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T.TJiya & BLOOT) l N F I Rpf! A RY . Fiskcr? Bhck H'ro'itcard Ave ihtroity Dn, s. a. t'AIlPK.VTKH At R AJUARO. DOCTORS gen rally pittend that Onuumption Is incurable1, becauáe they cauno t cure it thvuhclve] but this does nut mnke it true. Man mechanics willvnrks on a job all dfiy and af tor d'ii)i ntl'iin; but spoil the material tb? will t!l n it n;vL-r can be dene in the. way you wnnt t. Hut byapplyinff to a better woikman - uno who thoroughly i un iT-uniLs lila business- you will get jour work accompli-Oied in shiipc In tliiü rttfpect there is the ame (liCcrence to le founl in a!l trades ond profoasiond. ïlic bunlcrs in mpch:inihm,in the arts, in Uw, in thoolcfj, ud in phvsie, will say Buch thins c&nnc-t be done. Anl it h true that they could not beif alimón wt-re like sulvts. But íbrtunUely there is aimthtr class of men, :uul these, when they tuke your caso in hand, do the jobs s you want it, or naton you to heul tb, aoooft insto denire. We bave on!y tu icracmbsr tl ia act to uii'lerstand whj 0110 puysiciau should rncuDce that ' incurable wtfctoh anotiur can cim' . Ia raecliaüicR, we fiomvtimes tind that by a pon&esaino of suporit.r BWtltti by sume uu lavoatioD, of which hc has the solé uso, or bjr the ureakr lageoitj of his mind, one pmon will make nr do wht no uther can. Exactly it may be so in phyhic. And thia is the very rua.son why I have uca great HHQWI over all j othera in the tre.itniont of Cousumption. By haviog 1 tho original gBÍS, by possessinjr thu Meter, which Hublea me to ckarly dott rmino the nature of the dwoaseand bv haring smrh remedies fcr Comumption .t no otherPhy"sicin erwr hnA, aak taoU t( say that I have, and can elft-et a cure of this diese bey ond Iho reach of auy otliei" man. ïo prove thu to have heen the case, I might give you numbors upon number of certificatos trom men and women girm over to t!o grave, who have been rescued and restored to healtli by tho ptraovt-ring use of my rcmttdU s for Consuniption. But it id not ntc bw y for me lo do no here( for Ihe fact of oneniHri doing what another cannot cnnnot. is evident to Mi men of corarann heme. If the Couiumptive wishes fürthcr proof Iban thís, I can only Kfly, como ud satisfy yoursclf by txí 1 of my skill in the cure of your compíait Doctor Oirpcntir will visit Ypsilanti, and Ann Árbor, during 1800-ül . Ann Arbor, at Cook's Holel, 'd anl 4thof each month; Hawkins House, Ypnilanti, fith and Oih of each month. The remainder of the time, he will be found at h3 Lung Intirmaiy in iJetroit Iy77 HËAD QUÁRTERS. Tl For all kinds of f 1 COAL OIL, & FLUID I LASVSPS. JW PETSOLIÜM FLUID, W Coal Oils. Tgf Superior qu.lity, nt priccB gunr■R antying satisfíiction. Lampa fcA sltered to the above on short fcjp_ notico. :X A De FO REST. '. ,: ,-M Nov. 10, 18G0. 774tf SE VEN YEA RS. The seven yearof unrivalled succes attending the "Copmopolitan Art Association," have made it a houschold word througbout every quarter of the Coun ry, Umluí tbe au-pices of ihis popular Iustitution, ove-r three hundred thotifúnd homn have leaincd to appreciate - by btautiiul vorJu of art on tlieir walU, and choice literitureon their tab'w, the great bcneüts derivedfroin becomiuK asubñcriber. Subacriptions are njw being reccived in a ratio unpat alleled with tbat of any revious year TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any perácn can become a member by ubscribmg tXret dollars, for v.hicü sum Ihey will receive -at. - Tiie hiFgo and superb steel engraving, L0 x 38 nches, entitled, "Falstaff Mustering His Eecruita" id. - One copy, one yuar, of that elegaatly illustratod tuagazine, 'THE C03M0F0LITAN ART J0UENAL" üd - Admissicná, d uring tbebeusi n, to The Gallery of Paintíngs, 548 Broadway. In adeition to the above ben?ilts there will bo given to subscribers, as