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Ayer'sSarsaparilla A eórnj effeciual Alterativa that can be made. It U a cuneen U: so combined with other substancia oi treater alterativo power as to aliord au tivo antidote for tho djaeases Sarsnparilla is ïeputed to euro. It ïa belieri d that such a rcraedy is ■wnutsil by thoso who suffer Strumous cörnpiairits", .rad that one iiich wil] nccomplish their, pui ' must prove of immense service to this large cIhss of oiir af!lic-tod fcllöw'citizens. Ho w completely this compouiul will do it Iilis been paoyen by experiment on ïn.iny of the worst cuses to ba ibiura of the followiny complaints : - IFVLA AND ScilOFOI.Oi'3 COMPLAKTTS, ;vr. DlSEASE3, Ul.CEB3, ri.Mri.i:s, Ulotliiks, Tlmuüs, SaÍT Iïukvm, Scald IIead, Svi'inus an'd Sïphujtio ArFECTIONS, llERCüRTAt, Dl iEASE, DrOFBY, Neuralgia on Tic Doulouuedx, Dbbihtt, DïsrursjA an: Indioeshoi Iíuxsipelas, Kosn oh Sr. Antiion-v's FiifB, and indeed the -u-hole t' complaints arising Lro:n Impükity oi' IHE üil.OOU. This compound will be found a great promuter cf health, v.-hon taken ia the iprjng, to cvp-.l the foul humors which fester in the blood at season of the year. By the timcly expulsión of them many rankling disorders aro nippcd in tho bud. Multitudcí can, by tho aid of thia remedy, spare themselvcs from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, throtlgh ivhich the systom -will strive to rid itsolf of corruption.s, if not nssuted to do tliis tliroujjjjt the natural cháánels of the body by an alterativo medicine. Cleanse out the vitiatcd blood whenever you tind its löipurities burstingthrough the skin in pimples, eruptionSj or sores ; cleanse it. v.hen you llud it is ob structed and shtggish in the veins ; élèanso, it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even wlierc no particular disorder is feit, peoplo enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood hoalthy, and all is veil ; but with this pabulum of Ufo disordered, there can be no Iasting health. Sooner or later somethinj? must go wrong, aud the great machinery oL , lifo is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves mucli, tl reputation of accomplishing these ends. the world has been cgregiously deoelvcd by preparations of it, partly because the alone has not all the virtuo that is clairned for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracis of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilia, or any thing else. During late ycars the public havo been misled by largo bottlcs, pretending to give a quárt of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these havo been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Saraparilla, but often no eiti-ativo properties er. Henoe, bitter and painful disappointnient has followcd tho use of tho various extract ut' Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tho name itself is justly despiscd, and luis bccome synonymous with imposition and ehcat. Still W3 cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall reseue the name from the load of obloquy which re?ts upon it. And we think we havo ground for believing it lias virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseasesitis intendcd to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the systcm, tho remedy should be judiciou3ly taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPABED BY DB. JT. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frlce, $1 per Bottle ; Six Bottles for gj. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for tho cure of . every variety of Throat and Lung Complaiut, tliat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the i cvidenco of its virtues,-whercver it has been ! ployed. As it has long been in constant use : tliroughout this section, we nced not do more than nssurc the pcoplc its quality is kept up to tho best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for thcir relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, FOB TKE OUjIE OB Cosliveness, Jaundicc, Dyspcpsia, Indigestión, Dysentei'y, Foul Stomach, Erysipékts, Ilcadachc, Piles, Rhewnatism, Eruptiotis and Scin Discases, I.ivcr Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rkeum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Vinner Piïï, and for Pitrifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitivo can take them plcasantly, ud they are. the best aperient ia the world for allR purposes of a family physic. Prioo 25 cents per Bos ; Fivo boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen,Physicians,Stategmen, aud eminent personages, have lent their naines to certify the unparalleled usefulncss of tlieBe remedies, but our space here will not penrrit tha insertion of them. ïhe Agcnts helo-.v snned furnish gratis our Ambhicas Ai, man vc in which they aregiven; with also l'ull déscirfptions of theabove complair.ts, and the troatment that should be followodior their cure. l)o not be put oif by unprincipled dealers with othcr preparations they make more proiit on. Demand Atlh's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. AU cur remedies are for sale by MaYNAKD i:.1 by' all Druggists and Dealers everyWberd. J. BUKK1LL Traveling Agent. ; i n. ■- ■ ■ ■: ■: ít Ku ■ : ■ . alinwt Í ■ In l)eblllíy,t.ívoí ílcftíctis, Rmncat)on uyvpepgln, v.oi.stfpatlon, DtatsriboAa, i Cllorosi.:. ; i r, liuü■ ■ I muscular ■ :tl cf ■ which ]" il der credlble. . . . bccome föi rïi'iiT y t' from jiruiiactnl trnvcl na .tísínn' nal inatai ■ ' I i.f ncrvoi i ; ■ which th . miliar to □ eparátion of íro ■ ■ ■ naril.v beaalui i oW oxid - . ■ , nnd ovfr!: . . gantriepu II is tUi . maltas it envirS ■ mi il, s, i it ai-u i rit)O nctiun by ''■■ In Dïspetpia. innam rablfl Mar box of tli Cueto ] ncsê. In unrrl.eehcd DiaIïk: Pyseti ■ ■ couffh, and r-. ■ nflicate :-ptioTt, ia evcral verf grtttif ying andiutcrPr,ti:i ]n Sc.-cuntti.. tliis raodfcated Iron hhs ; ] t a 1 fac ju u-e . i. ■ . aoeír vréti knowu Hab i The al ■ ■ oooonftdaDtty InHrïLed to tnla remcdynnd reatara i i iet v,-a'iti;u-:y lirm. ín Rneumatxsm fbotbc inflammatory - En ilitj . In in terminen' . i itrom, íiil.l Un I..'; : :■ settlt menta ot' tho Vi ,.i, v. ;; imivn au.l a No remi ■ d m the holO fj n: , i. ipt, happTj 'aml ■ rativo tfffC v.i-M :!.■[, , i 6n for ;iciivf aml chl . rut up in himI Bil m#tal b -'i pïils, dHqq SO ■u-nis p r Im) eslert. Will be sont téue to artj All l!. ■■■ . ■ . . 477yl Howard Associntion, Pliiladelphia. A BmevoUnt l. for {if relief of the Stek and Dia ■ oJRict i teüh u'cu and ■'.■■■■■ líe n ■■ Qnrc of piteases of the Sgxuql Qssp-, ■ pen sertj fret t9 patten s f.' V.M.t .! i'r:iiaoirh(ieu.aBi!ut')niDig ensesol the Sexual O i llt to :iHli ■■'} i: ' ' ■ . ' l ' I II' ..vpt.ibl.-. iXSf Addivsl)it. J, Htü l.iN HOI GHTi N ' uctiiu Btnv%rd A.isoi;ititt No i3,houÜi Nuji (3 O T(T GUTTÏÏRMAN & OCTS F OU I-:' ■ just the tl. . c rigb for tbè City. Aiw lur iUo palent Braco TcpaVr.


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