter.1' although "Mrs. Abe" insinuaros that he hila col tried its virtue suffieiently. The Prof. is making his head quarters at Detroit, and iiitends visiting our city agnin aoon.


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