gratitutous piemium. over Five Hundred Beautitulworksof Art comprising valuablc paint'ngs, marbles, parians, outIlqcm, tc, furming a truly national 'ene0t. Thb üupkkb, whicU every 8ub8criber will eive, entitïed, uÏAUBAWt Mcstkrixg nía Khcrciis," ís oue ot tüe musí beautif ul and popular engravings over isbiied in thib Country. Jt iri done on steel, in fine lino anl stijjple, and is jTinted on heavy píate paper, oO by ü8 inches, inakfD a most choice ornament, suitable fur the wailü of eitíit-r thti libr.iry,parlor, or offict. lts subject is the celebrated scene ol' Sir John Falslaff receiving, in Justice halluw's office, i he recruita which have been jatliered for his"ragged regiment.'' It could not be furaished by the irado íor less than five dollars. The Art Journal in too xre knowu to the whole count y to need commondalioD It is a magnifict-ntiy iliustraied magaiine of Art, containing í-s.says, stories, foems. (jiossip, 'c.,by the vury bet writers in America. Th Kngravia is tent to any part of the country by rnailj with safety, being packed in a cyiinder, postage prepaid. iíubscnptions willbe received until thc Eveníng of the ülst of Januarj , 1861, at wh;ch time the booka will ;lose and tb ■ premiums be givee to sub.scribers. Noperáon is restrictedto a sinzle subicríption. Those remittingSlÓ, are enlitled to five meaiberahipa and to une extri i-ngraving for thcir trouble. iubscription; frum California, the fañadas, and all Foreign Countries, inutl be S3 50 insteadof $3, In order to doír.iy extra post age, etc. I-'oi turiJier part cu i lis himd for a copy of the elegant y illustBated Art Joitrnat, pionounced thb hasdsomet MGA2i.ji i.n America. It ..ontains Cutüloic oí iTemiums, and iiumerous tuptrb engravings Regular price, McaBU per numbtír specimen copies, huwevcr, will be sent to those wishing ío subscribe, oa receipt of 1Ö cents n slumps or coiu. Addree, C. L DERBY. Actúa y C. A A. N. B. - Subscriplions received and íorwardüd by E. W. MOR(iN, Agi-Lt for Ana Arbor and viclnity, where fípecimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. WliNES & KNIGHÏ have reived their eoond purchase of WINTER COODS, Which will be Bold at th Lowest Possible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We invite all to cali and be eatisfied that onr GOODS ARE AS GOOD AND PHICES AS LOW asean be found in tha eity. Nov. 10, 1860. 775tf JL V. JELi f JL V JcLb a rHE ftOBBCRIBEB would respectfully informs his customersan 1 the Citizens ot Ana ror geuorally that he iDtDds fctüriag a largo quantuy of Ice during the coming winter, anl would be glad to funmh all pr, Sons ubiug Icg with their 6upily linring the Sumiaer eaon. Hü is ■: tistied tlmt hc can furnish them forless íaouny tlidn th ej can üil their Ice Hou.hck. By punctualíty and i.trict ittention to tho wants of all who uuy may favur him iTiih iheir orders, thu subferiber hoi.'S toobtuln a liberoal pationage. CLEMENT K. 'UlOlH-sON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 20, 1960. 775w4 General Land AgencyT" PERíONS wanting farmii, or reiidpcreiln orneo Ann Arbr, can by oaliing ou me eleclfrozna ligt ofover 1OO Parras For Sal I Of various alüec trom 3( te 1 :30" aci eiach ;(iome ■ jrood asanyinthis Connty.) Morethan S(t DwcHiik Houses InthliClty.fromtwn ';undred tp fouithouam do - (iri 'iach : find ovr OO F.(Tir,DIVG LOT8! monrtberBrmarethe Kfshopf rarm. 1300aore :ho Potter farm, in Greei. Onk; the Plnrr farm a. j IJ I acre, íhrRluridonand Jenk fnrnn, in Wolúlur{1iSltUbri- Mlchael Clancy, Newton Beeg.n nd nPm!,el-tr.eII,rch and Hiek farm. „ 10,11; the patrie W,l,yularm in FrMdom; W. S. üayikoa B t. Baker „nd Kurk's farm lnSylvan. Moftf-i h!sc and many otliors can be divide d to nílt AnnArboj, Jan. lt. 18(s ' ts" Ayer's Agüe Curo.


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Michigan Argus