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New Time Table

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By concerted arrangement of the several Railroad linea ïc-ading from the castern cuies to the "Groat West," the Winter Time Tables were put in operntion on Monday la?t ; and Passenger Trains on the Michigan Central Railroad now leave the svvtral stations in this County, as follows : GOING WEST. Mail Ex. Kalamajno Ac. Night Ex YpslHnli, 11.35 . x. 5.50 p. m. 11.05 r. M Ana Arbor, 11.55 " " 0.15" " 11. aO " ' Dxtr, 12 35 P M 0.45 " ' Chetae, 12.4 " '■ 7.06" " GOING EAST. Night Ex. Kalamaioo Ac. Mailhx. ■Obelsoa, U.40A. X. 3,:;S r ",[ Dexter, 10 05 ■' " 3.55 " ■ Aun Arbor, 4.40 A M 10.35 " " 4.20 ' ' Tpnkntl, 5.00 " " 11.05 " i.40 " ' We can't ay that we like this arrange" ment - iu fact, with all due deferenee to the "powers that be," vx don t like. it. We suppose that it has been rendered necessury by -chedulei of tha eastern connceting lines, but we. nor "our fellow suff;rers"Hkè it nono the bet ter for that. Besides tho incemvenience of not getting our eastern mail until oue o'clock, P. M,. - a great inconveuience - the trains are o airanged that it will take two days to ,'o to Detroit and back, if a man has an3' business U do, unless he turns out of a ' wurm nest" at the unlimely hour of 4 o'clock in the morning. However, 'hereis no usl' in raultiplying words, the arrangement is made, and wo don't like, it but shnll have to bear it. J3C The fall term of the public Schools of this Cily, closed on Wednesday. At the Union School there was (in examina tioD, closÏLg wiih public rh torical exarnise- Wedneaday afternoon. The severnl Schools have been largely attended during the term. and the teachrrs generally fxpvess thcinselres well pleascd with theojiiduc; and advaneement of Ihe pupila The winter tirm will open on Mouday next, and there ought to be prompt altendance of every pupil, and (cw?r irregularities duiing the term. Ab. snci8 retard the progresa of the whole olass. L2 Wo arfl ndebted to Senator Cua.vdlee for the Report of the Senate Ccm mittee on the Harper's Feny Invasión. It is a bound volume of 256 pages, and gives the important testimony in the cuse. We are coniderably inclined to thank the Senator for the volumes of the Congreasional Globe for the last sessiun of Congrees ; and will do so when we get thoia. We want them, that's a fact. &" We havo received tha Decomber number of the Atiantic Monthty, Uw closing numbcr of volume eixih, with the following papers : The United State ond the Barbary Slatea. tíunshine. Tha Two Tongues. MidauTimerand May. Epithalamia Arthur Hallam The Coufesdion of a Medium. John Andreand Uonora Soeyd. We shall rise agnin. Tbe Profes-or's Story. A riea fur Freedom of Spech and Figures of Speech Makera. Reviews ond X-iterary Notices. Ktfcent American Pubhcatioiis. A new volume will oommenco with the January issue, and besides oontinuiog th ex" citing story of 'The Professor," it will eontain new seríala from Hnrriet Beecher Stowe, Charles Reade.and Miss Preecott.with coutributions from Longfcllow, Hawthurne, Lowell Whittier, Emerson, Bayard Taylor. anc ,. ' ,r proruiuent writer. The Atlantic h.i.j,, attained a wide popularity, a„d ,s m t , e "slill on ard V' f3 a year ; two copies j.5 . five oopics $10. Address Tick.-.oh &' 135 Washington street, Bostou. The Atlantic tai the Aeqls for $3,50 a year J53T The December number of the Loduï Rtpotittory hos reaehed our tablc. It ha a most beautiful engraving, "Benevolnce," bcsides an eicellent ,te,.] portiau of the first Mr.. JÜDSOs. lts eontents are suei as are always found iu the Repory, interest ing. instructiva, refined, pure, elevating It is just the periodicU for the fireside. A new Yolum is tooommence in Juauary, and new nd attractive features are to l.o addd. W n oommend the Repotilary to fatnere and mother. $2 a yeur. Address Poe A HiicdcocCiniiiiB-j'i, Obio.