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Who Are The Gossips

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'(lood üiuraiiii;-, Mrs. Siiiipkir.s." "Goi-d mjrnin, Mps, Ciowiiiiig." "A bi-:i.u;iful i isn't t ï" "DeÜgöiral ! ' 'I 'c , -. ,) i I ! ! ..:irh:l .; I would jasl run over heit), nnd havo a : litlle ciiut wiih you. 1 rnadc u itnhid f ï evtsrsuw you agivin, it wtniTd ia.u to be horo. uiiless I happuned 10 muut you HOiuewiicro' lauhed Mr.-, S. ' Nuw, Mra. rtiinpkiiis," su.:d the otn er, réprffvïngly, "you kfjöw Igote ymir höósö oftenér tfean unywherc é not fevoh bö-ii in to sö my next neighbor, Mrs. Jcvvol, ia nearly two weeks." 'vindeed ! thètl yoa hava not seen Jenniu sinee her re; urn ?" ".I huvo not, butl hear she is greatly iinprovotl." 'Inipi oved ! Wby, Mrs. Browning, you ought to soe her put on airs. It is perlóttly udicrous." "You havo seon her then V' "No, but Marthit Jane It is reully amusing to heur hor duserbe hor cali Martha Jaue is rather wit tv, ytiU koow, and can set on anything of that kind perfectly." "Docidctlly so. But dlJ uot Junnie treat lier well ?,' '■O, well unougli, as to tha'., but she w3&9 juöt iVoin the city, ane thought. I supposc, she must set herself up on that account. It is so ridiculous i;i Her. I presume Mr. Öiinpkius is j!JÍte as able to i-end bis daugnier to a city boarding-sehool, attd dress her witliin BU iiiuii of her lii'e, as Mr Jewul is, - bit Mr Simpkitw iopayhs dekts irst," saia Mrs. & sigruíioandy. "I have heard;" said . : ■ ■ f; but ees) Uilkutive Irs Browning, ''.hut Mr. Jawel is considerable in debt," "Law! I guess íiü is, Beteenyou and me, Mrs. Browning, I think it would be imich inore hoaoriible in hiin to iKiv Mr. Simpkin.s he owia iii:n, beíbre ho laya out, quite .so ujwab íuhis dUffhtr Howuver, í ulivavs make it a point to suy nothing about noy husbainTs afi&wrs." 'Was thut not .lrs, Bntterfield thut just passed?" said Mxs, 13rovüin, pushing uB.ide the curtain. "Yus, I bülievo it was,- protiy, isn't she ?:' ''Verv pretty, but the looks car,{ worn." " Well, I don't wonder, if stories are trae." said the Rvmpathizing Mis. S. '■I suppöse shy has very lui'e ertjoyment. - tbose otoildrea to take cave f, and does her own hoilfe. work bésides. i shou'.d think with aa largo nsalary as Blter JLutttrñe!d goia, - faar hundred doilare, - hu mightaf'ord to iiire a girl " 'I have heani," replied Mrs. B., th:it she preters doing lier own work bcin subject to IB liiiuoyaiicu of eeping a hii'eJ sbrwatít." "Tiuit is what their chmrch try to Kike out, but in my opinión, tlieio are ew ladieB who yrefr to cío tiieir own oik when .hoy aan get help; though ley inay make a virtuu oi oenessity. ?or my part, I pi:ty hei-, puor aoul. ;ey aáv he is really unkind to her, oo II is Btlüh a píty that a man t ü der BuUertield's EÍeot, :m one tliat night do so ratwih goo.l 1 BJs saered iiiTiiighimldsii. s u;') .tu ;x:t:ïi;)lü in is ,iiv:i.j lite. Ilowèver, I know liirn mly by reptituticrn, aud whut I heur tm'y not be tnie. Thero uro soino peo i)e, yon know, Uiat musí talk. Deal rnuws thort; uro j-osips anough in thi ewn. I diwi't preterid to btíliovo oacialf I hear. JDo you know, Mrs. Browning-; thoy havouhnost had M;;rh:i Juno married wo or Lüroe times it is so pruvoking Uiat a young lady oannot receive a öall írom a gentleman jut il is construed inlo so'.nothing por tentoua by tho gpssips '.' -Yea," replied Mrs. B., '-iu these little country villajes there it any amount of gossip going on. I am v;;ry anxi ma Mr. Browning should seil oui and return to the city. Thuro oqe oe;ed obt Kbo one'ti nesL door Qeighbor." "Verv trut;,'' said Mrs. S., rising to ga Bot befoice she oould take her U-avo. auother tbeme tor her busy ia m-esented itself. "There goea Miss (iranger,'' said she, pauQg on .,;(. "Foor u' Ipity her!' 