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Harry Foster

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Hárry Foster is a bright eyed lad fourtcen yeafa ót ago. He lias a pie faee, a íair high brow, shaded by glosay ringlets oí' liair, and bis genial way made hiin a ge;ioral favorita avuong his boy coinpaiiiona. lie is uoble-hearted too, as yon wül soon see. wintry Suaday morning, Hsrry was stu-udhüí with some oí' tíie piimgü Iada upo1.] the steps of the churoh ïhere had boen au ''ico storm" the day nefore. but tho sun was shining brightly, aud the pine and chesnut trees that now fiïnged the I lanks of the frozon river, were laden and drooping with suow pearls and sparkhng ioo diamonds. The path that led to the clmioh was glassy with ice, and the boys seemed highly ainused with t!ie ineonstant motious and iuvoluutary gestures of the iew persons Sfho had tho courage to venture forth. l'If there isn't Goody Green," said ono, "uow there will be t'un!" Goody Green was a very ol.l lady. - Her face was witliered and vmuklud, her eyes deeply snnken, and besidès benig hump-b'ackecT, her forra was bent by age and ït-eblencss. Yet she was esteemed and respeetcd by thoso who kur.v her, tbr her kiuducss of heart and trus ttuaf feeted piety. The old lady was atterapting with the aid of a rade staff, to mako lier way up the i -y patli to the churcli but her fept were slidiug baokvvai'ds, she could uctiier walk nor t-.tand aud she was looki ,g aroand in ut ter and treinbliug hulplessness. ''Train's started!" cxolaiuud one of the boys. "Olear the trackl Lot her slidü!" alaimed otters. "For shame boy.s!" said ILtrry Poster. and darting frofu lus plateo amoiíg the groiipj ha oLtered 6be ola l.itly lik ana with iiis Bfual graeeftü gflltrj and sapparted hor ü-oiubliig fora to a pafo footing of the ohurch. aiik you,'1 said siie, "tlïank you a 'tv'sl I imvèi i y you for this deed, but God wiil swtmfoid" Tho last Wil of tlic bell was dyi.i.; air, and tho boys b ïao thorougjilj isliamud of their uumanty to their places in tía állery; Harry wnlkcd in and took hia place 'in bis mother's pcw; aud as I sa,w his faoe glowing with honqst pride, I o.tuld np't forbearlool ara to Harry's inanhóbá I hope t!ie geuuine nobleneaa inlieront i tho boy wiil bo fuüy i. Uur ooantry wal necd si vam who -o iniiiu, wh.) are stroi'.g, active and iifluential, self-denyi i ;d who make the woi-L' beüer ly iivino; in it Such tire our hopo3 ot' Uarry Fotiter. fT 'Why, yu riscal,' swl Bft&chffe, the great physioiau, to a pavor, wlio iauDtíd hi:n, 'do y ou intowl to be paid Ebr suoh a pioce of work? VVh.y, you hae spoiled my paveineiit, and then oovercd i't over with cardi to hide jour work.' 'Doctor,' said the paver, ■'mine is not tlie onlj bad work the eurfh hides.' 'You dog, you,' said Il;doliflb, 'you are & wit. You must ba poor; co:ae in. and you. shall be p;iid.'


Old News
Michigan Argus