'Pit her, by ?" ' liavn't yo i iieani. Mrs. Browning ? l'iin .Mcb'arlain lia.s juft her, aud slic is t orazy. '■L t posaible ! I shoulcl not mistrust it by her looks. Besidos, I have tieard that it was she vihq brake tho engagement' '' 'fiat is not so. lieara all about it frurn several sources t and Marlhu Jane was m there ubout tho Uinu he lelt, and Miss ÖWfJgor was wying tierself abnost lo dealh. It uiiisi have oeun about tbut. )uld it havo beau ? bo is tno proud let [)eop!e know how she ieefe. j iut I guasa it she bnew hun as vvell as ] ' do, sho vvould thauk her stars that ! hu wa iaidy rid of him. But, mt-rey! i must go." Grood moruiug." Mw.j k (Jisappars arouud the cocoer. and VIrs. B. withio acor. Thus endoth the easoo. W% are the gip ? A11 havo roachcd the agc of skuueu ■eurs ean testiiy to the tact that tliere a siich ii class i 11 existcneu, and yet a argur luajoi'ity oi' lieiu wnuld bo struck vith aniuüüiueut aud indigüation heir names uoon the lis; The dear, nnooent souls uover dre.iai tuut the iaoruit that they tuUo iu thu affuirs of heir ncighbors resulta frcyi) ouglit else han pare devotion to'the'welfaréof uiumnity, Tliero is maoy a Mnj. Simpkiüs in tw world,- aye, and Mr. Simpkios, and Messrs. Siinpiunn. Jr., wboj for the want ot somuthing else to rUöot ubout the step:, oí shops and stores, comment upon the style of tha ladiea' drena, os on t-ha size of Irt teet, it they linppun to Uit their sliirts to oross a gutcer, ot avoid the pools of tobacco juice with which thesu gentlemen oí ease adoru thu sidewalks. They witness every arrival in town, and depurture Tfcey know wlint ladiea i ceivo omIIs, and '.vlmt ones do uot. Thoy know whfiO Mrs. Jenkins gets a new silk dress, jast bow inuch it coat, tmd il Mr. Jüiikii'is is ible to p iv for it. I'hey iciia.v, 10 a minuto, the tima Miss Mary Jijnkins expeota to bumiinj Mra. Jyhn éfhitbj ifld all tba ptuücuUra p] wöddiog, at lenst B tnon,ili befprla i tafee placo. Alter etoiiug their minda vvith as rouon vuluuLlo hitormaüou us their soft or.niuin.i wUl ooüLuin, talkin;:: it over Mnog tiawiwelve, ooraj Detea, and espresiug tbo'ir br;li'au, i ideas, ttaey g' home and retail it to as iiad . ; ■ ■■■ Futura uso. üh '. i ■- ' ■ not worl; vi fof jrbVi al .' Ai-ii at som'ethin ' than f i f t{ieè:insóquëhoea of yourídfe Iffe, - hów t dogradeá yonr mvn moral á't yu do 7hen you thi'ow :i sl):df',v upnn ti i i h.T di the belM ■ tedni, - think you do wheu voii í : fforil 'ínentl, inti'ii;Ü!i:,'' y-ur abhAly ])iv:md p'.iiio:i)us bi'tiíiüi "where : darj not tréad " 'í'Im same (Ion who s;i 1 "thou shull du no murdu!, ' alio sait), "thou whalt lovo tliy neigliUor as tli vdulf." Tbinlc you not you ai 'íreasaing up vvrath?" Guard well oaeh hb own íirusido, - you know not what oneiny rnuy bd l:iyngsnuro& íbr yon or youra "liad your own busiik:S.;," is a honii ■, but it can; ■- with it a valuable nieaningi Carry ogi ití iustructions, and allow othsrs to do the samo, and your héarts will bo jighter, your slep sweetef, youroonciënêe more atoase. Thero will bu leasHtrife leas contcnsion, le=;s lioart-blcodmg, fess sighing iti a world whoro is sorrow or.miiíh :it :


Old News
Michigan Argus